Sep 262013

I’m writing for Thursday, day 104, and while not yet well, I am somewhat better.  There has been a stomach flu going around here, and I evidently have it.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:11 (average 4:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Imagine using the biggest speech of your life to talk about your deepest inner struggles. That’s exactly what the soldier here does as he’s given the Medal of Honor.


The Republican Party is thanking this hero and other victims of PTSD by threatening to shut down their benefits with a shutdown or debt default. This is how the Republican Party supports the troops, this and to offer them as cannon fodder.

From The New Yorker: Republican leaders warned the newly elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani that they would frown on his shaking hands with President Obama at the United Nations today, saying that any embrace of Obama would signal that Iran was not serious about abandoning extremism.

“We welcome President Rouhani’s moderate rhetoric,” said Senator Rand Paul (R-Ken.). “But those words are rendered hollow if he is willing to shake the hand of a notorious extremist.”

“This is a man who has enslaved his people, saddling them with a health-care law not of their choosing,” said Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). “The President of Iran should think twice before shaking hands with a man like that.”

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor sounded a warning of his own: “If the President of Iran wants to give the world the impression that he cares about human rights, he should be careful about cozying up to a despot who has continually tried to take away his people’s assault rifles.”…

Sometimes Andy worries me over giving Republicans new ideas to adopt.

From MSNBC: A "Rand" by any other name…


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Dang! That is so rich that you could fertilize your veggies with it!!. Rachel should have entitled the segment, "BS by any other name." The PAC should change their name to: "Stand with Idiot, Son of Idiot, Named after Idiot"!!




  19 Responses to “Open Thread–9/26/2013”

  1. 3:07 Here, pretty Kitty!

  2. Loved the Rachel Maddow segment – yet another bunch of Reich Wing crooks and liars pouring money into political fights and supporting Rand Paul – and as usual lying about it!

    God bless Staff Sgt Carter for letting the world know that war scars even the bravest hero with invisible internal battle scars and wounds that will take a lot of healing.  Let us hope some people listen to him – like the Right Wing for a change and start re-instating their medical, personal and housing benefits!


  3. Tom, don't push yourself to do too much. Rest and heal! Stomach flu can be horrendous.

    Upworthy ~ It was an honor to listen to this articulate, brave young man speak. Every man and woman on the Hill should have to listen to him before casting another vote on Veterans affairs of any kind. You are correct in saying all our Armed Forces are to them is cannon fodder.

    New Yorker ~ Strange but you can almost imagine them really saying these things.  I hope he is not giving them ideas. But, are they intelligent enough to read The New Yorker?

    MSNBC ~ I give the Stand With Rand PAC 10 points for cojones and zero for intelligence.

    Cartoon ~ The Right to Bear Arms and kill everyone in sight.



    • Better now, Patty.  Thanks!


      The 1% Republicans are quite smart to be puilling of the scam they are.


      Nope.  Only the misuse and misinterpretation of the right.

  4. 7:52 but then I always change it to the 70 piece bulbs version, just love them for some reason. 

    Sometimes Andy worries me over giving Republicans new ideas to adopt. Me too, because truth be told, there really isn't anything to crazy for them to lie about. 

  5. Puzzle — 2:53  Here kitty, kitty!  How about an ear scratch, belly rub and some biscuits? (in that order!)

    Upworthy — Very moving!  These guys put it all on the line yet the Republicanus/Teabaggers would show their respect and compassion by cutting off benefits when many veterans are at their lowest and need assistance. That exacerbates the trauma and shows absolutely no respect or compassion. Oh . . . did I just use Republicanus/Teabagger and compassion in the same sentence?  Silly me!

    The New Yorker — Let's hope that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani doesn't shake hands with any Republicanus/Teabaggers because then he WOULD be shaking hands with extremists.  Funny how the projection shows up, even in AB's satire.

    MSNBC — "10 out of 10 for cojones".  I'd give them an 11 out of 10 for cojones!  Not only is there no mention of Ayn Rand, but how can they support a dead person?  And how does this PAC using a silhouette picture of a male in their logo (one that looks deceptively like Rand Paul I might add!) rather than a female Ayn Rand add up to not supporting Rand Paul.  I sure hope the FEC rings the 'Stand with Rand' bells vociferously and fines them big time.  I wonder if they have the proper IRS category?

    Cartoon — Whether Rwanda or the Killing Fields of Cambodia, this is US capitalism run amok!  US vulture capitalism, Republicanus/Teabagger style, picking at the bones of humanity!

  6. As a veteran, I was rendered speechless by SSgt Carter.

    TC, hope this doesn't step on you, but the very next Andy has ideas I wish they WOULD adopt.

    I would not put that stuff on my vegetable garden because it is too raw.  One does need to be concerned with the plantings "burning" from too raw or too much concentration, you know.

    • I'm not surprizewd.

      Filks will just get ti read it twice, as I already had it plugged in for today. 🙂

      I'm good at killing veggies! 😉

  7. 5:00

     day 104,

    Nice kpb TC…!

    The invisible wounds of war… Semper Paratus

  8. Ihope you are feeling much better, stomach flu is hideous.

    Every Republican should be forced to listen to this yung man's speech.  Maybe they might find a sense of shame for the way our soldiers and veterans are treated, but I doubt it.

    Half the time when I start reading you articles from Andy I think they are real until I realize I am reading satire because they are so much like the Republicans really want to do and say.

    Still laughing over the stupidity of the PAc, surely they won't get away with that.

    The cartoon:  We should all hang our heads over the amount of weapons our country has provided to killers, evil governments and terrorists.

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