Jun 102013

I’m writing early again, because it is hotter than expected.  I still feel out of it, so I’m pretty sure it us the Chantix.  That should go away, but tomorrow, I double the dosage.  We’ll see about distributing links after midnight.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:19 (average 5:47). To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Reuters: Jury selection begins on Monday in the murder trial of George Zimmerman, who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012 and then famously walked free for 44 days, triggering nationwide protests and calls for his arrest.

Lawyers estimate the long-awaited trial will last four to eight weeks. Much of that time is expected to be spent picking a six-person jury that can be open-minded despite extensive publicity about some of the explosive issues, including racial profiling and self-defense, surrounding the case.

"They’re going to have a tough time picking a jury. At this point who doesn’t know who Trayvon Martin is and who George Zimmerman is," said David Weinstein, a former state prosecutor and criminal defense lawyer.

I plead guilty. Like just about every other political pundit, not to mention the racist hatemongers from the Republican Ministry of Propaganda. Faux Noise, I have written extensively about this case. To do otherwise would be to permit Republican lies to go unchallenged. But once again, we face the great flaw in the US justice system, other than judges appointed by Republicans. This jury will consist of people who have already been influenced about the case, even if they believe they have not. Many other nations impose a gag order on all criminal cases, keeping them out of the press until after the trial is complete. Networks would sell much less soap, but trials would be much more fair.  Even Zimmerman deserves a fair trial.

From Raw Story: In a statement [Goose-stepper delinked] released Saturday, Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) said closing the Guantanamo Bay prison facility would be a victory for terrorists.

The conservative senator warned that terrorists “would spread violent extremism from within our borders” if the the current push to close the controversial prison was successful.

“It appears to me this latest push to close GITMO is because the terrorists have begun a hunger strike,” Inhofe said. “Specifically, the far left has used this as a rallying cry to revive their continuing obsession with closing the base despite strong support from Congress to keep GITMO open. But this misses the fundamental point. Is this hunger strike not a political act designed to attempt to change American policy? My question to the far left is: if you close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay are you not letting the terrorists win?”

The reasons that the Guantanamo Bay Prison, aka the GOP Gulag, remains open have nothing to do with Barack Obama. Lets reserve getting pissed off at him for scenarios in which he deserves it, like transparency.

From Huffington Post: Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) had some harsh words for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) while speaking at an event for the Jefferson County Democratic Party in Kentucky.

"I can be really brief tonight and just say, Mitch McConnell sucks,” Yarmuth said Thursday, according to the Washington Post.

I have to admit it. I could not have described Bought Bitch Mitch better.



Republicans want to bring back that textbook, despite this irrevocable proof of the Theory of DEVOLUTION.


  18 Responses to “Open Thread–6/10/2013”

  1. Senator Jim Inhofe makes steam nearly come out of my ears!  He could not be made to understand the victory to anti-American propoganda that is Gitmo if an angel descended from Heaven to plead with him.  The fact that people are kept without trial in a country that trumpets about 'democracy' and 'justice for all' all the time has apparently passed him by – but not the anti-Americans who use it as proof that everything in the West is hypocritical.  I could go on but have computer problems…..

  2. Speaking of Tennessee, remember when that GOP lawmaker down there was in a dither because he was sure a new floor-sink in the men's room was for Muslims to wash their feet before prayer?  BUT it was only for the janitors to wash out their mops!

    Then again, it's probably not all that surprising that indoor plumbing would so easily confuse Tennessee Repubicans.

    • Foot washing!  How horrible!

      Even if it had been true, Supply-side Jesus must have been getting a pedicure, while the real Jesus was washing feet.

  3. I think I have to disagree on the trial thing, Tom. The term "secret tribunals" comes to mind. Voir dire helps to balance a jury between hang 'em and not-guilty.

    I'm surprised it's a only a 6-person jury. That bothers me more than pre-trial publicity. It's harder to sway the more people there are. Often a very strong personality bullies other jurors into a verdict. Watch 12 Angry Men for a beautiful example of swaying a jury from one end to the other. 

    • Marva, with the jurors sequestrered I would have no trouble with covering the trial, and if not, the trial should always be open to reporters anyway.  They just publish their accounts afterwatds.

      I agree, and that same movie came to my mind.  A six man jury makes it easire for the defense to empanel an all white jury doing voir dire.

  4. 4:27  I have a feeling I brushed the wall and did not make it through the arches in first place.

  5. 3:56 Blues and greens!  Nice colours for stained glass windows.  Reminiscent of nature.

  6. Puzzle — 3:56 Blues and greens!  Nice colours for stained glass windows.  Reminiscent of nature.

    Reuters — I have to agree about the jury Marva.  I was surprised at only 6 jurors, rather than the expected 12.  I'll be surprised too if it is racially balanced.  But I also agree Tom that the heavy press coverage makes a mockery out of justice.

    Raw Story — "…despite strong support from Congress to keep GITMO open."  Let's be clear, there was no strong support from Congress to keep Gitmo open!  There was strong Republican/Teabagger obstruction in Congress that prevented the closure of Gitmo!  Quite different!  When Congress passes a law denying access to the US of presumed foreign combatants, that effectively ties the POTUS's hands.

    "…if you close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay are you not letting the terrorists win?”"  NO!  You're actually living up to the stated American principles of being a nation of laws and fairness.  If I recall correctly, over half the remaining detainees, following investigation, have not been charged with anything more onerous than having too many hangnails!  Personally, I feel that by leaving the prison open, the US has provided a rallying  point for terrorists.  Inhofe is a paranoid idiot that should be kept away from society.

    Huffington Post — Now that's funny!  Short, succinct and accurate!

    Cartoon — Proof of devolution indeed!  The great apes from whence we originally evolved, have larged a complaint with the Hague Human Rights Tribunal alleging that Baby Bush is giving them a really, really bad name!

    • Bigfooted!

      Lynn, I never intended to say that press should not ccover all aspects of the case, just that they should not publish their accounts until afterwards.

      To be honest, Dems in Congress originally turned spineless in response to GOP fearmongering before an election.

      Don'tcha just locve it? 😀

      Freedom for Apes!

  7. Puzzle 9:08

    Lawyers estimate the long-awaited trial will last four to eight weeks.

    Should be interesting trial, I predict Guilty of 2nd degree murder… :mrgreen:

  8. Love John Yarmuth!

  9. Republican hero worship of Zimmerman has politicized this case into dangerous levels.  Yesterday, a potential juror stated that he wanted to be picked for the case because he "is sick of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton being involved."  Then he stated that he could be impartial.  This does not bode well.  It is, after all, Florida.  If Zimmerman walks free, we will see rioting again, I think.  

    Why does the media keep saying "If he is found innocent…"  How could he possibly be found innocent?  He shot an unarmed minor after being directed to remain in his car.  He followed the boy while carrying a loaded gun – which is premeditation. He can't possibly be found innocent.  Clearly, he is guilty.

    But – it is Florida.

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