Dec 162013

Yesterday I continued to feel absolutely horrid.  To make matters worse, my helper friend is also sick and unable to help me.  I had to put a grocery order away.  That wiped me out, but I also had to find my meds to refill my pill dispenser.  She had buried them in the most inaccessible box, so it was in the last place I looked.  ARGH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 4:49 (average 4:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–12/15/2013”

  1. It's ALWAYS the last place you look …

    (Well, at least it had BETTER be.)

  2. 2:58 I went very fast to catch the Ferry Verenna.


  3. Sorry you're feeling so poorly. The upside is Guitar Man doesn't live in your building so you can rest. The boxes will wait. You have your meds and that was the most important thing packed.

    Fantasy football ~ My Monster Mashers fell apart yesterday and I doubt if my Kicker, Justin Tucker, will get the 25 points I need to win tonight.

    Cartoon ~ Get out of the box and crawl into bed like a good TomCat. You'll be warmer and more comfy.

  4. I think I have a little something to help cheer you.

    Watch and enjoy – Fantasy Football by Rob Riggle:

  5. 4:40 – Hope you're feeling better soon but as Patty said, "The Guitar Man is history" thank goodness… 😐

  6. I hope you are feeling better soon.  Only unpack what you absolutely need. The rest wil be there when you are well. HUgs, Edie

  7. 4:25  I am still at the dock

    As Nameless says – it is always the last place you look – because if you don't stop looking when you find it …..

    Do feel better soon!!  Hugs being sent your way.

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