Jan 142016

Yesterday, after groceries came, I made five more suppers ns now have 12 meals prepared and frozen.  This afternoon I have a building community meeting.  I’m feeling very tired, so please pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:17 (average 6:36).  To do it, click hereHow did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Sometimes a small change in language can reveal an obvious truth.

As I have written about elsewhere, done interviews about, and discussed more generally, if the Bundy Brigands who are engaged in an armed "standoff" in Oregon were "Muslims" or people of color–especially African-Americans–they would at worst be dead by now or at the very least in jail.

The Bundy Brigands have begun to amplify their noxious, aggressive, and threatening behavior towards local authorities and residents who live in the area around Burns, Oregon.

I have made a small change in the language of a recent report from CNN about the Bundy Brigands in order to highlight how the double standard for white, right-wing, domestic terrorists enables their bad behavior and insulates them from consequences, i.e. what conservatives like to call "personal responsibility".

The author is spot-on. If Y’all Qaeda were black they’d be dead.

From PRWatch: Justice Samuel Alito has been scouring the land looking for a case to make his mark on history.

Could he find a way to hold a big bank accountable for ripping off millions of consumers? Could he interpret intellectual property law to give more desperately ill people access to essential medicines? Could he hold a chemical company to account for poisoning people and hiding it for decades?

No. Alito apparently decided to make his mark by helping a massive right-wing funding machine crush wages for teachers, nurses, firefighters, cops and prison guards.

The case is Friederichs vs. California Teachers Association will be heard on Monday at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Click through for more details of what could be Scalito’s legacy in the ongoing case, SCROTUS v. Constitution.

From NY Times: There is no longer any question that Gov. Matt Bevin of Kentucky plans to shut down the health insurance exchange his state built to enroll residents for coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Now that he has notified the Obama administration of his intention to do so, the question is, will it change the law’s substantial impact there?

It is hard to predict, partly because what Mr. Bevin is doing is without precedent. While a few states have been forced to largely rely on the federally run exchange after their own versions failed, Kentucky will be the first to abandon a homegrown exchange that functions well.

Condolences to the residents of Kentucky. On the other hand, they did this to themselves.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–1/14/2016”

  1. 5:14 (6:36)  Glad to see that others also felt it was tough – based on the average.

    I managed to get groceries, though not all I wanted (or needed), so will have to muster up some more strength somehow.

    DKos – I did read this, I agreed with every word, and I find it incredibly shameful.

    PRW – Maybe they can stigmatize him as being anti-cop then, and take some of the heat off of those of us who just want police to be accountable for their actions  Right.  When pigs fly.

    NY Times – Edie can probably keep us updated (at least here, even if Care2 doesn't improve much).  I do feel for her and all (sane) Kentuckians.

    Cartoon – Mixed feelings here – I personally DON'T want them.  for anything.  Except maybe gone.

  2. 4:20  I have a few hangups, but not this many.

  3. PRW: Here we are, still suffering from Reagan's idoicy!  Keep the damned GOPigs out of office! Can you imagine the type of barely human that a Pres. Rump would nominate for SCOTUS???!!!

    The situation in Oregon sems to be deteriorating, and im afraid that someone is going to get shot soon, and then….!


  4. DK–shame is too mild a word for what moral people should feel

    PRW-is Alioto's goal to take credit for the largest single increase in income inequality anyone can claim?

    NYT- the balance may be LA having moved to do the Medicaid expansion at the same time as the KY abandonment of its people

    Somehow it reminds me of bounty hunter posters of "Wanted Dead or Alive"


  5. Daily Kos:  Yes, if it were Black Muslims there would be terror all over the country and they would probably all have been killed by now.

    PR Watch:  Yet another ploy to destroy unions.  We get tv channels from West Virginia.  Tonight we saw an ad from the WV Chamber of Commerce explaining how important it was for WV to pass a Right To Work law.  They made it sound great.  We all know that is a clever way to get rid of unions.

    NY Times:  This is one Kentuckian who did not do this to herself.  Thank goodness I have Medicare, at least for now.  Conway ran a poor campaign because he was so sure he would be elected.  Now those of us with a modicum of sense will be punished.

    Cartoon:  At the very least!

  6. Thanks all!  Hugs!

  7. Just trying to keep from falling too far behind and killing some time before boarding. Comments have to wait until Monday.

  8. Another wait in transit, so still backlogging to keep you numbers up, TomCat.

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