Oct 192015

I was at church this morning.  The sign on the lawn read: If 99% of us voted, it would not matter what the 1% voted for!  Of course this is a reminder to get out and vote in Canada's federal election which is tomorrow.  The turn out for the advance polls, which I voted in last weekend, were 71% higher than in 2011 with quite a few first time voters. Elections Canada is expecting a high turn out tomorrow and has a contingency plan for long lineups.  One problem though, the Blue Jays play game 3 of their 5 game series, and it is a do or die situation.  Will Blue Jay fever reduce the turn out?  Last month our church sign read: Adam and Eve, the first people who failed to read the Apple terms and conditions.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:27 (average 5:05). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes 

Mother Jones — In 1958, Fred Koch, the founder of the Midwestern oil and cattle ranching empire that would become Koch Industries, became a charter member of the John Birch Society, the fiercely anti-communist organization whose members believed Soviet influence was infecting all aspects of American society. The Birchers attempted to place their weight on "the political scales…as fast and as far" as they could, but their movement was quickly sidelined to the ideological fringe. Two of Fred's four sons, Charles and David, have carried forward the conservative torch, and they have succeeded where their father and his allies failed. Their father's company, meanwhile, has grown into a multibillion-dollar conglomerate that is the second-largest private corporation in the country.

Continue reading to see how and where the Kochs have spread their influence.  The Kochs are like an ivy plant . . . it looks great on the surface, but pull the vines aside a bit, and you see the ivy penetrating the walls it grows against.  It penetrates the very foundations of a building weakening it. In education for example, the donations to universities come with substantial caveats about what is taught.  Most donations come with some caveats, but the Kochs' caveats are especially onerous.

Alternet — The Monsanto public relations machine has done a stellar job in recent years of reducing the GMO debate to one that pits “pro-science advocates” against “anti-science climate-denier types” — with Monsanto portrayed as being squarely planted in the pro-science camp.

But that well-oiled machine may be starting to sputter.

Turns out that Monsanto executive solicited pro-GMO articles from university researchers, and passed the “research” off as independent science which the biotech giant then used to prop up its image and further its agenda.

If you can't go through it, you can't go under it, or you can't go over it, then you go around it.  And that is exactly what Monsanto is trying to do.  Using a PR approach, it is orchestrating "unbiased" scientific support for its GMOs.  There is a petition at the end of the article which I hope you'll sign, that says:

Biotech giant Monsanto has several ways in which it could push through H.R. 1599 without going through the normal Senate process. If passed, H.R. 1599 would block states from requiring labeling of genetically modified foods. We must put pressure on Congress to reject this blatant assault on our right to know exactly what is in our food. Tell the U.S. Senate to reject a Monsanto “sneak attack” that would pass the DARK Act without due democratic process.

Mother Jones — In the modern-day fight against racial inequality, activists and policymakers alike should look to the past to change the present.

That's the message Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) sent on Sunday in a stirring speech at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate in Boston. Warren called for wide-ranging civil rights reforms to combat racial inequality, from the restoration of voting rights to changes in policing practices.

This is a long video at 55 minutes however Elizabeth Warren starts her remarks at about the 12 minute mark, and it is well worth watching/listening to.  Her talk finishes at the 40 minute mark and then there is a Q&A.  Love me some Elizabeth Warren!

Think ProgressBarf Bag Alert — The United States criminal justice system could be improved if we sell poor people convicted of crimes into slavery, according to Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.

The former Arkansas governor weighed in on our nation’s current criminal justice system during an appearance yesterday on Mickelson in the Morning, a leading Iowa radio program.

Jan Mickelson of Mickelson in the Morning is a far right wing radio personality with some outrageous ideas.  Couple him with Huckabee and you get supply-side pseudo Christianity almost at its worst. There is absolutely no resemblance to authentic Christianity.

My Universe


THIS is what I think of Mondays!


  10 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 19/10/2015”

  1. Puzzle ~ 2:53  I see these beautiful birds flying over the West Canada Creek or else looking for fish there every day.


    Vote! I read that liberal Trudeau, Pierre's son,  is leading in the polls. good news for Canada if those people vote.

    Mother Jones ~ Koch was one of the earliest members of the Birchers and their work is pure evil. His reason for joining was because he heard about communism and was afraid of it.

    Alternet ~ I must haave signed 30 petitions at least to stop the DARK act.  Monsanto is being sued by numerous entities over their cancer causing chemicals and they are losing time and again. I believe we are winning this. Now if only Washington will listen to the Science. Science??? We don't need no steenking Science!

    Mother Jones ~ Sadly, just like in every cas, the people who should be listening think they don't need to.

    My femal cat sleeps with her tongue sticking out like that.


    On another note, Joe Biden will announce on Thursday whether or not he will throw his hat into the ring. I personally hope he doesn't. 

  2. A classic book called "The True Believer" paints the picture of the early JBS days and how its propaganda worked and still works in the hands of the Koch brothers.

    Thanks to the number of European countries banning GMOs, many more in the US are questioning Monsanto…let us hope the Senate is strong enough to prevent the DARK act so we don't have to wait on the courts…and what Monsanto got into the TPP might help prevent its approval.

    Warren continues to be a shining light showing us the way.

    Given the percent that are innocent, the slavery aspect is already there with inmate labor sold to corporations at $1 per day, making it so we no longer have custody to release on appeal is a ghastly idea and undoubtedly unconstitutional.

    Welcome cute kitty.

  3. 4:58  The sudden wingspread must have spooked me.

    MoJo – The full "Koch Brother Exposed" [updated in 2014] documentary is now available for free on YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8y2SVerW8  I'm usually better at reading, but I know a lot of people are better at watching, and this is very well researched and beautifully presented (yeah I know, using "Koch Brothers" and "beautiful" in the same sentence is mind boggling.)

    AlterNet – I have signed several petitions for this (well, against HR 1599) and I think at least one had the opportunity to comment.  I have approached this, not as a science issue, but as a States Rights (for Republicans) issue and a Free Speech 1st Amendment issue (for Democrats).  The truth is, it has nothing to do with science – only with profits and greed.  But that angle will not convince any legislator who depends on corporate greed to get contributions to his/her campaign.  Whereas States Rights and Free Speech translate into votes.

    MoJo II – Of course Warren is correct (I try not to say "right" in these situations any more) that wee need to look to history.  But we also need to be able to interpret history.  Republicans want to take us back to the 1950's, for instance, which they think were wonderful BECAUSE OF Jim Crow, and McCarthyism, and women's places being in homes, etc.  In fact, the 1950's weren't that bad in many ways, but it was IN SPITE OF those things the Republicans love and more BECAUSE OF unions and the rights of labor they had literally given sweat and blood to accomplish.  Oversimplification of course.

    Think Progress – This may be the clearest statement yet of the concept, held by probably all consrvatives but also, shockingly to me, by a great many liberals, that anyone who is in jail or prison for any reason is not a human being but a thing. 

    Universe – Yup.

  4. Some creative people at your church there, Lynn. And no conservatives either, so it seems. Keeping my fingers crossed for a big turnout tomorrow of people with a progressive mindset which will take Canada back from the claws of Harper and his ilk.

    Mother Jones: It won't be long before the Koch brothers have infiltrated so much of American Democracy that they'll be able to rewrite their own family history and have kids taught in school how these saintly brothers made America great. Better save this copy of Mother Jones for future reference, because soon they'll have purged their evil from the internet too.

    Alternet: Wow some heavy stuff for a Monday: first the Koch brothers, now Monsanto. How much evil can a person take on the first day of the week? No kidding though, as the article says, the news that Monsanto has been lying and cheating about the dangers of GMOs for years isn't really news, but has been known for years too. Apparently people are getting wise to the tricks of Monsanto and now a lot of media are running with the story. It's way past time that this planet-destroying company is brought to a stand-still and is also made to pay for the damages it has done to the environment, people's health and, like the Kochs, to the very fabric of democracy.

    Mother Jones: Thank you for posting the link to Elizabeth Warren's speech. I'll have to bookmark it to watch in it's entirety later on, but I'm sure not one minute of watching that video will be wasted time. I'm also sure that Liz's speeches are a great help to Bernie Sanders too, together forcing Democrats to move more to the progressive side of the spectrum. Kudos to you, Elizabeth Warren.

    Think Progress: "Supply-side pseudo Christianity almost at its worst". Almost, Lynn? What "worst" could you be having in store for us, i.e. how many barf bags do I need to get hold off? Really, there is a limit to freedom of speech, isn't there? Or will the poor sap who finally loses it, and will try to shut this man up for good because nobody else does it, also be sold into slavery. My bad, of course not, that's only for non violent crimes. Violent crimes will be dealt with according to other biblical prescriptions like stoning, or beheading or… even if the crime was provoked by rabble‐rousing? Or is Huckabee, obviously without a chance for the Republican nomination, looking for a George Wallace type of martyrdom?

    My Universe: That's what I think of Huckabee.

  5. Mother Jones: Like Gene noted, the Rolling Stone/DK picked up the detailed story about the Koch brothers. An excellent read if one has the time to read it, it's rather lengthy. Billionaires, the Koch brothers are mean, blood thirsty people who will do anything to get more money.

    AlterNet: The fight against Monsanto continues, definitely signed petition.

    Mother Jones: Isn't she just wonderful??? Love her!

    TP: Huckabee's comment is absolutely horrible. And he was a minister/pastor? Sick!

    Speaking of cats (and dog), both are napping as I type this. Cute picture. Enjoy the rest of your day, and Thanks, Lynn.

  6. Canada Elections: Here is to getting Harper and his harlots out of politics and into the unemployment lines. "Adam and Eve, the first people who failed to read the Apple terms and conditions" gave me a chuckle. 

    Mother: Koch again? Maybe we should call them the "Choke Bros" for strangling America and its people with their obvious greed and disregard for safety. 

    Alternet: Petition in this article signed. We have a right to know what is in our foods. We have a right to have foods labeled. 

    Here is an excellent organization concerned with organics and food safety. It is free and sends an email once in about every 3 weeks. OCA has articles to read and petitions you can sign. 

    About OCA

    Organic Consumers Association (OCA)

    The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots non-profit 501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation's estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers.


    Mother: Love Elizabeth Warren. 

    Think: "But U.S. law, unlike biblical penal prescriptions, forbids selling human beings like chattel. The United States also bans debtors’ prisons and the Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional to imprison people who are too destitute to pay court fines. (Contra these bans, many localities are being sued for still running debtors’ prisons.)" 

    By the way, was Huck's son ever jailed for his criminal act and did he pay restitution…?

    Universe: Since I retired, everyday is like a Monday. lol.

  7. You're being WAY TOO KIND to Mondays!


  8. Mother Jones:  I agree, they are like ivy, but I was surprised to see how much they have donated to the arts, I have never read that before.

    Alternet:  I gladly signed the petition.  We should also have some regulation that prevents an employee of a company that is being regulated from having a governing job at the FDA.

    Mother Jones 2:  I love Elizabeth Warren and I wish we had more like her in the Senate and the House.  The examples she used of oppression of African American voters in the sixties are being used again today by any minority, and it puzzles me that so many Americans don't stand up to fight this.  My school had been integrated for four years when the governor of Alabama made his famous speech.  I could not understand why he said those things then, and don't understand why other politicans are mouthing similar things now, only they are raging against Muslims and Lationos now, the bigotry is the same.

    Think Progress:  Barf bag alert needed.  I shared this article on FB so my red friends could read all about one of their own.  I really did not think that even Huckabee could be this dumb.

    My Universe:  My sentiments, too!  Aren't cats wonderful?




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