Mar 112015

My 7:15 appointment was set back to 9:00, and the notification was sent too late for me to get it.  I had to wait outside in the weather for 1 3/4 hours.  I don’t feel well.  Hopefully I’ll be better tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:51 (average 4:36).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

On the way home, I noticed that trees are blooming much too early.



  15 Responses to “Personal Update–3/11/2015”

  1. I find it all too common that people do not consider when a person needs notice about an appt. or meeting time change or documents to discuss, etc. and view them as having done their job when it is only half a communication.  I'm sorry one impacted you so much. 

    I'm seeing many other plants besides trees flowering way too early again this year.

  2. 4:27 average still 4:36.   Well-named fish for sure.

    The appointment change wouldn't have been QUITE so bad if you only hadn't had to wait outside in the weather.  It would still have been hella inconvenient, but not so much of a health hazard.  At least it wasn't snowing, I hope. 

    Our snow and overnight lows have spared us from early blooming so far.  But there's still time.

  3. Hope you get to feeling better real soon. 

    But take whatever time you need … one's health is ALWAYS the top priority.

  4. Rude on top of rude, changing your appt. without proper notice and then causing you to remain outside? I would be complaining loudly.  We don't have any early blooms here but at least it hasn't snowed for the last three days. woo hoo.  I hope you feel better soon. 

  5. 3:06  I think that puddy tat is going to have a fine fish meal if Patty or Jerry don't take care of business.

    Isn't it amazing . . . if we cancel or have to move an appointment and there is less than 24 hours before the appointment, we get charged.  But if the shoe is on the other foot, too bad, so sad!  I've had a similar situation only fortunately I wasn't out waiting in the weather.  But they argued with me about missing the appointment.  I could not stay because I had another appointment elsewhere.  Fortunately, I won!  I would have stomped on them with my size 9s otherwise!

    • 3:18 That slippery fishy got away! Help him, Jerry!

      No blooms in my yard. We still have at least 3 feet of snow in the open spaces where no shovel or plow has been. The banks are much higher.

    • Lynn, is that size 9 a British or American size?  Just wondering.

  6. So sorry about the appointment change sent to you far too late – am praying you will recover soon – hot water bottles (well wrapped so they last longer at a warm heat and don't go from incandescent to freezing) and lots of nice hot drinks and a good few kitty naps sound as though they should help!  Don't come back till you are better TC, please… 

    On the subject of things blooming too early, I have some Jasmine (climber, yellow flowers, supposedly spring flowering) outside my bay window – and it has been flowering since October on the north side of the window!  The one on the southern side of the window is only just into flower – most odd.


  7. Maybe this "Cat Harness FAIL" YouTube video will cheer you up.  Saw an edited cut of it this morning on GMA, and it's really funny.

    Be sure to watch it to the end, so you know "All's well that ends well."

    • That is just too funny! . . . but oh so cat!

      Many years ago, I took my Muffin to a vet.  When I went to pick her up, I was told that she was vicious.  The vet went back into the kennel area to get her but put a leash on her and dragged her out of the kennel area into the hall.  I was distressed to say the least so I called her name.  She got up and ran to me and jumped into my arms.  The vet was totally amazed.  He approached to remove the leash and she growled.  We never went back to that vet.  He was definitely not a cat person.  I question whether he had any animal sense at all.

    • That was too funny, Nameless! Shane said we need to get 2 harnesses for our cats for when they misbehave. He thinks maybe they would calm down. I seriously doubt it and I wouldn't even attempt it with these two.

    • My Archie's performance topped that.  Of course that was even before video cameras were affordable to the public so I have no video record.  But Archie (a tuxie like TC)  fell over just like that.  But he didn't suffer in silence – he cried – loudly.  I didn't try a leash – I was just putting on the harness to try to get him accustomed to it.  Anyway, we had a long hall at the time, and he S-L-O-W-L-Y travelled the length of it by extending one paw and then doing a slow pull-up with it – over and over.  He about had me convinced, but my smarter mother went down to his starting point and crumpled some cellophane, a favorite toy.  Whooosh!  Like a flash he was "cured" and at her feet, still in the harness.  That was when we laughed, which elicited the must disgusted "Damn!  Busted!" facial expression from him we had ever seen.

    • My Rusty, an orange tabby was trained to a leash but I started when he was a kitten and the only cat I had, he adapted well and loved to go outside with me.  Our dog, however, did just about what this cat did and was never trained to a leash.  I had to carry her anytime I took her to the vet.  Wish I had a video of her being dragged by the leash.

  8. SoINeedAName, that poor kitty! She was sure not going for a walk, was she? That looks like something one of my cats would do!
    TomCat, I’m so sorry for your problems with your appointment! To be left out like that is so unprofessional! And to leave it to the last minute tell you your appointment had been moved up is the same! Don’t they know you have to arrange transportation ahead of time? Any doctor should know how their patients get to their offices! Unprofessional, to say the least!
    Take good care of yourself! We need you to enlighten us daily!

  9. Thanks all.  Very sick.

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