Jan 152016

Given how tired I was, and the absence of the slightest possibility that anything worthwhile could be sais, I took the only sane approach to dealing with last night’s Republican Clown Car Destruction Derby.  I never even turned it on.  Fortunately, others did, and they are sharing some of the lowlights. 

ChristiePigThursday night Fox Business hosted another GOP debate where they teed up softballs and acted as though what was good for the stock market and the Fortune 500 was automatically good for the average American. Indeed, it's no surprise long-time Wall Street hack and debate moderator Maria Bartiromo would play right into the Republicans wheelhouse of low taxes and trickle-down ideas, but despite this friendly environment the Republican candidates still managed unleash to some serious whoppers.

Here were the most naked and shameless:…

Christie doubles down on his claim that he did not support Planned Parenthood

But he did. There is a 1994 article where he claimed he "I support Planned Parenthood privately with my personal contribution and that should be the goal of any such agency, to find private donations. It's also no secret that I am pro-choice (..). But you have to examine all the agencies needing county donations and prioritize them. I would consider all groups looking for funding, but there is a limit and we have to pick and choose." Christie has been insisting he pledged no such support but the article is quite clear: either he was misquoted or is now lying…

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If I had to guess, I’d say PIGnocchio was lying on both occasions.  It’s most likely that he falsely claimed to support Planned Parenthood, because he needed Democratic votes, and now he’s lying, because the Republican Reich objects to the claim.  As far as this Presidential campaign is concerned,PIGnocchio’s fat is in the fire.

This is the seventh of seven,  Click through for more Republican Clown Car Destruction Derby lies.


  12 Responses to “Worst Clown Car Destruction Derby Lies”

  1. 1.  Besides the numbers, wouldn't you like to see just how strong and powerful Hairball would be after crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a rowboat with no snacks?

    2.  Christie is in here more than once.  Too bad.  I always wunce for the poor insulted pigs when his name comes up.

    3.  I know who I believe (hint: not Rubio).

    4.  Oh, sure, anyone can get a low cost personal loan, use it for one's campaign, and then claim to have self funded.  Yeah.  Right.

    5.  Christie again.  Gag.

    6.  Cruz again.  Gag.

    7.  Christie again.  Come on, Adam, there must be more liars than that out there.

  2. Interesting how all 7 relate to outright lies and moral and ethical lapses, some pushing into legal violations, and most not related to anything policy.  I didn't watch either–was still helping someone when it began which seemed a better use of my time.

  3. Christie is a lying buffoon, who is a poster boy for "When do politicians lie? When their lips are moving!"  I'm glad to see that his support remains minimal, even among the bozos of the right.

    Cruz- "Gag" sounds good to me.

    I did not watch the idiocy, but on the news I did see Hairy Rump and Tedthing exchange some words abot the VP position: HR said regarding the nomination, that "If this does not work, I'll go back to building buildings."  Wow, what a commited public servant!  No wonder he wants to be the president!  I am hoping that the meaning I gleaned from that comment seeps into what passes for brains on the right, and they realize that he is just in "this" for his ego!


  4. Anyone who was able to watch this DEBACLE has more ''huevos'' than I do!

  5. I didn't watch it either, but reading the article it appears Christie outdid the rest of them with his lies.

    Still having trouble with Care 2,  have reported the problems, but received no answers.

  6. Christie and Cruz really stepped in it with multiple lies each.  Of course Trump and Rubio had to chirp in too.  I am surprised that Trump did not have more whoppers than Burger King!

    They are all a bunch of Republicans doing what Republicans do so well because they have so much practice — lying!

  7. Amen to all!!  Hugs!!

  8. I think your analysis is spot on, TomCat, PIGnocchio is lying on both accounts. And like any habitual liar he's losing track of his lies.

  9. Love the pig's nose on Christie, however, 'tis an insult to our dear pigs.

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