Matthews Hits Home on Iran

 Posted by at 12:45 pm  Politics
Apr 072015

You don’t see me featuring clips of Chris Matthews very often, because I not really a fan of his.  Of the MSNBC crew, he ‘s more of a Hillary Democrat than the more progressive Schultz, Hayes, Maddow, and O’Donnell.  But every once in a while, he hits home, and this is one of those times.

GOPwarmongersChris Matthews took apart all of the nonsensical objections to Obama’s negotiations with Iran with a few pointed questions to Michael Rubin from the American Enterprise Institute (aka Koch Industries Thinkers, Inc.)

We begin with the "appeasement" talking point, which is a crowd favorite on the right, despite the fact that it has absolutely no basis in fact. Nevertheless, conservatives have trotted out such knowledgeable beings as Ron Christie, Allen West, John Bolton, and Ted Cruz. Armed with their talking points and media training, each looks straight into the camera and tells their fearful audience this deal is as terrible as Chamberlain’s agreement with Hitler.

Tweety isn’t having it, and reminds that the very same argument was used to get us into the Vietnam war…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>


Simply put, if Republicans sabotage this deal, Russia, China and Europe will not back us in proposing a tougher deal that Iran will not accept. Rubin’s better settlement is as big a lie as his claims about Iraq.


  10 Responses to “Matthews Hits Home on Iran”

  1. The pure and simple truth is the Neo-Cons want another war for the middle class and poor to pay for with their taxes and their lives.

    • Especially their lives, so that thee will be fewer of them to feed.  Who they think is going to wait on them hand and foot after they succeed in eliminating all the poor, I can't imagine.  Certainly without the middle class, the 1% doesn't have enough brains to build the robots they want, let alone to do maintenance on them.

  2. I think Matthews is more of an independent.  At least that was my first thought when I stated watching MSNBC daily in 2008.  I watch his show all the time.  I think it just to see things in a different light.  A fan no but it beats watching Moring Joe.  But I really like Maddow.  Sometimes I wish Keith Olbermann was stiil on MSNBC

  3. I am not normally a fan of Matthews either, but he did a good job on this one.  The bottom line is that nothing Obama tries to put through is going to go down easily because this Congress is determined to humiliate him.  They don't care if they have to destroy the country to do it.

    • "… this Congress is determined to humiliate him.  They don't care if they have to destroy the country to do it."


      You've got that right Edie!  This Congress would short-sheet their own mothers' beds, that's assuming they all have or had mothers!

  4. If the neocons succeed in starting a war, they should be THE front line in battle! . . . assuming there is no nuclear annihilation! Then we'll see how long the war lasts.

    An interesting article from The Atlantic

    "Things changed in 2010 because the Obama administration—aided by the antics of then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—convinced European and Asian governments that the only way to get a diplomatic deal with Tehran was to apply economic pressure first. This global pressure has now isolated Iran from the world economy in a way that American pressure alone never could.

    But if the United States walks away from a deal that European and Asian governments support, those governments will not indefinitely maintain a sanctions regime that lacks domestic political support and costs them money. Last year, a reportby the European Council on Foreign Relations warned that “those [in the United States] blocking implementation of a final deal … could endanger the international consensus backing sanctions against Iran.” "

    Just my opinion, but the Republicanus/Teabaggerum sense of American exceptionalism won't be worth a plug nickel if the US is isolated from the international community over Iran sanctions.  Who would the US be exceptional to?  Only in its own mind . . . the international community would in essence shun the US.

    • If they had to be on the front lines, there would be no war at all. They are all cowards. They just know how to talk a big game.

  5. Oh my blood pressure (the merest quibble – how is a mistake equal to a catastrophe – the one is FAR greater than the other!) – how does the maniacally (and creepily) smiling Rubin  think that a new war will be paid for (Heaven forfend) when they haven't even paid for the last one that cost trillions and trillions? 

    Lynn is right – there should be a rule that everyone who calls for war is automatically in the front line of any conflict – and I bet many would say that they stay there until the conflict is over. 

    Rubin then says 'you avoid war with credibility' – really?! – tell me how that works please, I have never seen that in all my study of history!

    Eugene Robinson should have got a lot more air time – but the apparent gibbering lunatic kept interrupting and shouting…


  6. Thanks all.  We seem to be mostly on the same page.

  7. Reminds me of Eisenhower's warnings about the military industrial complex–who are megadonors to the GOP

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