Apr 282014

I’m writing for tomorrow and am getting some housework done.  Tomorrow I have a medical appointment for X-Rays to determine whether or not I need an MRI for my bad back in addition to physical therapy.  I will be gone several hours, so I may have little or nothing to post on Tuesday.  Day 7.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:46 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Jeb was the one responsible for Stand Your Ground. Compared to the incompetent, tone-deaf, and outright corrupt Rick Scott, Jeb looks good in comparison.  But Rick isn’t responsible for the most violent mistake in our state history (just for expanding it and now hiding it from public records).  Bush turned Florida into an NRA meth lab, allowing them to draft awful bills like SYG and then celebrate passage with them.  ALEC would then bring it to the rest of the nation.  No one here asked for SYG; in fact, most of us fought against it–including law enforcement.  There was not one instance in our entire state history that Jeb could point to where someone who shot in self-defense was prosecuted.  But we did warn of the consequences.  The media ran several stories saying it was a license to hunt and kill.  Democrats in the FL House and Senate correctly predicted catastrophe if the bill passed.  The blood of its many victimes [sic], including 26 children, are on Jeb’s hands.

This is just one of five things we didn’t know about Jeb Bush. Click through for the other four. Personally, I need to know only one thing: Bush!

From Alternet: Cliven Bundy: If I’m racist, it’s MLK’s fault.

Further demonstrating his tenuous grasp on both logic and reality, Bundy elaborated on his deep thoughts on race on CNN later in the week. He was very taken aback that people found his musings on whether black people might be better off as slaves offensive, and so he sought to clarify them, or find someone else to blame. Oddly, he figured it was Martin Luther King Jr.’s fault, for not finishing “his job.”

Perhaps someone should break it to Bundy that MLK was assassinated.

Just as oddly, Bundy thought that the thing that people found most offensive about what he said was that he used words like “black boys” and “Negroes,” as opposed to the whole “better off as slaves” bit.

Finally, he concluded, "We need to get over this prejudice stuff." This puts him in fine conservative company. Conservatives are very upset that people keep calling them racist for doing things like siding with Cliven Bundy, or blaming blacks for their own problems, or in the case of the Roberts Court, for saying that we live in a post-racial society where we no longer need affirmative action to make sure colleges are diverse and educational opportunities are afforded to all.

In other words, the conservative argument is this: Let’s not do the hard work it takes to make things truly equal between races. Let’s just "get over" the racism stuff. Say it’s over, and be done with it. If we just stop calling racists "racist," we’re good.

This is just one of seven absurd Republican follies from last week alone. Click through for the other six.  Republicans had already proved their racist intent when the only famous Bundy was Al.

From Huffington Post:

As he battles through a tight 2014 reelection campaign, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) believes himself to be a popular target.

The Los Angeles Times reported Friday that McConnell had some of his most pointed comments yet against Kentucky Secretary of State and Democratic rival Alison Lundergan Grimes, while setting himself apart from the rest of the 2014 GOP field.

From the LA Times report:

“I’m the only Republican running this year that every crazy liberal in the country’s heard of,” he said. “They’ll be sending their money — they already are — to my opponent. She’ll be arguing to all of you that she’d be a new face. And I agree, she would be a new face. But think about it this way: a new face for what? A new face for no change. A new face for the same majority, the same Senate, the same support for Barack Obama. A new face for the status quo.”

Dang!! I actually have to agree with Bought Bitch Mitch, up to a point. Alison Grimes would certainly be a new face. But considering how sick I am of Mitch’s smug leer, a new face would be great news! And while he enjoys some cheese with his whine, let’s replace every Republican face.



At last!


  15 Responses to “Open Thread–4/28/2014”

  1. Sorry I was absent – we had an internet failure on the lines used by my ISP over here all Sunday – glad it is fixed now. 

    Cliven Bundy seems to be living in his own little weird world, doesn't he – and everything he says gets more and more out of touch with reality, if not to say totally demented! 

    Re your bad back, TC – I assume you have had your Vit D levels tested?  Vit D deficiency doesn't just contribute to osteoporosis but causes a LOT of joint pain – and I can attest to all of that!  Because I have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (probably caused by 35 years of prescription painkillers)  and had my gall bladder removed decades ago (problem caused by the painkillers too) I can't take a lot of fat based vitamins – but I find that opening a capsule of Vit D and putting it on the skin nearest the joint provides a lot of pain relief.  I can't imagine a lot of the vitamin actually gets in – but some does seem to!


  2. 3:02 No matter how fast I go I'm still bug-eyed trying to beat dat puddy-tat.

  3. Daily Kos ~ This is one article to Bookmark for ammunition if he runs.

  4. 4:53  The average was down a little but I'll help bring it back up

    Daily Kos – And after him, they elected Lord Voldemort.  Is there something in the water down there?

    Alternet – Their weekly list always delivers the punch of a horror flick combined with the punch of a comedy flick.  BTW, Mother Jones has a quiz on "Which Bundy Said It: Cliven, Al, Ted, or McGeorge?" at http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/04/cliven-bundy-quotes-quiz.  I got 60%, not great but better than chance at least.

    LA Times – Gee, Mitch, thanks for calling me a ceazy liberal.  I love you too – NOT.  Go crawl into your shell.

    Cartoon – I guess after all this time it's OK for me to go public that I was the USMC Disbursing (payroll) officer on Okinawa who pulled an all-nighter putting together the pay records of the Marines who went out to accomplish this (they called it Operation Eagle Pull).  I had the clearance so I just did it myself.  Not on April 28, of course, but the night before that.

  5. Jeb. following in th family tradition. License to kill!.( whether Americans or the infidel Iraqi,s.) and on both fronts they are STILL instigators.What a legacy!.

    Bundy. Paul Ryan,s poster boy for "Takers" Have yet to hear from Ayn,s greatest admirer!.

    Not a squeak.

  6. Well I'm back home.  The fur babes are home and I bought a few groceries.  Having just finished a light supper, I'm off to bed because my body says it is 12:15 am on 29/04/14, and the babes are meowing to have cuddle time.  I've been up since 7 am EDT so I am tired!

    Say goodnight Gracie!  Goodnight!

  7. Daily Kos:  I read the article about Jeb.  As far as I amm concerned, anyone with the surname Bush is bad for this country.  According to the article, his main goal is to be wealthy.  I thought he all ready was.  SYG should be banned everywhere, too many innocents are being killed by it.

    I clicked through all the Alternet article.  These are the people who make me despair that my granddaughter will never grow up in a better world than I did.  So much racism is cloaked in Christianity these days that I feel sure Jesus would throw them all out if he came back. 

    Huffington Post:  I sincerely hope that Grimes will be the new face as senator from Ky.  Mitch never had a very attractive face to begin with and his demeanor made him look worse.

    Cartoon:  As much as I wanted the American withdrawal from Viet Nam, I will always feel sad for the Vietnamese who suffered so much when we left.

    TC, I hope  you got good news at your drs today.  Get some rest if you can, 

  8. Thanks everyone!

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