Apr 292013

This morning I took a cab to my doctor.  I was a half hour early.  She was a half hour late.  She told me she suspected pneumonia, because my O2 was only 85%.  She called an ambulance and sent me to the ER.  They poked and prodded all day.  Then they said my pneumonia is not quire bad enough to admit me.  The sent me home exhausted with the same prescription the doctor would have give me.  I feel thoroughly frustrated.


  6 Responses to “Personal Update–2/29/2013”

  1. I can empathize w/ your frustration.  I can ALSO empathize with your doctor.

    I don't know what your baseline is – but an O2 saturation of only 85% is NOT what one is hoping for.  So discretion being the better part of valor, I think she did what was reasonable and prudent.

    Given that you want to start feeling better, the question is – Did you really want to be admitted?  I doubt it.  (Although I know that hospital food is REALLY appealing.)

    So it's like I tell my 96 y/o Mom (who has weathered cancer, a stroke, a broken hip, a hip replacement, a cardiac stent, a pacemaker, an ulcer and hypertension – and yet still lives at home … by herself [with the help of a Homecare Health Aide three times a week]) – when you have to go to the ER, be thankful you're the LAST person in the triage line.

    Take your meds, take care of yourself, and start getting better!

    • PS – Do NOT be shy about asking for … DEMANDING … a recheck if you're not feeling better in 48-72 hours.

      Not necessarily "well" – but at least "better".

      That's Thursday – so mark your calendar.

  2. Take care of yourself, TomCat, and may you have a speedy recovery.

  3. I was afraid that you had pneumonia again.  Please heed Dr Nameless's advice — 72 hours max and check back with the doctor if you are not feeling better.  No messing around!  If your male pride gets in the way, my size 9s may mess with your male pride!

  4. Thank God you did NOT have to be admitted to the hospital. speaking from the experience of 4 hospital admissions in a year, its no fun and the food is even worse.

    Trust your doctor BUT don't be afraid to call her again if you see no improvement by Thursday!

  5. Poor TC!  Like the others I was worrying about pneumonia – I've had two bouts in the past so my sympathy has deep roots – I know what it is like to cough up brown bullets of goo which hurt every inch of the way!  Pooooor TomCat!  Please rest!

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