Oct 052015

That Lona has been at it again . . . I had an extended cat nap again this afternoon, but it was glorious!  Me and my 3 furbabes snuggled together.  I had spent the morning and early afternoon working on today's second article when my eyes started getting heavy.  I gave up resisting the allure of my pillow and I was gone!  I might have been gone but the laundry wasn't!  Tomorrow is a must on the laundry scene after physio and teaching ESL!

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

Raw Story — US Republican Representative Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House oversight panel, announced on Sunday he was running for speaker, a bid seen as a long shot that could still stir up the contest to replace John Boehner.  

Representative Daniel Webster, former speaker of Florida’s House of Representatives, has also challenged McCarthy for House of Representatives speaker.

Chaffetz said many Republican lawmakers wanted a change in leadership. Republicans currently hold a majority in both houses of Congress.

The House Republican conference is set to start on Thursday, and by the end, a new Speaker of the House will be announced.  We know that Kevin McCarthy was anointed by Boehner to take over.  However he is now challenged by Jason Chavetz, the idiot who was caught with "his pants down" during the inquisition of Planned Parenthood's CEO, Cecile Richards, and Daniel Webster from Florida.  See The Daily Signal for a short article on Webster.  I wonder if any more Republicans will come out of the woodwork for the top job?

The New Yorker — Americans who are opposed to being shot, a constituency that has historically failed to find representation in Washington, are making a new effort to make its controversial ideas heard in the nation’s capital.

“When you bring up the idea of not wanting to be shot with members of Congress, there’s always been pushback,” Carol Foyler, founder of the lobbying group Americans Opposed to Being Shot, said. “Their reaction has been, basically, ‘Not being shot: who’s going to support something like that?’”

Foyler, however, believes that the right to not be shot, much like women’s right to vote, the right to same-sex marriage, and other rights that were deemed controversial in their day, may be an idea whose time has finally come.

IMO, Andy has hit on something, albeit a little late.  Perhaps the 4th amendment of the US Constitution could be amended such as "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, and being shot when not in the commission of a crime, shall not be violated, …".  That might affect stand your ground laws, but . . .

Alternet — A 2015 study found that when guns are used to kill people in the United States, they are overwhelmingly used for murder rather than self-defense. That study found that in 2012, there were only 259 justifiable homicides, or what is commonly referred to as self-defense, compared to 8,342 criminal firearm homicides. In 2008-2012, the report says, guns were used in 42,419 criminal homicides and only 1,108 justifiable homicides.

So if Americans aren’t using their guns for self-defense, does it make sense to do away with the charade of “sensible gun restrictions” talk and just get real about banning at least some guns outright?

The gun lobby is hanging its hat on the 2nd amendment, an amendment that was written in a different time under different conditions. Its unwillingness to support stricter gun regulations is, IMO, an indication that it does not care one iota for the innocent lives lost, only for the profits of the gun and ammunition manufacturers.

Raw Story — In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) declined to endorse any of the candidates currently running, in spite of Tapper’s badgering.

“Do you want to ask this six different ways?” she asked the CNN anchor as he attempted to get her to praise Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton.

Image: Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, at the Atlantic Washington Ideas Forum via screencap

… She went on to slam Republicans for trying to shut down Planned Parenthood on the basis of anti-choice zealots the Center for Medical Progress’ phony video smear campaign.

You really need to go to Raw Story to view a video of a feisty Elizabeth Warren speaking on women's health, Planned Parenthood and financial reforms. She is so passionate, so spot on.  Go Lizzie!

My UniverseLove me some Simon's Cat


  13 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 05/10/2015”

  1. You're welcome, Lynn. Believe me, taking a siesta in the afternoon is a very healthy life style, but joining your cats in a nap is even better. Too bad you can't have a nap when the laundry is going through its cycles.

    Raw Story: With the House speaker third in line for the presidency, now wonder all these Republican narcissistic idiots come out of the woodwork. With all these terrible Republican candidates for the presidency who think they're God's gift to America as examples, any sock puppet who was bought a seat in the House now thinks he's up for the job. And if the Tea Partiers get it into their heads to agree on one of these, he'll be the next speaker. It's almost too nauseating to think about, but there may come a time soon when we "long for the good-old-times" with John Boehner.

    The New Yorker: Now Andy's just being silly; from where I'm standing all Americans love to shoot and be shot. Why would they otherwise buy all these guns? The NRA will surely enlighten these cowardly opponents of being shot and tell them to go out and buy a gun so they can defend themselves against being shot by shooting first.

    Raw Story: I went to look at Elizabeth Warren's video and the strangest things happened: she brought tears to my eyes. She's either the best actress in the world or she believes in what she says a 100%, and apparently her passion struck a nerve with me and convinced me she's the real thing. I think I teared-up because, with the exception of a few others like Bernie, she's such a lonely voice in politics nowadays.

    My Universe: Simon is such a fantastic observer of cat behavior in all its smallest details. Can't see enough of them.

  2. Raw Story: The circus clowns just get worse. I hate to even listen to them anymore. imo.

    New Yorker: LOL, Andy. Got gonna happen though.

    Raw Story: Ms. Warren is such a classy lady, and speaks up for our concerns. She's wonderful.

    My Universe: My cat watches Simon with me, and wonders where he is. lol.

    Have a great day, and Thanks, Lynn.

  3. Excellent articles, thanks Lynn – sorry can't comment at present – those dratted kidney stones again!

  4. TPP completed last night–petition against to US representatives:


  5. Wish cloning had been perfected, because we could use LOTS of Elizabeth Warrens!

    Loved the Simon clip – it made me chuckle … and so true!

  6. Oops – I meant to remind folks of an admission by Rep. Chaffetz, who wants to oversee the BENGHAZZZIII witch hunt, documenting his typical Rethuglican two-faced nature by being happy to cut spending earmarked to provide security for our Embassies/Consulates.

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) acknowledged on Wednesday that House Republicans had consciously voted to reduce the funds allocated to the State Department for embassy security since winning the majority in 2010.

    CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien asked the Utah Republican if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."

    "Absolutely," Chaffetz said. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country….  You have to prioritize things.”


  7. 5:10 hanging around average; oh well.

    Lynn, I think you have a lot of company being behind on laundry.

    Raw Story – Daniel Webster (this one, not the one you remember from history and literature who out-argued the Devil) is nicknamed "Taliban Dan," not because he is pro-Islamic (heaven forfend!), but because he is SO hard right that even the right can see he resembles the Taliban in western clothing.  See why I have been saying I can't celebrate Boehner's dseparture?  And that McCarthy may well be the best we can do?

    New Yorker – Lynn, I like the way you pull this from being a Second Amendment issue and make it a Fourth Amendment issue.  That is a strategy with some promise.  Of course, we would also have to de-criminalize "resisting arrest," because that's what they all say.  More in connection with

    Alternet – The gun lobby is indeed hanging its hat on the Second Amendment – which is why bringing in the Fourth Amendment is so interesting.  I can hear Conservative heads exploding.  They will either have to admit that the rest of the Bill of Rights is equally relevant as the Second Amendment  or, if any have any truth left in them, admit that they DON'T believe in anything in the Constitution BUT the Second Amendment.  Incidentally I do know gun owners who flatly state that there is NO reason why anyone outside military personnel in combat needs an automatic weapon.

    Raw Story – Integrity.  You don't see it so much today.  It appears some have forgotten what it looks like.  Well, this is what it looks like.  (I am a bit charmed that she also gets the reaction of laughter upon saying something which is obviously true but which no one else will say.  I used to get that.  I had one supervisor who started laughing when she saw me coming because she knew I was going to.)

    Universe – The saw and the baseball bat are particularly impressive.  Well, they say cats want world domination.  I guess some are starting to stockpile arms to achieve that.

  8. 4:08  I got my pant leg caught in the chain.

  9. One of the Kennedy,s  defending their  addictions. tears etc.! Wonder when ,if ever, they had to  worry from where came their next meal?? Poor little rich boy! Made me" SOOO"  mad. Try living in the REAL world!

  10. The Daily Signal is an arm of the Heritage Foundation, an ultra right wing group.  So, I might be skeptical of anything they recommend. Chaffetz showed his "abilities" at the Planned Parenthood inquisition. 

    The New Yorker:  I like this idea.  I don't want to be shot, either.

    Alternet:  Your last paragraph sums it up, profit before protecting lives.  The NRA has almost as much stock in our Congress as the Koch Brothers.

    Raw Story:  I love Elizabeth Warren, she is one gutsy woman.

    My Universe:  Love Simon's cat/  Maybe I can get one of mine to clean out from under the fridge. LOL

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