GOP Supports KKK Again

 Posted by at 10:52 am  Politics
Feb 202016

The Republican party has made it possible for all manner of racists, bigots, homophobes, and misogynists to come out of hiding, because their hatred is now socially acceptable within Republican circles.  But not everything they do is out in the open.  Here a Georgia lawmaker is cleverly hiding KKK support in a bill designed to legalize discrimination against LGBT folks.


Prior to the Georgia State Senate passing a “religious freedom” bill designed to offer protections to people who oppose same-sex marriage, a black lawmaker was stunned when one of the authors behind the bill blithely dismissed the fact that it would also protect the Ku Klux Klan.

The Georgia First Amendment Defense Act was sponsored by GOP Sen. Greg Kirk, who was asked on the floor of the senate by black State Senator Emanuel Jones, if he understood the implications of the bill he authored.

“We’re all familiar with the terms KKK, meaning the hate organization Ku Klux Klan,” Jones asked Kirk.

“I’ve read about them, yes,” Kirk responded.

“Some of my heritage have done a lot more than just read about them,” Jones bluntly stated. “My concern is, couldn’t that organization — if they chose to do —  so identify themselves as ‘faith based’?,” Jones asked, referring to the hate group which has a history of calling itself faith-based… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>


It wouldn’t surprise me if the racist GA Republican homophobe, so blasé about supporting the KKK, is a member himself.


  15 Responses to “GOP Supports KKK Again”

  1. I'm sure that the good senator Kirk was well aquainted with the KKK. They are probably hand in hand in writing the bill!

  2. I don't doubt for one moment that Greg Kirk knew exactly what Emanuel Jones was pussy footing around, his awkward reference to a black panther salute at the Super Bowl says as much. Kirk is also more familiar with the KKK than just the book knowledge he claims. But most of all, I find it very disturbing that Georgia's Senate passed a bill at all that actually allows groups to discriminate against LGBT people as long as they say it is based on their religious convictions and call it a "religious freedom" bill as an excuse to force others to live the way they want them to live. And in case of the KKK, to die, as they want them to of course. Your regression to the Middle Ages is accelerating, America.

    • Middle Ages?  Damn, I thought they were past that and entering the Dark Ages! . . . well at least when it comes to this Republican claptrap!

      • Another cultural difference, Lynn. We call the Middle Ages, "the Dark Middle Ages", so for us these are the same.

  3. Wow…this is unbelievable…and the Bill passed too! WTH?? ugh!

  4. À la Kim Davis, I think it’d be great if only Quakers worked in the Gun Permit Dept., and Amish folks at the DMVs.

    THEN let’s see how wild the wingnuts are about “religious freedom” when they want to get a gun permit or driver’s license, and the Quakers and Amish say, “Sorry – with that ‘religious freedom’ rule you like so much, you’re out of luck today … tomorrow … and FOREVER.”

  5. Friends of mine, white ones,  spent a month in Georgia, some years ago, looking for a possible place to which to relocate to in the event of another Katrina/Rita hurricane punch, living on the west coast of Florida, as they do.  

    Their response was to run back, rather as fast as they could, after smelling the hate culture of the state, giving up the idea.

  6. Glad Jones brought it out in the open.  Should mean struck down in court.

  7. It may well get struck down in court, if it needs to, if it gets to a court high enough to understand the constitution.  There won't be one in Georgia unless it is a Federal District Court; I don't know where all of them are.

    I know I've shared this before but it's still so right (and unfortunately I still don't have a source):

    How To Tell If Your Religious Liberties Are Being Violated

    -Your Religious Liberties ARE Being Violated If:
    *-You are not allowed to attend a religious service of your choice.
    *-You are not allowed to legally marry the person you love.
    *-You are being forced to use birth control even if it is against your religion.
    *-You are not allowed to pray privately in your home or a public place.
    *-You are not allowed to read, possess or purchace religious books and materials.
    *-You are not allowed to teach the tenets of your faith to your children at home.

    -Your Religious Liberties are NOT Being Violated If:
    *-Others are allowed to attend a religious service of their choice, or not at all.
    *-Someone else is allowed to legally marry the person they love no matter what your religion says.
    *-You are unable to prevent others from using birth control.
    *-You are not allowed to force others to pray publicly.
    *-Others are allowed access to books, movies and websites that you don't like.
    *-Public schools are teaching science in science classes instead of your religion.

    • Thanks for this, Joanne.  I am going to share it on Facebook.  Another one I read lately says "So, you want religion taught in schools!  Which religion, yours or someone else's?

    • Thanks from me, too, Joanne….I like this so much I've saved it and can't wait until some sniveling person announces I'm ''stepping'' on his/her religious liberties.

  8. Of course he knew what the KKK was and that this bill would benefit them.  Our new Kentucky governor has all ready said he wants a religious bill passed here, so far the House is still controlled by Democrats, I hope it stays that way.

  9. GOP Supports KKK Again?  I believe it should read: GOP Supports KKK Still!

    I guess if unfounded hate (not that there is such a thing as founded hate) is a religion, then I suppose the KKK is a religious organisation, just like the Westboro Baptist Church.

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