Jun 162014

I’m writing for tomorrow and have no articles.  Between severe pain in my bad leg, a torn toenail on one foot, a dislocated toe on the other foot, and a COPD flare-up, I just felt too dang crappy to do anything at all.  Day 56.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:33 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Back to bed for me.



  14 Responses to “Personal Update–6/16/2014”

  1. YIKES!  Hope you're on the mend real soon!

  2. 6:11  Well, I knew it would be tough before I even looked at it.  The average is up a hair.

    Having limited mobility myself I know well how one thing or a combination of things can just wipe a person out.  Have a good rest, no guilt, and feel better.  I just glanced though my email and it doesn't look like anything major happened (unlike Friday – Geesh!  You take one day off of real life to go visit hubby in prison and the entire Middle East blows up!)

  3. 3:35 I wasn't even wearing my glasses!

    You must be feeling really poorly. Sorry, Tom.

    • 3:25  . . . but I most definitely had to wear "mes lunettes".  These must be your's Patty.  Nice job!

      TC would you please look after yourself! . . . or do I have to send Dr Winnie down to look after you?!

  4. You appear to be one sick kitty.  I hope you feel better soooooon!

  5. Thanks all.  Stilll down. πŸ™

  6. Take care, rest & relax.

  7. 4:57 – Puzzle Hope you feel better soon TomCat

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