Happy Valentines Day

 Posted by at 12:43 am  Holiday, Politics
Feb 142014



  14 Responses to “Happy Valentines Day”

  1. You wouldn't like my home. We have much colder weather than you and much more snow. Last night we got another 7 or8 inches of the pretty white stuff.

  2. You wouldn't like my home because it's too far from the guys you volunteer with.  We know you won't leave.  We see right through you (to your big heart).

  3. We are friendly in Florida, just ask our Governor Rick Scott that invited Hannity to come live here then ran away from Chris Christie. lol Love it when they throw each other under the bus. So much for loyalty.

    But the weather is great so come on down! I'm sure even Tom Cats would enjoy some sunshine and warmer air.

  4. LOL – lots of Tom Cats here so you'd fit right in, Tom….but you're most likely a lot safer where you are…..

    I do wish your outlook was contagious, tho – you could come visit and contaminate all of Ga with some good liberal thinking….

  5. LOL! Happy Valentine's Day! Sorry I can't bring you home – but my husband won't even allow me to keep a pool boy!;) My Dachshunds are irritated by cats…:(

  6. While the East Coast and the Southeast are getting plenty of snow, which might be too cold for your cute footsies, we in the great Pacific Northwet <!> are getting the thawed version, along with lots of wind. I asked Purrna, Maha, Angel, and Radish if it was okay to invite you to join us. But they said any sel-respecting Tom Cat would stay in out of the rain. But thinks hearts, hugs, and tummy rubs!

  7. While other parts of the country are having lots of snow and cold, we in the Pacific Northwet <!> are having the thawed version, with plenty of wind to accompany it. I asked Purrna, Maha, Angel, and Radish if you could come visit us. But they said that any respecting Tom Cat would know enough to come in out of the rain . . . oh, and yes, all spots in front of the fireplace are taken by resident felines. But happy Valentive's Day and think hugs, and scritchs, and tummy rubs.

  8. Happy Valentine's Day everybody! 

    I'm not much on Valentine's, even as a kid.  But I have 3 little valentine's that I am particularly fond of that I plan to take some fresh roast chicken to as a treat!

  9. Happy Valentine's day, Tom. You are welcome here, hubby and the other tomcats said for you to "come on down" to the Bluegrass state.

  10. Thanks everyone!  Dang I have some chiocxes this year.  Sadly, they're fdrom Red states. 🙁  If I went to one, the gestapo would snaffrle me up, take me to the vet, and snip, snip!!!  Not an option!!  That would be the end of Politics Plus.  Without my kitty dingles, I'd be like Leg Hound Harry Reid without his ObamaBalkls!!  Useless!!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day everyone…. ♥

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