Jun 112015

For no particular reason, I could not sleep last night.  I tossed and turned.  So rather than put myself behind the eight ball, I’m taking the day off and going back to bed.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:58 (average 5:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  24 Responses to “Personal Update–6/11/2015”

  1. Have a nice CatNap! Stay out of the catnip for a little while. You get too excited and can't sleep.

    3:30 Or, are you so excited at the thought of getting your hungry little paws on the pretty hummingbird?

    Cartoon ~ Funny they didn't do it when all the hippies were wearing flags.


    • 2:40  No birdie fricassée tonight for you Puddy Tat!  Not this beautiful little bird!

      Cartoon — Too bad SCOTUS struck down the law.  It would be great to have a law with which to prosecute these self proclaimed patriots that are not really patriots, the Republicanus/Teabaggerum!

      Glad you're getting some kitty basking in now as the weather is changing.  Although it was 25C by me, it is supposed to go to 11C tonight and a high tomorrow of about 23C.

      Personal note — The leg is progressing to heal with less swelling and I can finally put moisturising lotion on it.  Because of the amount of swelling over the past 5-6 weeks, I am shedding skin like a snake.  I certainly don't want to go through that again! 

      • Good to hear you're continuing to heal.

        And most certainly – once is (more than) enough!

      • Oh Lynn – how you have suffered you poor soul!  Please make sure some Lugol's Iodine is in your medical supplies/bathroom cabinet – it really is wonderful at knocking infections on the head!

      • I'm glad your leg is finally starting to heal. Keep on moisturizing! You'll be back to normal in no time.

      • Keep getting better.  In future, puddy tats are a poor place for your feet. πŸ˜‰

      • I've had some scaling from swelling myself, and I didn't even have an infection to stimulate it.  It's gone now.  Hope yours will be soon.

    • That Sasquatch took advantage of a poor tired kitten!

  2. Symbols can be misused in so many ways.

  3. 3:59 average still 5:26.  Hardly more than a mouthful.  But a tasty snack, and there's probably still horse in the freezer. 

    Symbols can certainly be misused, but there's no need to put out a fatwa every time it happens.  That's just like an admission that the symbol is too weak.  A lot of desecration of the flag, incidentally, and the worst kind, doesn't even involve the flag itself.  Going to war based on lies desecrates the flag.  Judicial corruption desecrates the flag.  Bigotry desecrates the flag.  As does, as you say, wrapping Republicans in it. 

    BTW, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), who is not running for President, nonetheless has devised a proposal for principles for a progressive foreign policy on which he is requesting approval.  http://chanceforpeace.revolutionmessaging.net/#principles  Yes, I know, it doesn't at this point have the chance of a snowball in hell, but it also takes time to get new ideas into the discussion, looking forward to a future time when it may be possible to get it supported.

  4. Have a nice nap today! Catnaps are some of the best!
    RepuglikkkanTs are some of the worst at wrapping themselves in the flag while they rob the poor and give it to the rich!!!

  5. You need the rest.  Take some care of yourself so you can keep leading us. 

    Cartoon:  The Republicans not only wrap themselves in the flag, but also the Bible, which I am not at all sure they understand. 

  6. Two interesting items:

    "Rev." Mike Huckabee's co-author was accused of child molestation.  (Which may explain was the Huckster was soooo defensive for Josh Duggar.)  Well, Huckabee's friend and co-author was a BIT more than just accused:

    "A 2012 police investigation of Perry’s alleged offenses found that “the allegations of sexual battery were sustained” but that the statute of limitations had expired."


    And Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) refers to bachelor Sen. Lindsley Graham as "A bro' with no ho'"


    Which led to some wag referring to the senator as "Kirk is the Jerk with a Smirk"

    But Kirk deserves a "Hat Tip" for making "Sen. Tammy Duckworth" more and more likely come 2016!

  7. Take good care of yourself TC!

  8. Sleep well, TomCat.

  9. Thanks everyone, I did not sleep enough, but did some.

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