Jun 272014

Day 67.  Sometimes the nest laid plans of mice and men, and even cats, fall by the wayside.  I never made it to prison.  I woke up with a severe case of Republicosis, and discovered that I am out of antidiarrheal meds.  I spent the day tethered to the throne and am imitating  Eveready. Sick smile

Jig Zone Puzzle:

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  18 Responses to “Personal Update–6/27/2014”

  1. 3:39 I as paddling and going nowhere. TC, you must have been in a real hurry to get that kayak out of the water and to the sandbox.

  2. Get well soon – and keep up w/ your fluids … AND electrolytes!

  3. Good advice from Nameless.  I know your guys will be disappointed but they would be a lot more disappointed if  you hurt ourself so badly trying to do to much that you couldn't come back at all.  (If you need to make your own you can get kaolin as an art supply and pectin at the grocery in the jam department.  Since you're a cat, though, you may still be able to get the finished product as a veterinary med.)  I have to visit a prison myself today but it's personal.

  4. I am so sorry for you, believe me, I understand.  I try to never run out of Imodium or Pepto Bismol.  Yogurt helps me sometimes, too. Hope you are better by now.

    I really wish I could teach my cats to do that, it would save a fortune on cat litter. 

  5. Poor TC, I really feel for you – I was the same a week or so ago – NOT nice!

  6. 5:24 – Puzzle

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