May 182013

Yesterday I took several hours implementing the changes recommended, while I was in the hospital, including establishing a tentative quit date, subject to having the necessary materials, on 6/7.  I am continuing to improve.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:47 (average 4:42).  To do it. click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Congressional Republicans, not resting with the Internal Revenue Service scandal, are moving to broaden the matter to an array of tax malfeasances and “intimidation tactics” they hope will ensnare the White House.

Republican charges range from clearly questionable actions to seemingly specious allegations, and they grow by the day. On Friday, lawmakers sought to tie the I.R.S. matter to the carrying out of President Obama’s health care law, which will rely heavily on the agency.

How completely absurd! This is a Republican product, began and carried out mostly during the Bush regime, by Bush people, and continued under Obama by Bush holdovers. They want us to believe that Obamacare is to blame?!!? You can fertilize your veggies with that InsaniTEA!

From Think Progress: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) expects a showdown in July over a potential second round of filibuster reform, and he’s prepared to push for a sweeping change to the minority’s ability to unilaterally obstruct judges and other nominees. According to reporting by the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent, Reid “is eyeing a change to the rules that would do away with the 60-vote threshold on all judicial and executive branch nominations.” The test, according to Sargent, of whether Reid will push this reform is whether Senate Republicans lift their blockades on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray, Labor Secretary nominee Tom Perez, and Environmental Protection Agency leader-in-waiting Gina McCarthy.

It’s about time that damn Nevada Leg Hound got off his arse, but why wait until July? Even more, why limit it to nominees?

From Right Wing Watch: Pete Santilli is the kind of person we normally wouldn’t cover here – an unhinged Internet ranter who exists somewhere to the crazier side of Alex Jones. Santilli’s broadcast – on which he details conspiracy theories on everything from 9/11 to Sandy Hook –  doesn’t even have Jones’ audience: he describes himself as “a radio talkshow host ready to take my show to national syndication; that is, of course, if the FCC regulated AM/FM radio stations can handle my truth & honesty.”

But in the past couple of months, Santilli has attracted two major gun activists to his show: National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent, who used the opportunity to call President Obama a Nazi, and Gun Owners of America director Larry Pratt, who worked with Santilli to flesh out his theory that President Obama is raising a private army to overpower the U.S. military. Pratt, in particular, is taken remarkably seriously among the GOP – he has been partially credited with taking down a background checks measure in the Senate last month.

So, we started paying attention to Santilli, and we learned pretty quickly what Nugent and Pratt felt perfectly comfortable associating themselves with. On his show last week, Santilli went on a disgusting, violent rant [hatemonger delinked] in which he called for the entire Bush family and President Obama to be “tried, convicted and shot” for “treason” (and in George H.W. Bush’s case “involvement with his cronies in the John F. Kennedy assassination”) and for Hillary Clinton to be “tried, convicted and shot in the vagina.”

There are few names I did not call GW Bush, aka Crawford Caligula, aka Potomac Pinocchio, aka Neocon Nero, aka Texas Torquemada, etc. They provide truth through humor. I called for his arrest and incarceration, and I still do. But never once did I ever suggest employing violence against him, and I criticized those few who did. This is the level to which the NRA and the Republican Party have descended.



I spent many hours sweeping and sending samples to online friends all over the country.


  26 Responses to “Open Thread–5/18/2013”

  1. The Repubs are blowing this waayyy out of proportion (as usual, freakin' cry babies) since NO ONE was actually hurt.  Did they scrutinize R/T applications further than others – yes.  Did they deny anyone? No.  Case closed.  Move on with your shit so you can vote on Obamacare again, asshats.

    At some point we have to admit that Reid is a douchebag.  He isn't going to get anything done that he says he's going to do, period.  He's said this about 50 times before – pray tell when he will actually get off his ass and actually do something.  He's a detriment to the Senate, can't lead worth shit (hell, he can't even get his party to vote with him half the friggin time), and talks out of his ass.  I don't believe this man as far as I can throw him; vote this ass out of office already; the man's an idiot.

    Ted Nugent lost his shit a long time ago.  Threats against Obama's life are 5 times higher than any other President.  As for GWB, that man has a serious mental disorder and I'm not kidding here.  Take a look at vids from when he was a governor in Texas; he sounds rational, can actually complete a full sentence without completely f'ing it up, and actually has some good idea.  Hell, he was even for windmills in Texas.  Either the drinking destroyed his brain (see the Olympics) or something else happened because that man is not sane.

    • The real scandal is that, out of the thoousands of phoney 501(c)(4)s on both sides of the aisle, only 8 were rejected.

      You sound like you're quoting me. 🙂

      Good point!

  2. What do you mean by "quit date"?  The date you will move to a new place?

  3. Never heard of Santilli – not a scintilla, actually I thought it was a song – "Santilli Lane" – but I guess there's nothing lyrical about this atonal a** – the repugs are really getting out of hand, just when I thought they couldn't get any worse!

    Perhaps the best thing about the crises this week is that the GOP is spinning silly every concoction of lies created – and somehow when they are all settled down, I think there'll be so much discord that even they won't know which story will sell the best – at which point -hopefully the sheeple will have to ignore them and settle for the truth!

    I personally feel that the IRS bull – is a spark ignited by Citizens United, it is a bipartisan issue, but for the most part those crazy PACs like Roves group and others started a massive germination right after the CU decision, and what should be fairly clear is that none of these groups have an iota of "social welfare" to warrant their tax exemption – just MHO

    Feel better TC – I've missed you – and as Jerry Critter asked what is "quit date"? Not PP I hope!

  4. 3:03  Not a bad bloomin' time.

  5. Puzzle — 3:30 I guess I am a bit wilted!  I had to really work to stay focused for that one.

    NY Times — 

    In that context, he said [Rep Dave Camp, R-Michigan], the screening of Tea Party groups for special scrutiny was not the scandal itself but “just the latest example of a culture of cover-ups — and political intimidation — in this administration.”

    If the Republican/Teabaggers can't find reasons to attack the Obama administration, they'll manufacture them.  Looking to tie everything up in innuendo and double speak creating scandal seems to be their specialty any more.  They have no intention of doing their jobs.

    "You can fertilize your veggies with that InsaniTEA!" — I would not do that because then they would be contaminated and not edible!

    Think Progress — I'll believe it when I see it!  Does that mean I'm from Missouri?  Reid has already had several opportunities to revise the rules and he keeps making gentlemen's agreements with McTurtle who is definitely no gentleman, southern or otherwise.

    Right Wing Watch — A bunch of looney tunes, Nugent, Pratt and Santilli, that should be locked up for their own safety.  I have never seen so much bullshit.  These guys are dangerous to the American people.

    Cartoon — I remember to this day what I was doing when Mt St Helen's blew her top.  It was a Sunday morning and I was ironing a skirt to wear for church.  The window was open and all of a sudden, a huge gust of wind blew the curtains in.  They flapped for a minute and then they were dead quiet again.  The air that came in was very hot!  As I drove to church with the radio on, I heard what happened and knew what the sudden gust of wind was.  I was living in Victoria, BC at the time.  Fortunately, we did not get much ash, but some areas were knee deep and then some.

    • WRT the cartoon, I, too, distinctly remember it  There's a bunch of friends who I'm lucky enough to have who go hiking around the world (sorry – don't mean to sound pretentious), and we were flying back from a wonderful week in Kauai when we flew through the ash cloud of Mount St. Helen's.  You could actually smell it in the cabin!

    • Critter Crunched.

      Veggies are magic.  They are even immune to Republicitis.


      …as is the party that supports them.

      Portland is a lot closer, but we're on the side away from the face that exploded.  I learned when the ash started to fall.

  6. On a totally different topic – will someone PLEASE tell the repubs to STFU on impeachment?  Here's how I see the  3 impeachment scenarios working out:

    1. AP vs. DOJ – hang that douche Holder for it.  He should have hung when he failed to prosecute the bankers anyway.  The AG is supposed to be independent of the  Presidency;  he's turning out to be Gonzales' second cousin.

    2.  Benghazi vs Obama – you lied about so just admit it and move on.

    3.  IRS vs. TP's – no one was hurt so there is no charge to be brought.  I don't think the IRS was acting with malicious intent, or any intent for that matter.  (Although they are the most hated part of the government.)  No one was denied their exempt status.  Non starter – move on.  Our good friend Mr. Issa knew about this last year but apparently forgot to tell anyone so now it's a BFD?  I think not.

    I have yet to hear the actual charges they want to bring – why bother with the law when you can just scream "Impeachment" like a girl.  Seriously, you people need better things to do like run the friggin country – that's what we pay you for.

    You don't think the American people can see through your bullshit?


    • DOJ – Bad, but what Republicans did to DOJ was worse, firing the US Attorneys for honesty.

      Benghazi = Democratic = 4:WTC = Republican = 3000+

      The scandal is that thousands of bogus 501(c)(4) exemption were ararded, incliding some lefties.

      We need more to see through them.

  7. " On his show last week, Santilli went on a disgusting, violent rant [hatemonger delinked] in which he called for the entire Bush family and President Obama to be “tried, convicted and shot” for “treason” (and in George H.W. Bush’s case “involvement with his cronies in the John F. Kennedy assassination”) and for Hillary Clinton to be “tried, convicted and shot in the vagina.” "  …….. you WHAT???!!!  Who is listening to this bunch of hate filled psychos?  Isn't there a law against incitement to hatred – this is whipping up people so they get so crazy they commit a crime – whilst the instigators remain behind the scenes laughing up their sleeves.

    On a much better note – so glad you are home safely TC – I do hope you continue to improve and find a better place to live.



  8. If you can find a way to get them prosecuted for sedition I will be with you all the way, to my last buck.

    • Don't we wish.  Democrats dislike forcing accountability because it tends to stall government.  Republicans love to charge regardless of accountability, because it tends to stall government.

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