Sep 052013

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 83, which is also a high holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb: the Day of Return, the beginning of divine orb light shining upon the world.  I am blessed that the Denver congregation has been selected to celebrate this holy day with Baltimore, so I shall be in deep meditation.  It looks like we have one more hot day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 4:54).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Reminder:

Last chance to set your lineup!

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: As the debate over Syria moves to the United States Congress, a leading Senate Republican said today that the only way to resolve the crisis in the war-torn Middle Eastern country is by “defunding Obamacare at once.”

Appearing on the Fox News Channel, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told host Sean Hannity, “If we’re trying to send a strong message to [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad, I can think of no better way to do that than by defunding Obamacare.”

Elaborating on his strategy, Sen. Cruz added, “By defunding Obamacare, we would basically be saying to Assad, ‘This is how we attack our own President, so just imagine what we’ll do to you.’ That would make him think twice before he pulls another one of his stunts.”

“You can fire off as many Tomahawk missiles as you want,” said Sen. Cruz. “But they won’t have the same impact on Syria as defunding Obamacare.”

If they had not already thought of it, I have no doubt that, as soon as they read Borowitz, Republicans will adopt it.

From Daily Kos: Scott Walker has hit a laughable new low in his attempt to stop the Solidarity Sing Along, a singing protest/lovefest that has occurred every weekday at the Wisconsin State Capitol since March 11th, 2011. Walker’s administration is working with grinchy right-wing organizations to reserve the Wisconsin State Capitol rotunda for bogus events in a futile attempt to ruin Christmas for the Whos down in Whoville.

Nothing is too low for the Fartfuhrer!

From YouTube (Hat-Tip to Sheryl, aka Dandelion, at Care2):

Inequality for All looks like a must-see flick!



She accidentally told the truth.


  16 Responses to “Open Thread–9/5/2013”

  1. 3:38 I was blinded by the brightness of the bloom on this cool, gray morning.

  2. That reminds me (sorry if you have mentioned it elsewhere and I haven't got to it yet) but on Channel Four's 'The Last Leg' last night – with the gorgeous Adam Hills leading the programme – they said that McCain had tweeted that he was in the middle of a three plus hour meeting on Syria – and he had been playing online instead of listening/contributing…..!!   ARGHH!!!

  3. Puzzle — 3:20  Another of my seedy friends!

    The New Yorker — Send a Cruz missile to Syria and see if that persuades Al-Assad to say "uncle". 

    Daily Kos — It is apparent that Fartfuhrer Scott Walker is afraid of the building dissent.  Why else would he go to so much trouble?  Since he was elected Fartfuhrer in 2010, I take it that he will be up for re-election in 2014, or does the 2012 recall election throw that to 2016?  Whichever, it is far too long to have him destroying Fitzwalkerstan aka Wisconsin.

    YouTube — Looks like a good programme, one that I would like to see.  One that will likely not make to viewing in Canada, yet we have similar problems.

    Cartoon — . . . and now she appears to be in the shadows at best. . . or did I miss something?  Probably one of her worst career moves was going to Faux Noise.

    • You Bigfooted us all!

      National pollution is a war crime.

      Exactly and Amen!

      I hope yopu get to see it.

      Yes.  And once she did, telling the truth was a career ending move, but after telling so many lies, she has no credibility.

  4. Cruz has a lower I.Q. than a doorstop; it doesn't help his case that he's also batshit crazy.

  5. Since Cruz has renounced his Canadian citizenship, he can feel free to be as much a lunatic as any other Republican.

    Walker is another idiot.  He would have all the people in Wisconsin walking in lock step if he could.

  6. TC and crew, I may be absent most of next week.  My brother and his wife are arriving from Toronto on Monday afternoon.  They have not seen mother in 3 years so that is the focus of their visit.  They are leaving to go up the coast to see friends etc on the 12th and then back to Vancouver about the 17th, flying back to TO about the 18th. I will not be going up the coast with them.  I will try to catch up what I miss when I can.

  7. How did you do? 7:14

    Good job TC – day 83

    Inequality for All looks like a must-see flick!

     This is a must see for me…. 🙂

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