Sep 202013

It’s common knowledge that Jeb “Not Another One!” Bush is the moderate Republican.  He’s the sensible guy that rises above all that InsaniTEA stuff, right?  I wish it were so!  Unfortunately, Jeb has done a Romney-flop and Etched his Sketch on immigration, now opposing a path to citizenship.  Furthermore, he has been supporting some highly unsavory characters.  The “moderate” has turned hard right.


Two Florida Republicans with their eyes on the White House are keeping busy in the 2013 election cycle by helping a GOP candidate in Virginia.

Both Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush are helping out conservative Ken Cuccinelli, the state attorney general, who is the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Virginia. Rubio hit Richmond on Monday, campaigning alongside Cuccinelli. Bush will be at a fundraiser on Tuesday hosted by longtime Republican politico Spencer Abraham who served in the U.S. Senate and in George W. Bush’s Cabinet as energy secretary.

Slipping behind Democrat opponent Terry McAuliffe in the polls, Cuccinelli is increasingly appearing to be an underdog in November. Virgina has been trending blue in recent years as Barack Obama carried it twice and Democrats like Kim Webb, Mark Warner and Tim Kaine craft together victories in the polls…

Inserted from <Sunshine State News>

Photo credit: Politico

Rachel Maddow covered some of Jeb’s hard right doings.


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If Jeb Bush were truly moderate, he would not be supporting the likes of Cuccinelli. On the other hand, the anti-Semites present may have been an attraction for Jeb. After all, the Bush family has such a long tradition of anti-Semitism that they openly supported Hitler, continued to supply Nazi Germany, even after the US entered WWII, and even made big profits from concentration camp labor.


  14 Responses to “The "Moderate" Has Turned Hard Right”

  1. Why the Bushes have never been tried as war criminals is beyond me. It figures Jeb would be endorsing Cuccinelli. When a RepubliCon appears to be a Moderate he/she is usually lying. Baby-face Rubio needs to go back home to his Mommy and learn respect for women. He obviously has none if he supports a mysogynist like Ken. Barbara Bush should be ashamed of her son too.

    • Prescott came close to being charged with treason.  The Roosevelt administration threatened him with that and confiscted his assets, until he agreed to stop.

  2. As long as Gerrymandering has created so many "safe" seats, more and more congressmen only have to worry about primary elections.   Without having to worry about convincing moderates to vote for them, they move to get more extreme voters.

  3. What I remember most over here of Jeb Bush is in 2000 GW saying something on the lines of 'Ma brother Jeb sez its a done deal!' – and we all know what happened then!  I have had the lowest possible opinion of him ever since. 

  4. I remember on C-SPAN watching daddy George H.W. Bush crying when his kid Jeb Bush was leaving the Governership of Florida. It's too bad the same family can't have empathy for all working poor Americans… No empathy and are sociopaths in my opinion must run in the family….

    • I remember that too.  At the time I thought he was crying, because he knew GW had made the name Bush a political poison pill, and thus ruined Jeb's chance to be President.

  5. Bu$h Leaguer$ never fall far from the crazy tree…Bu$h $enior has CIA in his pocket, so all the Le$$er Bu$h$ just wait for their piece of the action. They'll pander to anybody, but their Power & Money is ALL their OWN! Barbara Bu$h is the biggest racist bitch of all!

  6. With a pedigree that includes the likes of Prescott S Bush, George H W Bush and George W Bush, how can anybody expect anything but a person who will do anything, including cozying up to Cuccinelli and EW Jackson of Virginia, to obtain and hold on to power.  Even rosey red apples have worms in them!

  7. I missed one night, gone to have hubby see an orthopedist for his bad knees, and this is the result.  I have never trusted Jeb, he grins like my baby brother did when he had robbed the cookie jar and was trying to blame it on our other brother.  I would like for all the Bush family to retire from politics.

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