Nov 302013

I’m writing for tomorrow and feel a little less exhausted than I did yesterday.  Guitar man crashed for a few hours, and even though they blasted the heat again, I slept through it.  I woke up drenched in sweat, but at least I got almost four uninterrupted hours.  I’m still in highly abbreviated mode, and who knows what tomorrow will bring, but today I can include some Short Takes.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:05 (average 4:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: In Eric Cantor’s February 2013 speech, he said he wanted to propose Federal Law that would end overtime pay for hourly workers.  Currently, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, mandates that certain workers get paid "time + 1/2" for overtime work.  Eric Cantor wants to eliminate that law.  Because — ya know — workers not getting paid for overtime hours worked out so good for workers before FDR enacted that Law.

     Eric Cantor’s "end of overtime pay for workers" that he talked about in his February speech was overshadowed, in part, by the public whining Cantor did bitching that ‘Obama gave his speech at the same time as me … wah, wah, wah.’

     In this week’s New Yorker Magazine, Ryan Lizza wrote an excellent article titled: "Can Eric Cantor, the Republican Majority Leader, redeem his party and himself?" in which Lizza reminded readers that Eric Cantor wants to end the Federal law that mandates certain workers get paid overtime for the extra hours they labor.

This assault in Republican class warfare would mean nothing less than the end to the 40 hour work week, allowing vulture capitalists to overwork more people, until they are used up, and discard them.

From NY Times: The law establishing Obamacare was officially titled the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. And the “affordable” bit wasn’t just about subsidizing premiums. It was also supposed to be about “bending the curve” — slowing the seemingly inexorable rise in health costs.

Much of the Beltway establishment scoffed at the promise of cost savings. The prevalent attitude in Washington is that reform isn’t real unless the little people suffer; serious savings are supposed to come from things like raising the Medicare age (which the Congressional Budget Office recently concluded would, in fact, hardly save any money) and throwing millions of Americans off Medicaid. True, a 2011 letter signed by hundreds of health and labor economists pointed out that “the Affordable Care Act contains essentially every cost-containment provision policy analysts have considered effective in reducing the rate of medical spending.” But such expert views were largely ignored.

So, how’s it going? The health exchanges are off to a famously rocky start, but many, though by no means all, of the cost-control measures have already kicked in. Has the curve been bent?

The answer, amazingly, is yes. In fact, the slowdown in health costs has been dramatic.

Click through for the rest of this excellent Paul Krugman editorial that explains this truth, which most broadcast media opts to ignore.

From Think Progress: Giant retailers kicked off the Black Friday sales early this year, with many stores staying open on Thanksgiving Day. Bill Simon, CEO of Wal-Mart’s U.S. operations, told CNN that the stores attracted more than 22 million shoppers on Thursday and reported few violent altercations. “By and large there were a few small incidents but we were really really pleased with how the event went last night,” he said on CNN’s New Day.

But across the country, shoppers confronted each other with knives and guns, fighting for merchandise both inside and outside the stores. Here is a sampling of the worst of Black Friday

This article contains several videos of sheeple committing TEAbuggery, squabbling over the stuff for which they seem to have sold their souls. Click through. Next year, I bet Republicans promote Open Carry holiday shopping, so nobody can come between them and 2nd Amendment right to their stuff. I’m proud that, despite my legitimate need to shop for the necessities of moving, I’m saying NO to this Republican circus of greed.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–11/30/2013”

  1. 3:42 Fuschias don't smell so I didn't stop to smell the flowers today.

  2. Daily Kos ~ Well, God knows the "job creators" need higher profits and the workers don't need the money at all.

    NY Times Brodcast media tend to ignore the facts because it's easier to tell lies without truth backing them up than it is to research the truth. Besides, lies make better "copy". Americans love sensationalism.

    Think Progress ~ I am proud to say that for almost the 30th year in a row, I have not fallen for their "Black Friday" shopping hype.

    Cartoon ~ A great writer was born.


  3. Cartoon — "And never the twain shall meet!" . . . a little Saturday morning humour as I finish my breakfast.

    "The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot."  Samuel L Clemons aka Mark Twain  

  4. Jig Zone Puzzle: 6:30

    Having difficulty posting perhaps it's my system…? 

  5. 4:26 What can I say, I'm just old and slow.

    Also on Twain (from memory so perhaps not exact) – "If it were possible to cross man with cat it would improve man but deteriorate the cat."

  6. Glad you got some sleep!

    Daily Kos:  Cantor is way down in the Republican polls for Pres. nominations, I vhope it stays that way. He seems to have a vendetta against the poor and middle class.  We had "comp" time up to a certain number of hours before getting overtime pay.  It was always a battle to get to use the time when I needed it.  I don't recommend it for anyone.

    NY Times:   As soon as the website problems are settled and people get enrolled, the Repubs are going to be running for cover because 90% of the people will be better off, and medical costs will have to go down.

    Think Progress:  I have never shopped on Black Friday and don't intend to ever shop on Thanksgiving day.  The stories I saw on the news today with people brawling over a cheat tv or other article were pathetic.

    Cartoon:  A great day for American literature.

  7. This assault in Republican class warfare would mean nothing less than the end to the 40 hour work week, allowing vulture capitalists to overwork more people, until they are used up, and discard them.

    Puzzle 5:12

    I was one of the overworked and discarded, and I could see it coming all along but was hand-cuffed via the Golden Handcufs… 🙄

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