May 092015

I think what kept me going yesterday was anger at my doctor’s staff. or perhaps this was a delayed reaction.  When I woke up this morning, it was like running into a wall.  I went back to bed.  Normally, I could have spent several hours in research by now, but since I have not even started, I decided this is a good day to take off.  Hugs to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:58 (average 5:48).  Ti do it5, click here.  How did you do?




  19 Responses to “Personal Update–5/9/2015”

  1. Go ahead and take the day off. Go back to bed and do the "catnap" thing… lol.

  2. 6:10 average (still) 5:48.  Symmetry always does me in (even if they misspell it).

    By all means take the day off.  Sweet dreams,

  3. Like this – with illustration:

    "OH NO! I'm late for work!"

    "Oh, right … it's Caturday"

  4. With all the rain we have been having, this is n excellent day to catnap, unless there is tornadoes in the way! Here, we have more tornado watches than regular programming! The weather has been doing all kinds of tricks and didos! I GOTTA get me a storm cellar!
    Have a good rest, my friend! You have one coming!

  5. 3:44  Salad, you even missed out on some salad Puddy Tat!

    This has not been an overly kind week for me.  On Wednesday, I feel full force on my bad knee while trying to prevent my little girl from getting away from me.  I caught her but over balanced and came down fairly hard on my left knee, twisting my right a bit (enough to cause swelling) and hit my head on the railing, but not hard.  Then on Thursday night (Friday morning about 2 am), I got out of bed and stepped on Primo.  There was plenty of black fur on the floor to attest to the altercation!  However he scratched me big time and perhaps bit me on the left ankle.  I am watching it carefully but because it is very red, I suspect that it is infected.  I had a tetnus shot 8 years ago but tomorrow I think I'll go to the emergency.  At least Primo still loves me!  Today was a good day as I walked 1 km in a fun "walk with your doc".  The weather was grand and my physiotherapist was there as were a lot of other physios and doctors along with some decrepit souls like me.  It was a 1 km course but my knee was sore so I left it at that and headed home for a cold date with my ice packs.  Tomorrow, I hope to go over to see my mother for Mother's Day.

    TC, I hope you were necessarily good to yourself and got lots of rest!

    • Cartoon — The elephant in the room sucks big time!  The Puddy Tat on the other hand, RULES!!!

    • Lynn, if Primo bit you, by all means see a doctor.  Cellulitis is a very real thing following a cat bite.  I know from personal experience.  My mother was hospitalized for five days last year after her cat bit her and she treated it herself.  I did the same thing about six years ago, but went to the doctor the second day when it was red and swollen.  You will probably need antibiotics. 

    • Oh Lynn!  Please always have some Lugol's iodine in the house – iodine is not only needed for the internal workings of every cell in the body, but is superb at preventing infection.  If I have any wounds/scratches I put Lugols on them immediately and they heal well. It does sting, but it really works!  Put on several amounts  – basically as soon as the yellowy/orangey/browney stain fades put some more on. 

      (If any doctor goes wobbly at the thought of iodine [as they have been erroneously taught to do] – remind them that surgeons cover their hands and forearms several times a day with iodine – and then ask them if they know any ill, decrepit or faded surgeons, and they reluctantly will say no.  Surgeons are the most energetic and healthy group in any hospital – I used to work in one and it is true!).



      • PS Lugols iodine is a recipe/method of production, it is not a brand and can be bought anywhere in the world – but if you are desperate tincture of iodine will do.

    • I agree w/ what's been said – SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION if there's ANY sign of infection!

      Look for RHST – Red, Hot, Swelling, Tender – any one of them is enough to seek medical attention.

      Cats are MUCH more likely to cause cellulitis than dogs.  It's because a cat's fangs are much sharper than a dog's teeth – so they cause puncture wounds (v. shredding wounds from dogs), and so introduce bacteria much deeper than dog bites.

      Anywhere from 30% to 75% of cat bites will become infected.  I speak from experience as it took THREE WEEKS of antibiotics to clear my rather impressive cellulitis.  And my uncle, like Edie's Mom, was hospitalized for a cat bite of the hand.

       I will say bites on the hand are much more problematic because of all the fascial layers of all the muscles in the hand.  They are hard to treat.

      The most common aerobic pathogen is pasteurella – but anaerobes can also be a problem.  Augmentin (amoxicillin-clavulanate) is usually the drug of choice – and we gave it prophylactically to any patient who came in w/ a cat bite – even if it wasn't RHST yet.

      Don't wait on this one if there's ANY sign of inflammation SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION!

    • I'm so sorry you've had a rough fre days and concur with what's been said.  From doing a CAT scan, I prescribe:  Take two doctors and call me in the morning.  Serioisly, listen to Nameless.

    • 3:42  I tried to leave you some salad, Lynn.

  6. TC, if anyone deserves a day off, it is you!

  7. You deserve a day off TC – curl up in a nice warm place with some food and purr and purr – purring is very healing!

  8. Thanks all.  The day helped.

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