Funny Friday Fotos

 Posted by at 7:30 am  Politics
Nov 202015

Nameless is otherwise occupied today (prayers welcome) and let us know he wouldn't be up to his usual Friday Fun post, so I offer this humble choice from Upworthy to help end your week on a lighter note.

Family photographer Danielle Guenther gets the struggle that is parenting.



  12 Responses to “Funny Friday Fotos”

  1. I probably have no right to comment, never having been a parent – but – um – ya know – um – this is – um – kind of – er – WHY.

    Thanks for the giggles!

  2. You are welcome Joanne!

  3. Back in my day, (40 years ago), it seemed hectic with two babies (15 months apart). Obviously, being young helps having stamina. Sure, I had to juggle cloth diapers, washing every day, praying the dryer worked, and hoping the car would crank over, bathtimes, bedtime, and cuddling a crying child/baby, (all the while spouse was on deployment(s). I loved every minute of it. I wouldn't trade those memories for the world. I relate to #2, as I did that…;-)

    Nameless, you are in my prayers, and Thank you, JL for post.

  4. Sending prayers and good thoughts to Nameless.

    I shared the story with my husbad and told him that 13 would push some buttons. He worked at Walmart for a while after being laid off from his previous job. His main project was stocking the ceral aisle.

  5. Best wishes from here, Nameless. I hope the operation is a success and you're back behind a keyboard soon, painfree and well rested.

    Thanks for taking over Nameless' Friday Fun Post, TomCat.

    I've never been a parent myself, but in my teens I was in great demand as a babysitter for all ages, and the photos did bring back some memories. Let me say I can "get" most of the pictures from a parent's point of view. The supermarket and restaurant experiences are available to us all, in that the innocent bystanders suffer at least as much as the parents. Thanks for a good start of the weekend!

  6. Thanks for stepping in & helping out, Judi!

    Posted a note WRT surgery  in Open Thread  but I think it went well.  How it ends up will have to wait a few months.

    These photos might help w/ population control!

  7. Thanks for the funny fotos segment.  I am long past the parenting stage, but I have a six year old granddaughter and I think her parents have been through all of these situations.  I shared the photos with them. 

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