Oct 232015

Let’s begin by stipulating that the words “Benghazi” and “fun” should probably not appear in the same sentence.  We lost four citizens who were devoted to public service, and they will be missed.  And there’s no doubt that sitting through the grueling 11 hours of GOP reps asking hard questions attempting to destroy her was no fun for Hillary.  But she did a stellar job!

So let’s begin our pictorial odyssey with a quiz:

Based on the picture below of Chair Trey Gowdy (Chief Investi-Hater), do you think he was covered in …


[1] Baby Oil

[2] Pam Spray

[3] Flop Sweat

Shot of the Rethuglicans on the committee Witch Hunt warming up to do battle


And when Rep. Roskam (R-IL) repeatedly and rudely commented that “I'm just giving you the courtesy of reading your notes” – Hillary, realizing she had nothing to hide, decided to return the favor and share her notes with him …


Hillary’s cool command of the facts – even when, as she noted, they didn’t fit the narrative the Repubes wanted, made me think she was channeling Pres. Obama.




It wasn’t very long before this split-screen became a good summary of the difference on how it was going for the Rethuglicans and Hillary


It was such an abysmal performance by Gowdy and his henchmen that, as the saying goes, every contest has a winner and a loser.  Take a guess who’s who from this post-hearing candid photo …


The following headlines raise the only REAL lQUESTION eft …


Will Hillary have to declare the $4.7 MILLION the republicans have wasted on this Witch Hunt as a Campaign Contribution?

Let's enjoy a few more headlines …






For posterity, we’d be remiss without visiting what a few of the MSM pundits had to say about the day:

The pointless grilling of Mrs. Clinton, who fielded a barrage of questions that have long been answered and settled, served only to embarrass the Republican lawmakers who have spent millions of dollars on a political crusade. In recent days, some prominent Republicans have even admitted as much.


With Gowdy’s committee under fire for its motives, he and the Republican majority appeared chastened during the hearing, mostly refraining from slamming Clinton. But after 11 hours, they appeared unable to point to specific gains from the day.


The “get Hillary” committee did not get Hillary.

The House Benghazi committee — dubbed a “get Hillary” effort by Democrats who opposed its creation — brought out precious little new information and no major political missteps by the former secretary of state, who happens to be running for president.


The newslessness of the hearing was a triumph for Clinton. There was no negative sound bite from her. No acknowledgement of error. No moment of real weakness or confusion about the events that unfolded on Sept. 11-12, 2012.  The hearing was, in a word, boring. And that's exactly what Clinton wanted.


When this began, conventional wisdom was that Hillary had to survive the scrutiny. That at best, this would be a wash. Toward the end, however, that wisdom changed. “Unless something happens,” wrote conservative columnist Matt Lewis on Twitter, “it’s starting to look like Hillary Clinton won’t merely survive this hearing—she will have come out on top.”


Republicans will kick themselves for dragging Hillary Clinton before the House Benghazi committee Thursday.


So while Trey et al may still be screaming, “Benghazi!  BENGHAZI!!  BENGHAZI!!!” I think Hillary is saying …





  14 Responses to “Fun for Friday: The Benghazi Witch Hunt in Photos”

  1. LOL…I vote for putrified flop sweat mixed with embalming fluid for trying to revive a very dead and settled issue.

  2. Posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/3920838

    The winner-loser picture from C-Span really pushes the resemblance to Voldemort.

    As for the fluid – I think that may be one of those things I don't WANT to know!

  3. After watching this hearing for nearly 2 hours, I had to go. Somewhere. The Republicans looked for a win in the ring, but clearly Ms. Clinton won the rounds, in the 11th hour. She was cool, calm, and collected. 

    It was a Republican debacle. Gowdy covered in flop house sweat all day long.

    btw:  I want my taxpayer money back from this. I think the Repugs should pay. Out of their pockets.

    Thanks, Nameless for this.

  4. Republicans really shot themselves in the foot (probably a Texas gun & probably no background check) – they made Hillary look VERY Presidential! πŸ˜‰


  5. Love the picture of "Hillary, realizing she had nothing to hide, decided to return the favor and share her notes with him …" above. It made me laugh outloud! 

    Thanks for all the links. It will take me awhile to read them all.

    Don't forget: Tonight!

    If ever there was a good time for a Hillary Clinton interview…
    Rachel Maddow reminds viewers that Hillary Clinton will be her guest, Friday night, 10/23 at 9pm ET, to talk for the first time about the Benghazi committee hearing and Joe Biden's decision not to run and anything else we can fit in. Duration: 0:46


  6. That top picture makes Gowdy look like he is on a rollercoaster going very fast downhill with a wicked turn at the bottom!

    Very much like Bazinga! too!

    The Republicans are such a bunch of LOSERS!!!

  7. Hillary was up ten points in the polls today, so much for the Republican efforts.  I also read today that Gowdy is involved with a superpac that is after Hillary, no big surprise there.  I watched some of it as I came and went during the day, could not have stood all of it.  The lady outclassed the fools.

  8. Thanks for this excellent AND humorous article, Nameless. As far as I can see, this side of the Atlantic also agrees fully that Hillary proved she was presidential material and came out victorious, the complete opposite of what the GOP had in mind when they started this witch hunt. They couldn't have done her a bigger favor.

    To be fair, though, we need some leveling of the Democratic playing field now. Can we ask the GOP to set up a committee to question Bernie Sanders for 11 hours too on something he's done "wrong" in their eyes, so he can show what he's made of too. It'll save him so much on time and funds to catch up with Hillary again after her win in the polls with the help of the GOP.

  9. Give me Benghazi beans, and I'll blast tinkle-brain Trey.

  10. i really wonder if any one realize how big a favor the republicians did for Hilary with this Benghazi shit ? Roll on Hilary .

  11. Your take on the witch hunt I mean hearing was hilarious! Thanks for the laughs. After they wasted all the money, we better not hear that we need to cut this or that because the only thing that needs to be cut is the salary and benefits of Congress.

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