Sep 232015

The four of us who have been working both in front of and behind the scenes (Lynn [aka “Squatch”], JLA, Joanne D, and myself, SoINeedAName) share your desire for as much information on TC as possible.  But we respect his privacy, and recognize the hospital has an ethical and legal obligation by HIPAA to also protect his privacy.  So our information flow will be much more limited than I’m sure we all might like – but also recognize the paramount importance of TC’s privacy.

Yesterday afternoon I had the opportunity to speak to TC’s nurse – a different one from last week.  I again identified myself as a physician in order to help with communication, but was hampered by my profound hearing deficit (although this time we didn’t have to resort to the “Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.” alphabet to spell out words.)  She was very bubbly and quite chatty.

There is some very good news that she was able to share!  Last time I told you that TC’s renal function, that had been so severely compromised it required medical intervention, was improving as evidenced by lab parameters.

But today I'm glad to tell you that not only have his renal functions continued to improve – but they have gotten so much better that it's no longer needed.  YIPPEE!!

He’s now urinating on his own and the Renal Service that was caring for him is so confident that he has turned the corner that they have actually signed off from seeing him – and it's always great news when fewer doctors need to come to see you!

He’s also being weaned off his sedation to the point that he’s now able to communicate to some degree with the medical staff to questions and commands.

So there’s some very good news, indeed.

However, for all of you in the health care professions, as well as anyone who has been critically ill themselves or had a family member who needed ICU care, know – there will always be bumps on the road to recovery.  Some of them may be anticipated, and some unanticipated.  It’s just the nature of the beast.

But for today, we can all celebrate a very good and encouraging update on TC!

It goes without saying that TC is still in need of our thoughts, prayers or whatever spiritual mode you use to send good vibes to him.

Lynn has graciously offered to serve as the point person to relay cards you would like to send to him.  This is from her earlier post:

A reminder for those wishing to send cards to TC, please address them as follows:

c/o Lynn Squance,
436 Lehman Place, 
Port Moody, BC
V3H 3Z6

For US residents: Please note: International Postage required!

For other International residents: please check locally for stamp rates

For Canadian residents: please use “oversize” letter rates if applicable (applies to many but not all cards):



  18 Responses to “SURROGATE Updates, Questions, Concerns WRT TC #4”

  1. News worthy of celebration and a joy response!  Thanks Nameless!

  2. Excellent!!!

    Thanks for the update.

  3. What wonderful tidings! You must be elated that the trouble you went through to contact the hospital and set up yet another line of communication was rewarded with such excellent news, Nameless. Thank you, and your partners in "crime", for all you do for TomCat, and for us!

    I think we all are aware TomCat isn't in the clear yet, but having his renal functions back to normal and being taken out of the heavy sedation means he soon can feel like a normal human being too when peeing in a pot. Feeling that certainly will help him on the long road of recovery.

  4. Many, many thanks for everything.  Posting to Care2 at

  5. Thank you for the update and this is certainly positive news. Thanks to all who are keeping the information flowing to the rest of us.

  6. Is m SO glad to here that he is not in need of the Renal Team! I have had family members that have needed the services of a Renal Team and it ain't fun! SO, SO glad he has got those pipes humming! Hurray! And weaning him of the meds is a good sign also! He is on the way and on the mend! TC is a tough old Tomcat! He'll be doing flips out of ICU SOON, I hope! It's been a long time in there, tho. That is going to be a long row to hoe! But, I got all kinds of things in mind for him when he gets out! He got a lot of 'splainin to do about this football stuff!

    Peace, Love HUGS and PRAYERS for the best TomKitty there is!

    Thanks for the update, BTW. I got so excited over that news, I forgot to thank y'all for your endless help keeping TC's blog going and the news of him! Thanks to you all!

    • Vivian, I was new to this 2 years ago (this is my 3rd season).  Send me a Care2 personal message with your questions and the name of your team and I'll try to help.

  7. Thank you for the updated good news about Tom. He continues to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. That is very good news indeed.  Fewer doctors, less medication = improving health.  As nice a job as everyone is doing here, I am, as I know you are too, eager to see TC back at the helm.  I am sure it will take time to get back to normal everything does as we get older but positive news is just such a good thing to hear.  Thank you!  :^) gene

  9. This is indeed very good news!  Thanks, Nameless.

  10.  Thank you for the update and all the effort that went into aquiring it ! My best to all and to TC as he recovers.


    Hugs with luv, Jae

  11. Thank you, Thank YOU all for this great information about our TC.

    Wonderful news, and continued prayers for healing and recovery, and positive thoughts to TC.

    Thanks, all.

  12. Thanks to all four of you for the great jobs you are doing.

  13. Thanks everyone!  It is indeed splendid news.  Keep the prayers and good thoughts rolling like a mighty river!

  14. Great news! I am so happy! He is now on the road to recovery and hope it is a fast one! Thanks for this wonderful update!

  15. Thanks so much Nameless for this update – and thanks to Joanne D for forwarding the link with details as to which link was for what – most helpful!  It is so good to hear that TC is slowly on the mend – he is in my prayers daily.  Thanks everyone!

  16. excellent news, sounds very hopeful, much better than previously……..

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