Apr 102015

My trip to the podiatrist was somewhat comical, and it took him longer than usual to cut the growth from my foot.  It’s been over a month since I last went anywhere, because I was so sick.  By the time I got to the doctor, I had already walked around half a mile, and while he was trying to cut, the leg was cramping big time.  Fortunately he was patient, and OOPS! did not happen.  All things considered, I survived the trip quite well.  However, my muscles are sore and cramping, and since I suffered from insomnia last night, I’m totally pooped. 

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  19 Responses to “Personal Update–4/10/2015”

  1. 3:45 average 4:56.   Brrrr.   Where's the cocoa?

    I'll bet you're pooped!  Get some rest.  Hope the foot will feel better fast also.

    Off Topic:  I keep reading about Senator Tom Cotton (The Traitor-in-Chief, writer of the infamous letter) now claiming that if we invaded Iran, it would be a "cakewalk."  He's from Arkansas – he MUST know that the origin of "cakewalk" is from an event and a dance asociated specifically with people of color.  So what I want to know – is he referring to the fact that Iranians are people of color compared to his lily-white (or should I say cotton-white) self?  Or is he referring to the fact that if we send military to die in Iran, a disproportionate number of them will be people of color?  Or both?  BTW the non-racist expression would be "piece of cake."


  2. 5:16  I got stuck in the snow and fell asleep.

  3. What a bummer.  But I'm confused on what "… and OOPS! did not happen" means.  Does that mean he did NOT remove the growth because of the cramps; or does it mean he DID remove it, and despite your legs cramping/moving he did so without an error or "Oops"?

    Not getting into specific etiologies (I try to avoid long-distance diagnoses – especially in folks out of my age-range of experience), for general physiologic leg cramps some helpful things are [1] keep well hydrated, and [2] keep up with your electrolytes, like potassium, calcium, magnesium – but especially potassium.

  4. Comical and oops sounds like a day out and about was want you may have needed  to get some sleep tonight!  Be well soon πŸ™‚ Tom 

  5. Take care, TC. Keep them cramps at bay! You’d
    hate to get a pedicure that was TOO close!

  6. I hope you get some rest and feel better soon!

    Cartoon:  I did not realize the ASPCA was that old, but I am very grateful for its existence. 

  7. Puzzle —  3:06  I see the podiatrist trimmed your nails Puddy Tat allowing you to slide downhill much more quickly! Jerry, were you distracted by building another snow fort for the snowball wars?

    "…and OOPS! did not happen."  Or in other words, he didn't amputate the foot!  I had to have a wedge resection on my left big toe 43 years ago.  Once I was able to appreciate humour again (about 3 days later), my stepfather said the doctor was afraid he might have to amputate . . . starting at my neck!

    Rest Puddy Tat so that you are ready for the primary wars.  It is starting to heat up!

    • Cartoon — I didn't know the US had problems with ammosexuals back in 1866 such that it had to create a group to protect the people!  . . . American Society for the Promotion of Cruelty to Ammosexuals



  8. Many mineral deficiencies can cause muscle cramps, the first and most common is magnesium deficiency – and it is easily and cheaply available the world over – one can buy Magnesium Oil sprays (convenient and expensive and of course they have perfumes and preservatives in, based on magnesium chloride, MgCl) or one can buy Epsom Salt powder from any chemist/drugstore and dissolve a teaspoon in some water and put it on the muscles (magnesium sulphate/sulfate, MgSO4).  Mg Cl works faster than MgSO4, but it can make problems if a person has halide problems and is hypothyroid.  Relief from pain is wonderful – and many of our foods don't have enough magnesium which means that with the best will in the world our bodies don't get enough magnesium – which causes muscle cramps – and is easily solved, but does need to be repeated.

    (Other deficiencies which can cause muscle cramps can include iodine and even potassium – and I have found help also from D-Ribose made into a solution; if anyone intends to add something to their diet/body they should check either online or with their doctor to make sure that no side effects/drug interactions might occur with anything else they are taking).

    Hope the foot gets better soon. 


  9. I'm glad there was no "Oops!" moment. Those can be horrendous. Rest, TC.

    Congratulations to the ASPCA for the great work they have been doing for such a long time! I too was surprised that they have been in existence for so long. Cruelty to animals has always existed and they do something about it.

  10. Thanks all.  When I go for my quarterlt foot surgerym the pain is already suddiciently severe that the residual pain, that lasts less than a day, is far less.

  11. Quick question..When ,if ever) can we expect the Repugs to behave like grown ups and not(as they are currently)

    Spitefull Kindergarden children??) I am sick of them impeding everything that the USA currently  needs, . eg. Infrastructure,update,Real Transportation(asin Western European countries,and REAL HEALTH CARE??single payer etc.! (could go on and on But these will do for a start. .As for the "chicken Hawks who shout for war. Let them go to the nearest recrutement office and join up.(or send their adult children,If they themselves are too old.!)

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