Sep 132015

As Puddy Tat always says "Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how nutty InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception."


2. Mike Huckabee demonstrates once again that there is something deeply wrong with him.

The Huckster has had a very busy week being completely batsh*t crazy. First, he practically got into fisticuffs with fellow right-wing Christian Ted Cruz, as they jostled to position themselves smack dab next to Kentucky’s celebrity scofflaw, gay-marriage refusenik, Kim Davis. So enamored with Davis’ cause of denying same-sex couples the marriage licenses they are lawfully entitled to that Huckabee offered to take her place in jail, coincidentally after she had been released. So no big risk there.

Huckabee further demonstrated his confusion about how this whole Supreme Court thing works when he defended Kim Davis by saying that the Dred Scott decision is still the “law of the land.”  

“I’ve been just drilled by TV hosts over the past week, ‘How dare you say that, uh, it’s not the law of the land?’” Huckabee said on Wednesday. “Because that’s their phrase, ‘it’s the law of the land.’ Michael, the Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land which says that black people aren’t fully human. Does anybody still follow the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision?”

Well, ummm, Mike, no. And that’s because, as most 7th graders could tell you, or maybe 5th graders, the terrible Dred Scott decision was, thankfully overturned by the Supreme Court about a century ago.

Finally, Huckabee made excellent use of airtime on Fox towards the end of the week by wondering aloud whether some of the refugees fleeing Syria, often at great peril, might be doing so to get cable TV. They should be vetted, he said.

“Are they just coming because they’ve got cable TV? I’m not trying to be trite. I just don’t know,” is what he said, actually.

Yeah, really.

One Twitter user responded aptly with this:

@daveweigel Huckabee has a keen eye. These homes were obviously abandoned because they didn't have cable.

syria devastation

This is number 2 of five.  Have a gander at the other four.  Certainly right wing insanity is in full bloom!




  19 Responses to “5 Right-wing Doozies this Week”

  1. Kudos on mastering the hot links!

    The images I got of a clown fight in my mind were wonderful…especially when I realized it belonged in a mud pit.

    Thanks Lynn! 

  2. 1.  Carson's climate knowledge may or may not have improved after Jerry Brown sent him a nice letter and a full flash drive.  It really is a nice letter.  I particularly like the line "Please use your considerable intelligence to review this material."  The line that's going to be in all the memes, probably, though, is "Climate change is much bigger than partisan politics."

    2.  He, like Santorum, appears not to understand that it's not only when the Supreme Court says something is Constitutional, and the law stands, that they are the final word, but it's also when they say something is NOT Constitutional then the law fails and they are also the final word.  Final, at least until a new Supreme Court comes along  In a sense they don't make law, but their interprettions have the force of law, while they stand.  But that's just too complicated.

    3.  Why are we talking about Donald Trump?  Yes, he's in the lead, but he makes even less sense than Sarah, if that's possible.  One thing, he is right, people do make fun of his hair.  Even the Santa Fe Opera did (in an opera-long sight gag).

    4.  Why are we talking about Rick Perry?  he's under indictment, he's a dropout, and if he wants me or anyone else to believe he "loves all within our borders" – well, no, that's not going to happen, it is way too mindboggling.

    5.  Glenn Beck is the Antichrist.  On Sarah, I'm with Rachel – huh???!?!?!!!!

  3. You forgot the Barf Bag Alert, but we all know we need it when any of these five speak.  Good job!

  4. 1. Ben Carson: Obviously a republican oreo with no eyesight nor intelligence at all. 

    2. Mike Huckabee; He continues to demonstrate his lack of understanding the laws and how it works from the Supreme Court. 

    3. Trump: A complete outright moronic misogynist. 

    4. Rick Perry: Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy as he dropped out of the race while under indictment and brain loss. 

    5. Glenn Beck: Glenn and Palinsane  – two klown babblers with nothing meaningful to say as no one in their right mind ever could understand them.   

  5. Man of science, Ben Carson, sees no evidence of global warming in California, nor racism in Ferguson.

    lol and he thinks the GOP is going to give him the nomination but so does Trump


    Mike Huckabee demonstrates once again that there is something deeply wrong with him.

    And he doesn't need to very hard for that right


    Trump clarifies that when he criticized Fiorina’s face, he wasn’t talking about her looks.

    and everyone loves him because why?



    Rick Perry torches Trump as he leaves the race, but still manages to be totally wrong and off-base.

    what good for goose is good for the gander.  But I thought the rule of thumb was never put another

    ignorant nut down over the other


    Glenn Beck is having trouble sorting out his feelings about Sarah Palin.


    My oh my


  6. 1. Ben Carson, noted neurosurgeon must have performed a self-lobotomy.

    2. Even Joe Scarborough tried to dissuade the Huckster from defending Kim Davis. Cable TV, huh?

    3. It's just another War of the Words, Trump style. Personally, I'm sick of it.

    4. I will miss Gov. Perry's faux pas.

    5. Glenn Beck utters one truth and then apologizes for it?

  7. 1. Ben Carson: This man is trying to radiate as much "whiteness" as possible and won't see, hear or speak of anything that could be construed as just the tiniest bit "colored". And it seems to work. He shines so hard that Republicans have to wear sunglasses if they look in his direction and still haven't noticed his true color.

    2. Mike Huckabee: His remarks do not so much spell "crazy" for me as much as soulless, deplorable and incredibly mean spirited. He's right down there with Trump and Cruz. A madman often doesn't know what he's saying and isn't really responsible for what he says, but The Huckster knows very well what he's saying, but couldn't give a sh*t if it is right or wrong, racist, misogynistic or cruel, he's only interested whether it has the desired effect. Let's hope he drops out soon, it'll be a great day for the environment as it'll save so much on barf bags.

    3. Donald Trump: The man has a serious psychological problem, something akin to De la Tourette, where some can not keep themselves from swearing no matter how they try. Donald can't stop offending a woman who doesn't agree with him or who's not impressed by his manly "I've got millions", no matter how hard he tries. He even says he shouldn't say anything, but then oops, off he goes again.
    I'd love to see him as the new American president, shaking the hands of the leaders of the world, asking them how much money they have, while insulting their first ladies at the same time, or the leader if she happened to be a woman. Yeah, making America great again.

    4. Rick Perry: Perhaps he can join a debating team in prison when he starts doing time for his crimes.

    5. Glen Beck: Perhaps he should join Sarah at AA meetings. They might learn to understand each other better then.

    • "soulless, deplorable and incredibly mean spirited" sounds spot on for the Huckster but insufficient as a descriptor!

  8. just want to say a huge THANK YOU to Lynn and all the others who have kept this going for the time being (till tomcat can return) and all others who have kept us all updated, great post , too …….maybe when TC returns he should think of having regular guests help him with weekly posts? 

    • You are welcome Dave–and I believe it is safe to say Lynn, Nameless and Joanne would say the same.

    • Merci M Dave! . . . and you're welcome!

      It has been a pleasure trying to learn some of the ins and outs of the blog and provide some acceptable content for everybody.  So who says that older/senior adults are incapable of learning new things?

      I will endeavour to provide at least 4 Open Threads each week, more if I can.

    • It's definitely been a learning curve for me – but you're most welcome.

    • Sorry, just found this – but I am in agreement too.  You are VERY welcome.

  9. As one Care 2 member has said on different occasions, aren't these 5 just the cutest little cupcakes on the platter!

    Please be wary , , , don't step in any Teabuggery!

  10. Very good written article. It will be valuable to everyone who usess it, including me. Keep up the good work – i will definitely read more posts.

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