Nov 062015

Early this morning my 10 year old laptop died.  I'm not surprised.  I got my monry's worth. I fed the poor thing too many stories about Republicans.  I lost all the software I use day to day.  Setting up my 5 email accounts took all night.  My graphics snd blogging software are all on my home PC.

I will be scarce until I clean up this mess.  ARGH!


  15 Responses to “ARGH!!! – 11/5/2015”

  1. ARGH! should actually ber AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

    What can I say but "Been there, done that, got the t-shirt".

    All I can say is GOOD LUCK with a speedy recovery!

  2. Oh no!  I, too, can empathize.  We'll understand relative silence and keep your back on keeping PP going in the meantime.

  3. Had it for lunch here too.  OK, back to work.

  4. Erk Hope you get it all set back up soon but ANYTIME is a good time for a cold bud πŸ™‚

  5. Surprised that any laptop lasted 10 years. Yes, you certainly got your monies  worth.

    In other news but a very important one: The TPP!

    Full Text of TPP Trade Deal Revealed — and Critics Say It’s Even Worse Than They Thought




  6. Rachel Maddow – TONIGHT Nov 6, 2015

    The First in the South Democratic Candidates Forum is fast approaching. Rachel Maddow will be moderating that on Friday, 11/6, from 8-10 p.m. ET.


  7.  Sorry to read about your laptop.

    Mine isn't as old as yours, but mine went loco yesterday, it kept getting ads, and videos out of nowhere. I 'recovered' I think, but there is one that is still on here, and I don't know how to get rid of it. 

    Hope that you get things straightened out. Take care, TC.

    Thanks, Joanne and Jim for the info, and JL for posting.

  8. Nothing worse than the laptop taking a dump on ya!!! But 10 years is unheard of!!! I wish my son could get that much out of one! Seems we have to replace his every two years! You know how "kids" are on machines! They don't last long!

    Hope you are up and about soon, TC! I miss your reports on the TeapublicanTs and your team on the FF!!

    Take good care oyourself!!!lf

  9. my 7 year old laptop is dying daily……10 years is impressive

  10. What brand lasted ten years?  I want one!  Looking forward to having you back.  We miss you.

  11. Sounds all too familiar, so I commiserate with you, TomCat. I had my pre-loved laptop die on me when I was Down Under and nothing could revive it. What are you using in the meantime, a tablet? I hope not, because they're OK to browse with and give a quick reply, but they're hopeless to work (edit etc.) with, even if you have a keyboard attached.

    Keep your self-composure, TomCat, you still need some healing to do, you know. The best of luck with the data transfer, and your own, going back to Vibra.

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