Feb 282016

In politics it is said, that when not fueled by hope there is a vacuum for fear to fill. Since artists turn to the muses, Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope we are exploring what they can offer us for inspiration to have the hope fueling politics.

“What is Hope? a star that gleaming                   forgotten-muses-1226788
O'er the future's troubled sky,
Struggles, tremulously beaming,
To reveal what there may lie.”

~R.A.P., "Hope," in Southern Literary Messenger, December 1840

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.” ~Anne Lamott

Let us first turn to Ourania (celestial-hat tip Joanne):
Space shuttle engineer who carried guilt of explosion 30 years finds relief via NPR public outpour (text and video-hanky alert)

Gives me a bit more hope, how about you?


Now to Clio (history):
WFP's Field Lessons Reach Chicago Classrooms (text and video)

These young people give me hope, how about you?

And more history with Clio:
Justin Trudeau is marching in a pride parade. Yeah, it's a big deal.

Sometimes history deserves celebration, what do you think?


And then to Thalia (agriculture video clip):
Addressing Climate Change Together

Sounds promising to me, how about you?


On to Terpsichore (education):
New Center Targets Baltimore City School Dropouts (video)

Helps me find hope in younger people as they get hope, how about you?


On to Erato (love and a hanky alert):
Her baby has trisomy 18. She reminds us to enjoy every moment of parenthood.

Finally, would Terpsichore (dance) claim this one?

or maybe only on Sadie Hawkins Day in a Leap Year?

Thank you dear reader for joining me on this journey of discovery and quest for hope.


  5 Responses to “Monday Morning Musings February 29, 2016”

  1. Ourania – Yes, I cried – and when I could see again, forwarded it to you.  But I imagine everyone here knows something about burdens of guilt.  I suspenct most are unwarranted, for I have observed that people who genuinely have something to feel guilty over – don't.

    Clio β – Justin Trudeau goves me hope.  You know, I think I really don't mind having to pinch myself and keep repeating "This guy (gal) isn't perfect – don't expect perfection – not just that you'll be disappointed, but it could hurt him (her)."

    Erato – What courage and selflessness.  I can't help thinking it wasn't that long ago when it was pretty much routine for half of all children not to make it to adulthood.  How amazing they all were – and how amazing Heather and Nathan are.

  2. Ourania: This man's grief is so painful, so physical, so heartbreaking!   I believe that most have guilt over something, in our lives. I am relieved that he has left his guilt by the wayside, but also glad that ''NASA today not only has the Office of Safety and Mission Assurance but also has independent advisory boards to help ensure we minimize what spaceflight risks we can.“ What a compelling story!

    Clio: What an interesting and much needed class(es)! Bringing awareness to hunger, poverty and climate changes to the next generation is vital, imho. Way to Go, Chicago!

    Clio2: This is wonderful !! Leading by example to embrace ALL peoples, no matter who they are.

    Terpsichore: This is a much needed educational center that would encourage students to finish HS, and continue towards their higher education. All staff/administrators country wide, could implement the professional development modules to not only encourage those students in need, but also bring awareness for the many students who may need assistance to enroll in a program like this, depending on their criteria. Our students would certainly benefit from this, as well as the teachers. Great article, passing this on to others.

    Erato: Aww…Every moment is so precious for this family, and for this beautiful little one! I wish them well.

    Terpsichore: Wish I had all that energy!! Cute!

    Thank you, JL for your Musings this morning.

  3. Ourania: Isn't it sad that a man who, with colleagues, had tried to stop the Explorer from launching walks goes through life burdened with guilt while the people who should feel guilty because they overruled their warning, keep quiet. A very sad story that finally has a "somewhat happy"ending so near the end of Bob Ebeling's life. I'm so glad he got it off his chest in time to take that guilt and lay it where it belongs: NASA officials and Thiokol executives.

    Clio1: "Our main focus is to teach students to have a sense of international-mindedness." Now that gives ME hope.

    Clio2: Justin Trudeau is an exceptional role model. I wish there were more leaders like him.

    Thalia: Hope-giving initiative indeed.

    Terpsichore: If young people lose hope and drop out of school due to circumstances beyond their control, hope for a large part of a generation is lost. This initiative doesn't focus only on school attendance and credit points, but on all those barriers that stop kids from going to school in the first place and takes these away where it can or helps them overcome them. By doing so many kids will be able to attend school again and finsh their education. Kudos.

    Thanks for our weekly dose of hope, Judi!

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