Snyder Fails and Lies

 Posted by at 2:50 am  Politics
Jul 232013

If you believe what Republicans have to say, Detroit is in trouble because of the greed of union workers and bad government by Democrats.  Of course, if you believe what Republicans say about that, or virtually everything else, you have the privilege of being wrong.  Herr Rick Snyder is not only trying to put Detroit into bankruptcy, but also saying he would decline federal funds if offered.

23SnyderHatWhile Gov. Rick Snyder (R-MI), Detroit Mayor David Bing, and emergency manager Kevyn Orr gave varied takes on the likelihood of a federal bailout for the country’s largest bankrupt city on Sunday, Snyder and Orr agreed that the city’s pensioners are going to see their promised benefits cut.

Orr explicitly avoided taking a view on federal help when asked by Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace, saying that as an appointee rather than an elected official the question was beyond his purview. On ABC, Bing hinted that federal help might be proper, noting that “when we had Chrysler and General Motors, that the federal government helped in their bankruptcy, they came back and they’re doing well.” Bing said it would be “difficult right now to ask directly” for federal help, and said “not yet” when This Week’s George Stephonopoulos asked directly if he would request federal aid.

Snyder, who appointed Orr, appeared to reject the idea of a bailout. In his first Sunday show appearance, Snyder told NBC that “I’m not going to speak for the federal government.” Later, on CBS, the governor was asked directly if there is a bailout in the city’s future. “No. And I don’t expect one,” Snyder said. “If the federal government wants to do that, that’s their option,” he said, adding “I don’t view that as the right answer.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Herr Snyder has no desire save Detroit, in spite of being elected in 2007 on the promise that he would not let Detroit fall into bankruptcy.  He prefers to steal workers’ pensions and get bargain basement prices on Detroit’s assets for his 1% cronies.   That is also the plan Republicans have for YOUR community.  However, Detroit can be saved, as Ed Schultz discussed with Virg Benero and Michael Eric Dyson.

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Detroit is in trouble, because Republican vulture capitalists offshored 90% of the city’s manufacturing jobs.

Ed’s plan includes, public safety, education, tax incentives and jobs., but there needs to be a Step 5.  For any plan to succeed, it has to be taken out the hands of Rick Snyder and his goose-stepping 1% minions.


  9 Responses to “Snyder Fails and Lies”

  1. Your "Step 5" would more appropriately be Step 1.

  2. Ed was positively apoplectic!

    I agree with Patty.  There is no way that a rational plan of recovery and renewal will come to fruition with Republicanus/Teabaggers in the lead.  Recovery and renewal for the people of Detroit is totally anathema to the Republicanus/Teabagger way!

  3. This saddens me beyond words at the same time it infuriates me.

    I was born in Detroit and grew up in one of the suburbs. Detroit was always a big, unsophisticated factory town. A little grimy around the edges, but vibrantly alive and with a music scene that had few equals. As a teenager, I would sneak into the West End Hotel (too young to be there legally, but as long as I didn't try to order alcohol, nobody minded) to hear jazz greats like Amhad Jamal, Yusef Lateef, Miles Davis, Cal Tjader and others not so well known jamming after hours. Often I was the only white face in the room, but it never mattered.

    Snyder and his cronies have no interest in recovery for Detroit. What they want is to put all of the city's assets into private hands and then let the rest of it rot. Snyder's so-called "emergency managers" are nothing more than legally sanctioned thieves. For a taste of what awaits Detroit if Snyder & Co. continue to have their way, check out what happened to Benton Harbor.

    • I understand how you feel, John.  The whole nature of my home town was, Atlantic City, NJ, changed when the casinos came in.  And that, unlikw Detroit, was economically good!

      I agree.  They they want to use Detroit as example for pricitizing all US cities.

  4. Snyder has all ready begun the process of privatizing public schools in Michigan, Detroit is the next step.  As I said yesterday, Detroit was the Mecca for jobs in the 50's and 60's .  My husband worked for Ford Motor Co in the early 70's. Those union jobs gave middle class families a decent living.  The same thing has happened in Eastern Ky  where coal mining is the only employment that pays a living wage. Since the unions are almost non existent the coal companies can do as the choose.  My neighbor was badly injured in an accident on the weekend, not at work.  Since he was not at work, his insurance paid nothing. He was off work for three months recovering.

  5. Later, on CBS, the governor was asked directly if there is a bailout in the city’s future. “No. And I don’t expect one,” Snyder said.

    Federal money to tear down the city of Detroit…? Golf course is coming… 🙂

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