Oct 292014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 191.  I’m rushing to get these articles written in before I leave to go to prison for volunteer work.  Pardon my brevity.  Because tomorrow will be a recovery and grocery delivery day, I may have no articles for Thursday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 5:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league.





Perhaps I lacked wisdom when I invited a Sasquatch to play FOOTball. 🙁

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Saying that he was “sick and tired of having my medical credentials questioned,” Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.) had himself sworn in as a medical doctor on Sunday night.

Dr. Christie acknowledged that becoming a doctor generally requires pre-med classes, four years of medical school, plus additional years of residency, but he said that the Ebola epidemic compelled him to take “extraordinary measures, as we say in the medical profession.”

Dr. Christie said that, beginning on Monday, he would begin a series of random “house calls” to check New Jersey residents for Ebola and assign them for quarantine. “I can usually diagnose someone with Ebola in under a minute,” Dr. Christie said. “Even faster if I don’t actually see them.”

The doctor said that before moving forward with his plan to quarantine scores of New Jersey citizens he suspects of having Ebola, he consulted with other prominent epidemiologists, including Dr. Rick Perry, of Texas. “He concurs,” he said.

Bingo on PIGnocchio, Andy. Of course, Idiot, Son of Idiot, Named after Idiot and his misanthropic father perfected the phony medical certification routine.

From Daily Kos: Can anyone here name a  "news" outlet that would blatantly lie and then continue to lie even after being called out on it?  There are none–because Fox has never been one.  Legitimate journalists try to get to the truth, Fox (and friends) tries to make up the truth to suit their rightwing objectives.


The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, has never been news. It has always been infoganda.

From Upworthy: Even though men can get it, I am not likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer in my lifetime. Regardless, I am dubious of the sea of pink ribbons, products, and promotional tie-ins that inundate our society. That’s not to say anyone who wants to wear pink and try their hardest to raise awareness is doing anything wrong — to the contrary! But I do think there’s room for criticism.

In other words, check out this funny video about pinkwashing.

Lying Komen Pink Propaganda Barf Bag Alert!!!

Shame on Upworthy for spreading Komen’s lying propaganda!! They are a virtual front for the Republican Party. 21% of donations to services is very little. Comparing that to the NFL’s charity percentage is apples to oranges. The NFL exists to make money, not to provide charitable services. Boycott Komen and give to an organization that helps women, Planned Parenthood.




  20 Responses to “Open Thread–10/29/2014”

  1. 4:48 I got tangled up in the vine jumble just like I do in the wild grape vines in my back yard.

  2. FF ~ Thanks, TC. I get to tangle with Sasquatch this week.

    New Yorker ~ Andy was at the top of his game with this one.

    Daily Kos ~ Kelly and the rest of the FAUX "anchors" wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face.

    Upworthy ~ I stopped contributing to Komen when they stopped giving money to Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screenings. Now their "Fracking for the Cure" campaign should work to turn off even more people.

    Cartoon ~ And we still don't have equal rights no matter what TeapublicanTs say.



    It's 29 years and two days since I took my Mom to a unique "doubleheader". 

    Back when I was practicing, our office had season tickets for both the Royals and the Chiefs.  On October 27, 1985 the Chiefs had a home game in the afternoon that I took my Mom to – and practically baked in the sun and heat.  (We lost to the Broncos – BOOOO!) 

    And then that evening I took her (a real sports fan and diehard Cubbies fan) to the seventh game of the "I-70 World Series" against the St. Louis Cardinals – and WE WON!  Mom and I were in hog-heaven!  Although I took her to Royals games when she came down from Illinois to visit, she had never been to a World Series game.

    But the temperature dropped from the upper 70's at the Chiefs game to the lower 40's during the Royals game. And I was still wearing my shorts … and freezing!  So I had to buy a way too-small souvenir sweatshirt for myself to even stay halfway comfortable. Mom, being the sensible one, had brought a heavy jacket "just in case it gets cold." 

    So after the game I gave her the sweatshirt since it was really her size – and she's been wearing it this week in support of the Royals.  So …


  4. Upworthy: I agree that the video was dripping with sarcasm but it was funny at the same time and factual. A very clever and well made short anti-komen video.
    YouTube VIDEO:

    Think before you Pink.

    Pink fracking drills “for the cure”?!

    Susan G. Komen and Baker Hughes, a leading global fracking corporation, have joined forces in the most egregious pinkwashing partnership we’ve ever seen – pink drill bits “for the cure.”

    Baker Hughes and Komen claim to care about breast cancer, but at least 25% of chemicals used in fracking increase our risk of cancer. Tell Komen to end this pinkwashing partnership and pay attention to the health harms of fracking.

    Web site: http://bcaction.org/
    Petition: http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/6098/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=18615

    Stop the Distraction – http://thinkbeforeyoupink.org/

    Pink ribbon culture distracts from meaningful progress on breast cancer in six fundamental ways:

    1. Pink ribbon products spread empty awareness.
    2. Pink ribbon promotions spread misinformation.
    3. Corporations exploit concern about breast cancer for profit.
    4. Some pink ribbon products are linked to causing breast cancer.
    5. Pink ribbon promotions often degrade women by objectifying and sexualizing women’s breasts and bodies.
    6. Pink ribbon culture obscures the harsh reality of breast cancer

    For more details of above numbered statements, see and read:

    Petition: Stop the Pink Distraction

    Now is the time to be really be anti-Komen! Tell your friends.
    Maybe someone out there in C2 land can make a petition or two out of this…

  5. New Yorker – brilliant satire from Andy – hope it never becomes reality!

    Daily Kos- Faux Noise still trying to get down to even lower standards.

    Boycott Komen and her pinkwashing of fracking!

  6. Thanks Jim– your comment explains the challenge with a different comment I made on today's other post.

    NOW did  succeed in engaging the public in conversation and to begin to address inequities at a time when more women were seeking careers and more married women began working in the days of run away inflation.

    Pink does not equal helping address the issue and someone led the organization away from original mission so long ago they seem unable to do anything to realign so all who want to address the issue should give elsewhere.

    I noted in some reports that even local CO Fox affiliates felt the need to air stories correcting the misinformation.

    Andy makes an excellent point as ususal.  In addition to having to disown this absurdity this week, Christie has the WI Scott claiming he kept the RGA from giving him appropriate campaign support–another fall-out worth watching.

  7. 5:16 average up to 6:15.  I knew I would get thotougthly tangled and so it transpired, especially after oversleeping- but so did everyone else apparently.  Except you, TC.  Hope there's a bird hiding in there for your lunch.

    New Yorker – When I had my last checkup my doctor teased me that I qualified as an honorary doctor because I spelled the generic names of all my meds correctly.  I was going to say maybe something like that happenedm – except I can't imagine him spelling anything correctly.

    Daily Kos – Amazing.  Except, sadly, not really. 

    Upworthy – Granted that the Komen "Foundation" is the scum of the earth, and that pink ribbons are a plague and make me want to wash out my eyes, and pink fracking drills are an abomination unto the Lord, I need to say what I said yesterday on a different blog about Barbie – and that is, if you boycott every article in any shade of pink because of this, you are allowing it to run your life just as surely as if you bought everything pink.

    Cartoon – I remember.  I was a charter subscriber to Ms too.

  8. Thought I would drop in to say hi.  I am really sick and pretty sure I have a lung infection, like positive.  And do my back, ribs, neck and chest ever hurt from the coughing.  I hope this does not keep my team from sasquatching Monster Mashers this week. In week 2, I was mashed.  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon.  Today has been resting and sleeping.  I don't even have the energy to watch TV or read, which really sucks.  I was so dizzy this morning that my fur babes had to wait until 11;30 AM for their breakfast, but I was forgiven.  I have been up for 15 minutes and I am already done in.  Later . . . 

  9. The New Yorker:  If Christie thought he could get away with this, he would try it.

    Daily Kos:   Fox has never run a retraction on this either.

    UPworthy:  Wow, they donate 21% to breast cancer research!  What do they do with the other 79%,  I have beenthrough with Susan b B Komen since they withdrew funding for Planned Parenthood.

    Cartoon:  NOW has made real progress for women in this country, but we have a long way to go, and the Republicans are trying to get rid of the gains we have made.

  10. Thanks all.  Pit stop

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