Apr 132013

Yesterday I had a hard day.  Between my COPD, the noise from a new neighbor moving into the apartment next door, and unexpected visits from friends, I could not sleep.  Rather than overtax myself, I will limit my activity to this expanded article.  I shall catch up on replies to comments either later today or tomorrow, which appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:14 (average 5:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Tales:

From Salon: In a now-deleted Fox News blog post [Faux Noise delinked] on gun control, Ann Coulter remarked that if “Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats’ gun proposals” they should “start with Meghan McCain.”

The line was a reference to MSNBC host Martin Bashir’s question to Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings about a possible filibuster on a Senate gun proposal. Bashir asked the Democratic congressman (rhetorically, it should go without saying) if a personal experience with violence was really necessary for Republicans to support stricter gun laws…

The Coultergeist demonstrated another Republican Second Amendment Solution, and Faux Noise tried to hide it.

From Media Matters: Limbaugh: "The Onus Is On The Black Population To See The Truth" About Republicans Not Being Racist.


His claim, that we insist Republicans prove the negative that Republican’s aren’t racist, is BS. The issue is that they have proved the positive that they ARE racist.

From MSNBC: Speaking of Racism, look who the RNC calls their experts!

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I can only hope that they continue to display the same level of wisdom in showing who represents their …ummm… expertise.

From Bill Moyers: The unprecedented level of economic inequality in America is undeniable. In an extended essay, Bill shares examples of the striking extremes of wealth and poverty across the country, including a video report on California’s Silicon Valley. There, Facebook, Google, and Apple are minting millionaires, while the area’s homeless — who’ve grown 20 percent in the last two years — are living in tent cities at their virtual doorsteps.


Bill is saying the same things I have been saying all along.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–4/13/2014”

  1. 4:44 I can't find my way to the cabana.

  2. Obama is becoming a disappointment.  He has put SS on the table for severe cuts.  And he knows full well the unequal distribution of wealth that exists today – the situation that Moyers describes.

    • He went a step and a lie further than is acceptable on that one!  If some say this is a "political move", that he knows will be rejected anyway, and making the Dems look like they "compromised" — that is one area that is not negotiable and any Any idea of placing it on the table is Shameful! I remember also who placed sequester on the table!!!

  3. Got all areas covered neatly TC!  I, unlike Ms. coulter – am anti 2nd amendment. It's antiquated and unacceptible in this age of violence! There are few urban areas which should ever accept guns, – I'm not saying that there aren't some places where one might feel safer in deserted rural places that police might take too long in responding and actual safety issues are "reasonable" – there is NEVER an excuse for automatic weapons and  mega-clips to be sold – period! Just sayin'!

    Bill Moyers is a national treasure!

    Hope the Repugs – keep up their minority outreach program – they're as sensitive as the KKK!

  4. Puzzle — 3:29  I'm out of the cabana with SPF 60 and lying on the beach!

    Salon — The Republican/Teabaggers are feeding on their own! . . . and heaven forbid, they are trying to rebuild their image so must not have dirty laundry airing!  How typically Republican/Teabagger!

    Media Matters — The Republican/Teabaggers still don't get it — actions speak louder than words!  For example, how would repeated voter suppression of Blacks and Latinos mean anything other than racism?  How would "papers please" mean anything but racism? And on, and on.  The Republican/Teabaggers just don't get it!

    MSNBC — The experts on broadening the Republican/Teabagger appeal to Blacks, Asian Americans, Hispanics and youth are White, male, old, angry, and let's not forget racist.  In this case, truth is definitely stranger than fiction!  If anybody ever doubted the ability and sincerity of the Republican/Teabaggers to rebrand themselves, this should remove all doubt that they lack all sincerity and ability to do it!

    Bill Moyers — Excellent piece!  I particularly like his "Guardians of Privilege" for the GOP.

    I heard/read someone this week referring to the wealthy as job creators and my hackles rose.  Here, Bill Moyers outlines things so succinctly — no investment in new jobs; no pay increases to workers; no taxes or little in taxes; and lots of money in offshore accounts — $1.7 trillion.  As Moyers and many others have pointed out, the money for all these subsidies doesn't come from the wealthy and corporations through taxation, but from the average American, many of whom struggle with paying their bills and putting food on the table.  There will be a revolution.  The only questions will be when and how violent.

    Cartoon — Rebranding?  LMAO!  Business as usual!

  5. Well, I, for one, thinks Rushbo speaks with great authority.  You may recall his (in)famous trip to the Dominican Republic to have a "Stag Party" where Rushbo packed a suitcase full of Viagra so he'd be able to … hmm … er … "entertain" his "negroidish" friends (age and gender still uncertain).

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