Dec 282015

I’m waiting for my new (used) desk to be delivered.  I contracted for the installers to transfer the contents from the old to the new.  It is to make space to live as an amputee.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:23 (average 5:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Contrary to Republican lies, the pledge, as we know it today,  was NOT established by our founding fathers.  It was composed in 1892 and expanded in 1923.  “Under God” was not added until 1954.


  11 Responses to “Personal Update–12/28/2015”

  1. The delivery of your new desktop should go fairly smooth with the transfer of contents from old to new. Keep on eye on the movers and instruct them on what goes where. They will, most likely, be on time pending weather. Enjoy the rest of your day after all is done, change of desktops, reorganizing and finalizing your desktop setup once the movers have left. 

    Weather around the country has been very unusual! First tornado ever recorded in Michigan + record heat wave in NY city.  

  2. 6:09  Wings flapping too fast for me.

    You probably are already well aware of this – but, if you have one or more portable hard drives, be sure they unplug them all and then plug them in in the right order.  Otherwise you will be changing your drive letters – not that that is difficult, but it's annoying, especially if you need to run down the alphabet to make space for the first one and end up renaming multiple times to get them right.

    Cartoon – That's just about how old I was when they did that.  So, Congess couldn't be bothered to recognize it until "Under God" was added.  What a crock.  I was brought up to believe that real Christians were, or should be, the biggest supporters of secular government.  Iy's a battle that was fought in 1792 and should not have to be re-fought every day now – yet it does.  I think we should go back to the 1892 version of the pledge if we are going to keep it at all, since that was written bu a Socialist [Francis Bellamy].

  3. Well, TC! A new desk! That should be a lot of fun. Hope all goes WELL! Some things are just a bother. Then again, when you gotta, you gotta. 

    Love the cartoon. They act like Moses brought it down from the mountain, don't they?

  4. Glad the desk meeting your specs was so easy to find!  May it all go smooth.

  5. 3:24  Am I flying fast enough to stay in front?  (Hint:  I doubt it!)

    • 3:10  I ducked the buckshot that was most certainly flying when I came in for the landing!

      Cartoon — Coming from a country without a pledge of allegiance other than that used for federal politicians and new Canadians, I really see no point in it, and I certainly see the addition of "Under God" as being unconstitutional (separation of church and state).  Those words were added during the McCarthy era and were a reaction to the threat of the godless communists.  The Pledge of Allegiance, memorised and said daily by school children, has likely lost its true import to people because it is recited so often.  People, in general, become drones in its recitation, not unlike too many Christians who say The Lord's Prayer.

      You'll have to take a photo of the new cat box once you've got things the way you want them . . . maybe even decorated for the New Year's celebration.  I hope the transition goes smoothly!

  6. Good News about your desk arriving.

    Take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  7. I hope all went well today.  Glad you found the right desk.  As for the cartoon, they should not have added the phrase, but they did.  There has been too much hoopla about it.  This is the same as the outcry over "Happy Holidays".  People should be more worried about the number of killings each day in our own country, both by ordinary citizens and by our police.

  8. Hope the desk swap worked out for you and that you had "condensed"all your stuff on/in the old dek enough to fit in the smaller one.If all went well you should have a little more room to move about again, which is terribly important for your wellbeing.

  9. well congrats on the shiny new, kinda used desk . if you picked it and checked it all out i would see no great problems for you , TC . well i hope not . be well now !

  10. The "Under God" was added, not so much as a statement about our supposed, fucking piousness, but at Pres.Eisenhowr's urging, simply to underline our distance from the godless communists of the USSR.

    Good luck with your new, old desk…all part of getting back to "normal," I suppose.

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