Sep 292013

There appears to be a conflict within the Republican Party politicians, pundits, and propagandists, between the “good, sane Republicans”, who want desperately to prevent economic catastrophe, and the evil Tea Party, who together with that vile Muslim Socialist, want our nation’s business to grind to a halt.  If you believe that, see me about buying my alpine ski resort in Kansas at a great piece.  The GOP can’t diverse the TEAbaggers, as Tea Party popularity plummets, because in reality, all are goose-stepping as ordered.


As Washington braces for another budget showdown, this time with the threat of defunding the new healthcare law in the mix, the key political force pushing for conservative policies sees diminished popular support. Fewer Americans now describe themselves as supporters of the Tea Party movement than did at the height of the movement in 2010, or even at the start of 2012. Today’s 22% support nearly matches the record low found two years ago.

In November 2010, days after the Republicans recaptured the majority in the House of Representatives, 32% of Americans pledged support for the Tea Party, or 10 percentage points higher than in the latest survey, conducted Sept. 5-8.

Opponents of the Tea Party now outnumber supporters 27% to 22%, which is similar to their edge in 2012. However this differs from most of Gallup’s earlier measurements, in 2010 and 2011, when supporters and opponents were either equally matched, or Tea Party backers had the slight edge

Inserted from <Gallup>

I learned long ago from Deep Throat to “follow the money”, and that adage has served me well.  In this case, the same people and organizations that fund Republican Party activities and candidates, also fund the Tea Party.  In addition, they caucus together, vote together and according to an acquainted in the business, even go to the cat house together.

The Tea Party has become an integral Part of the Republican Party and serves the same function that the Brown Shirts did in the Nazi Party, threatening violence and invoking  fear.  Like Hitler’s Brown Shirts, they are getting carried away with their own sense of importance and power.  They love to follow orders, especially the one that told them to say nobody told them what to say and think.

I think that the Republican leadership is setting up the TEAbaggers to take the blame for whatever economic mayhem Republican sedition may cause, giving the rest, who are every bit as guilty, a way out.  In the same way, Hitler blamed his Brown Shirts for Nazi violence and the result was the Night of the Long Knives.

In short,the GOP cannot divorce the TEAbaggers, because no one can divorce themselves.


  24 Responses to “GOP Can’t Divorce the TEAbaggers!”

  1. TC – you have said exactly what I have been thinking for years – "

    The Tea Party has become an integral Part of the Republican Party and serves the same function that the Brown Shirts did in the Nazi Party, threatening violence and invoking  fear.  Like Hitler’s Brown Shirts, they are getting carried away with their own sense of importance and power.  They love to follow orders, especially the one that told them to say nobody told them what to say and think.

    "I think that the Republican leadership is setting up the TEAbaggers to take the blame for whatever economic mayhem Republican sedition may cause, giving the rest, who are every bit as guilty, a way out.  In the same way, Hitler blamed his Brown Shirts for Nazi violence and the result was the Night of the Long Knives."

    Heaven help us if that comes to pass!


  2. Scary thoughts! The Baggers who were elected do have an inflated sense of importance. Just look at Cruz!

    The chart shows that Tea Party popularity is waning in the public eye. That's a good thing.

  3. One big cause of this is Gerrymandering to create "safe" seats – which are only safe during the general election.   Parties don't need to nominate moderates who can get swing voters to their side, so the radicals' votes are what they go for.   

    • Howard I agree and often make the same point.  That's why I support expanding theVotring Rights Act to court enforce complience by all 50 states and moving the job of drawing districts lines to nonpartisan workers.

  4. Well thanks Tom for the information.  I never knew.  I guess it took a President of any color except white to show the true colors of the republians.  It is qiute disturbing.  But the people have more power and if they get out and vote we can see dent.  After all Democrats in a unique time in history where they can have it all for yrs to come. Is it Obama who said "We are the ones we have been looking for?"

    • We Democrats have our own probnlems, Mama.  But those are drain the swamp problems.  First we need to get rid of the Republican Alligators.

  5. Republicans and Tea-Bags are the same only the non Tea-Bags try to appear as more moderate in my opinion. :mrgreen:

  6. This is of course a metaphorical slice of humor, BUT when the very wealthy find their mates are interfering with their goals and objectives, a hit man is hired. And….BOOM! Problem solved. Left to their own devices I do believe the Toilet Paper – huh, tea party is their own worst enemy, without the republican party to give "street creds" to them, they are much like an ouroboros and without huge injections of Koch cash, would soon consume themselves. The moderate republicans and moderate democrats need one another as a balance to accomplish good governing. We haven't seen governance, good or bad since these loose cannons were first elected in 2010. A word to the wise; republicans take back your ideals or watch the ship sink.


    • Welcome to the site, Kitty.  I agree and have often said that the Republicans aree now reeaping the whirlwind, because they sowed the wind of hate.

  7. What a difference 3 years makes — support for Republicanus/Teabaggers dropping from 32% in 2010 to 22% in 2013.  And I think that is due to the extremism of Tea Partiers like Ted Cruz, Louie Goh-merde, Paul Ryan and Rand Paul and their ilk with their "take no prisoners" approach to governing. They have shown themselves to be analagous to 2 year olds during a temper tantrum when they don't get their way.  

    Congress' overall approval rating is up from 10% a year ago to 19% in the most recent poll in September made up as follows — Democrats 20%, Independents 18% and Republicanus/Teabaggers 17%.  The average approval rating is 33% since 1974 so the Congress certainly has a way to get to the 34 year average of 33%.  By contrast, the president's approval rating is 45% which is down.  However, with the current debacles, the debt ceiling and government shut down looming, I expect Congressional numbers will fall again as the affects are felt by the public.  For the Republicanus/Teabaggers to employ terrorist tactics, using brinkmanship and its inherent risks, is the height of lunacy.

    Can the Republicans, you know, your father's Republican party, divorce the Teabaggers?  I don't think so because they are too inbred.  The Teabaggers are like ivy on a wall — they have burrowed their way into the Republicanus stucco, brick or wood so that it is very difficult to pull them apart.  I think there is a higher chance that some moderate Republicans would change affiliations to Independent or Democrats if they could, but the puppet masters like the Koch brothers would not tolerate it.  It would be "say good-bye to your political career" time for anyone entertaining such a move.


    • As much as I'd like to see that dovorced take place, the only way I see it happening, would be with such animosity that the Baggers become a party in thieir own right, effectively removing both from power.  I think the slower sink together is the more likely.

  8. First, from hereon out I will refer to "Teabaggers" as Teahadists – because that's exactly what they are: Terrorists bent on destroying our country.

    Second, the "sane" faction of the Rethuglican Party was all Gung-Ho at enlisting the Tea Party for the 2010 elections.  Their problem now can be summed up in that old aphorism:

    "He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount."

  9. Ah, but they can divorce themselves from reality, and many have done so.

  10. This is scary stuff, but probably accurate the Koch brothers are as manipulative as Hitler.  I only hope the American voters are so sick of the nonsense in DC that they throw out all the teabaggers next election.  I wish we could get the FCC to ban Fox News, too

    • I agree, but the FCC is a gase where the regulated have become the regulators, and the Republicans are burrowed into "nonpartisan" jobs.

  11. Annualized spending growths by term


    Bush I—5.4%


    Bush II—7.3%–8.1%

    Obama—1.4% estimated


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