Jun 182015

I jut returned from my appointment with the Orthopedist.  He said I have a frozen shoulder and gave me a shot of steroids in the joint.  If successful, I should regain the use of my shoulder in three to five days.  It has been a long day, and I am very tired.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:04 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  25 Responses to “Personal Update–6/18/2015”

  1. 3:53 average 5:11.  Eat your heart out, Fabergé!

    Since this is for Oregon, I will be astonished if you didn't already get it, at least in some form.  Well, I have been boycotting Nestle off and on since the seventies, and I was already on now for California.  http://community.sumofus.org/petitions/stop-nestle-from-sucking-my-state-dry

    This one is by Faithful America in defense of Pope Francis' encyclical  http://act.faithfulamerica.org/sign/laudato_si_statement

    Sympathy card for Emanuel AME in Charleston, SC  http://act.everytown.org/sign/Charleston-Condolences/

  2. Man, TC, that rotator cuff stuff is the pits! My husband tore his 20+ years ago and he has had good results from his surgery. But, frozen joints are a bad mamma-jamma! Those are much more complicated. I had my knees frozen at 50Β° when I was in my 20’s. But it was from an earlier surgery.
    To say the least, good luck with the steroids. Those are NOT fun. I have had so many of them that I am allergic to them now. Sounds unbelievable, but anaphylactic shock at the hospital has made it very believable to me. There is a limit to the amount of that stuff you can get.
    Hope this is the “grease” you need to get that shoulder doin a 360Β°!
    Good luck, dude! Can’t wait to hear about your success!

    • Vivian, it's actually fairly easy to become allergic to something with overexposure.  Especially if you have other allergies so your immune system has the habit of dealing with things weirdly.  That's hardly medical language, but I hope you get what I mean.  I am a delayed reactor which is really lucky for me.

    • This is the second steroid shot in that shoulder.  The first was in 1986 and has lasted until now.  If my success continues at that rate, they may have to open the box for #3.

  3. (Just a teeny, tiny difference of opinion.  Since #3 is the scapula, I suspect you really want your orthopedist to work on #9.  Although it's a partially hidden by your text, so it's a bit hard to tell for sure, but that looks like a shoulder joint to me.)

    (I didn't earn my "Nit-Picker Card" by passing up credential-earning points like this.  πŸ˜‰ )

  4. I hope you feel some relief soon, those steroid shots sometimes work miracles.  I had the same problem about 12 years ago.  I got the shot, then did physical therapy.  I still do the exercises if I start feeling the problem and they help.

  5. 4:04  That's the best I can do right now.  Beautiful flowers but I'm too sore and tired to continue on the computer.

    Seems I have contracted mousitis in my right hand and wrist.  After several weeks of steadily worsening pain, I consulted my physio and chiropractor about the pain.  They both came to the same conclusion so one is working on the bones in my hand and fingers while the other has my wrist and lower arm.  My physio was shaking my wrist and the pain was such that I considered beaning him on the head!  This too will pass eventually.

    Glad to hear that the treatment of your rotator cuff has begun.  I hope it is successful!  There is nothing like a flea bite when you can't scratch it because your arm is frozen!

    Well good night all!

    • 3:37  I think TC is going to be eating those pretty flowers unless Jerry comes to the rescue.

    • Sorry to hear about you "mousitis".  If this has ANY chance of being in the carpal-tunnel syndrome spectrum, I would STRONGLY recommend your getting a Mueller Wrist Stabilizer Splint.

      My internist kind of "pooh-poohed" my pain and paresthesia – but did say if I thought it might be carpal-tunnel (D'oh!  Say, Doc … just WHY do you think I asked you about it?) I could try a splint at night.

      For better or worse, I got it at WalMart – which I TRY to avoid – because they had the widest selection, and I could take them out of the box and try them on.  Technically it's the "Mueller Wrist Stabilizer" in Beige, and comes in different sizes.  (I think Amazon may be a couple bucks cheaper – but the shipping may bring it up to the same price as WM).


      It's been a God-Send!  And despite having used it for over a year (just wearing it at night), and periodically cleaning it w/ rubbing alcohol (it's washable – but I haven't done that yet) it doesn't smell a bit!  And I sweat like the proverbial pig, and my olfactory sense is the only one left that is stellar!

      • Thanks for that link, I am sending it to my son who seems to have carpal tunnel but won't go to a doctor.

  6. Sorry to hear about your frozen shoulder, I'm afraid I'm familiar with that one and know what you're going through. Mine is definitely worsened by too much mouse use and if I feel it coming on again I switch to using my other hand for a while. But that would endanger your puzzle times, I guess πŸ˜‰  Physical therapy helps a lot too and doing the shoulder exercises they give you too. But for now the most important thing is bringing the pain down and make it bearable to move again, so I hope the shots take effect soon. I'll bet you'll sleep better too if it takes effect.

  7. I did have a frozen shoulder twenty years ago and gradually got it free over a couple of years through very gentle exercise – but your chap will know what to do, and an appointment with a good physiotherapist can work wonders – good luck!

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