Oct 142015


The two big winners in general were “We, the People” and specifically, the Democratic Party.

While it seems the pundits have pretty much declared Hillary Clinton the winner, the bigger take-home is the stark difference in comparing the GOP Clown Car Carnivals to last night’s debate among serious adults discussing serious matters in an adult and civil way.  It was like a breath of fresh air!

I think Sec. Clinton, Sen. Sanders and Gov. O’Malley all acquitted themselves admirably.  But even with Chafee and Webb up on the stage, the average IQ was a good 30 to 40 points higher than with the GOP debates … at least!

And although there was no moment like Lloyd Bentsen telling little Danny Quayle,

“Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.”

… Or Pres. Obama to Romney,

Please proceed, governor.”

We were treated to the most memorable quote of the night when Sen. Sanders came to Hillary’s defense over BENGHAZI with

“Let me say something that may not be great politics, but I think the secretary is right — and that is that the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails,” Mr. Sanders said to cheers and a standing ovation from the Democratic audience.


[NOTE to Hillary: You owe him one!]

And Hillary gave the best one-word answer of the evening with a simple and gracious, “No.”

After Clinton and Sanders both agreed that the email scandal had become a sideshow, Chafee challenged Clinton on the email issue, saying the highest ethical standards should be a prerequisite for the next president. Next, Cooper turned to Clinton.

"Secretary do you want to respond?" Cooper asked.

"No," Clinton responded.

The audience cheered loudly.


Last night’s performance has most likely closed any doors of entry for Joe Biden tossing his hat into the ring – but you never know.

So without getting into the weeds, what were your take-home thoughts from last night?


  18 Responses to “Easy-Peasy Answer to “Who Won Last Night’s Debate?””

  1. I'd say Progressives were also winners of the debate as Bernie and the rest of us have shifted Hillary left and she wants to claim the label yet still has too many policies that are not progressive but are rather liberal or moderate.

    • Raul Grijalva and Keith Ellison, leaders of the Progressive folks in Congress, both endorsed Bernie–which wouldn't have happened IMO if they believed Hillary deserved the label progressive.

  2. While agree that America, and progressive America especially, is the real winner … I not on Daily Kos people are saying that some at their debate parties switched from Hilary to Bernie afterwards. 

    I loved that Bernie saved Andrea Mitchell from being physically trampled afterward.  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/14/1432392/-Bernie-Sanders-Saves-Andrea-Mitchell-From-Being-Trampled-After-Debate

    Also, the guy on Kos who published his 5-year-old daughter's reactions to the first Republican one has not published the same daughter's reaction to this one.  They make interesting companion pieces.  They're at
    GOP:  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/09/17/1422059/-A-5-year-old-s-observations-on-the-Republican-debate
    Dem:  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/10/14/1432011/-A-five-year-old-s-observations-on-the-first-Democratic-debate

  3. I didn't get to see the debate, other than little flashes on the national news and half page long analysis in my newspaper, but the overall feeling was about the same here in the Netherlands as it was on your side of the Atlantic. Where the GOP debates were nothing more than a cheap carnival show where every aspiring journalist could have a go at making the funniest remark on the candidates and wondering what the world was coming to in general, this debate was analyzed by our top pundits and in general were favorable. The right wing wasn't too happy with Bernie Sanders ideas of course, they sounded too much like the social-democratic system that our right wing governments have been destroying for the last 10-15 years, but the progressive newspapers were quite happy with what they heard from both.

    The consensus seemed to be that Hillary played on her strengths and Bernie played to to his base. Hillary was described as relaxed but intelligently bright and sharp and seemed to have the pundits votes. How O'Malley fared, I wouldn't know. I don't think there was any mention of him.

  4. This was an adult debate revolving around the issues. The Rethug debate was a child's debate centering on personalities and bullying each other.

  5. Wish I could've seen it. We are away at our cabin in the Adirondacks and don't have cable TV here. From everything I've read Hillary did great and as you mention, the fact that true issues were discussed is a big plus for the Democrats compared to the circus that is the Republican debates.

  6. Bernie was marvelous, with that support of Hillary!  Chafee was off base, but probably hoping to score virtually anything.  Webb was absent, and Chafee probably should have been.  

    Biden is biding his time?  Or knows he just has not got the charisma?  Damn, he could be VP again!  For him to jump in later may simply upset the apple cart, like Nader (ass) did, split the Dems., and give the GOPigs more perceived traction.  And all they have is perception…as in perceiving a hologram, which has no substance!  


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