Feb 122014

I’m writing for tomorrow, and my COPD is still severe, but I do have another article.  The ice storms are over, for now, and it looks like I’ll be able to get out, after today.  I hope you enjoy what Abe wants for his birthday.

Late Note:  I was right on the first short take.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:49 (average 4:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: The House is likely to vote Wednesday on a plan to extend the government’s borrowing authority into 2015 in exchange for reversing a cut to the pensions of working-age military veterans that Congress approved just two months ago to try to trim the budget deficit.

The plan, presented to House Republicans on Monday evening by their leaders, represents a dramatic reversal for the House after three years of using the debt ceiling to extract major spending cuts and conservative policy changes. In this instance, the debt ceiling deadline — looming at the end of this month — will be used to reverse the only difficult spending cut included in a budget and deficit-reduction deal reached in December.

For its part, the Senate voted Monday evening 94 to 0 to take up a Democratic bill that reverses the same spending cut without paying for it with other savings.

This sounds like an attempt at projection by Republicans, to hide a cave-in, because they were the ones who originally insisted on these cuts on the conference committee, and Democrats are the ones that have been trying to reverse these Republican cuts.  I doubt that Republicans will actually vote to repeal those cuts.  I think they are about to cave-in.

From Alternet: Crazy: Fox Host Lashes Out At Lego Movie for ‘an Anti-Business Message to Kids’

Barf Bag Alert!!


If the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, had their way, kids would get to see only The Birth of a Nation.

From Right Wing Watch: President Obama can do nothing right in the eyes of the GOP, it seems: Even the president’s National Prayer Breakfast speech defending religious freedom has stoked the ire of one Republican congressman.

Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) told Family Research Council president Tony Perkins on Washington Watch [Pseudo-Christians delinked] last week that he was “stunned” and “shocked” by the president’s speech and was angry that Obama would “insult those who really believe” in the freedom of religion — like him.

President Obama can do nothing right in the eyes of the GOP, it seems: Even the president’s National Prayer Breakfast speech defending religious freedom has stoked the ire of one Republican congressman.

Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) told Family Research Council president Tony Perkins on Washington Watch [Pseudo-Christians delinked] last week that he was “stunned” and “shocked” by the president’s speech and was angry that Obama would “insult those who really believe” in the freedom of religion — like him.

Barf Bag Alert!!


RepubliSpeak DictionaryReligious Freedom: License to impose their beliefs and exclude those of others.




  9 Responses to “Open Thread–2/12/2014”

  1. 2:47 We're always chasing rainbows.

  2. NY Times ~ You were right. They did cave on a clean debt ceiling vote. They planned their strategy very well. The only RepublicanTs voted "aye" to raise it were not concerned about reelection in their districts. My congressman, Richard Hanna, has no challenger yet so they let him vote "aye".

    Alternet ~ I thought the villain looked more like John Boehner with his orange "skin".

    Right Wing Watch ~ I'm glad you warned me to get my barf bag ready.

    Cartoon ~ I thought his wish might be to free the middle class from slavery.



  3. 4:33.  Still flirting with average.

    NY Times – Yeah, I didn't think they volted to reverse those cuts.  I thought they voted to increase the debt ceiling with no strings.  Leaving veterans still high and dry.  Republicans vote to reverse cuts?  Unthinkable!

    Alternet – Sounds almost like Teletubbies all over again.  This is a little off topic, but on Alternet (saw it on this article) and other sites (including Care2) I am seeing links to stuff placed by CRED.org.  This is a front group for the oil companies.  It should be pretty obvious, but if like me you have high blood pressure you may want to avoid clicking.

    Right Wing Watch –  Good grief.

    Cartoon – I think what he wants to resign from is any association with the word "Republican."  And who can blame him.

  4. Right wing watch… Barf Bag Alert!! :mrgreen:

    Fox Noise is a comic and Whine stage for Nut Jobs… 😈



  5. I hope your copd gets better soon.   We are getting the winter storm that has paralyzed Georgia and NC today, don't know how much snow to expect by morning because the weather predictors thought it would not move this far west.  so sick of snow!

    They did vote to raise the debt ceiling, but I am pretty sure they didn't reverse the cuts.

    Right Wing Watch:  That guy has hubris!

    FAUX News:  They are really getting desperate for stories.

  6. Puzzle — 3:46  Lost in the colours of the rainbow!

    NY Times — Running scared?!?  In the year of the midterms, I think so!

    Alternet — I haven't seen the movie but it sounds more like a reality show! . . . and we all know that Faux Noise knows nothing of reality.

    Right Wing Watch — What a crock of bullshit!  Barf bag alert indeed!

    Cartoon — Lincoln is likely rolling in his grave at the state of the current Republicanus/Teabaggers!

    While I was listening to the weather on the radio today, there were stories and interviews with a few Georgians talking about the ice etc.  I don't doubt it is bad, but I found myself thinking about climate change.  Was it Georgia that said there could be no mention of rising sea levels etc, no acknowledgement of climate change? The severe storms etc are all about climate change.  I wonder if they will change their minds? . . . silly me . . . they're Republicanus/Teabaggers, so not likely.  Hell will freeze over first.

  7. Thanks everyone.

    Lynn, you remember correctly.

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