Apr 042013

Here’s the plan.  Today I’ll make the rounds of sites where I share our articles and clean out message boxes, and then, will try to hit the ground running tomorrow.  I’m current with replies to comments on yesterday’s Open Thread, as I don’t want to overtire myself by going way back.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’;s took me 3:05 (average 4:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: The National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre today defended his decision to purchase the former congressman Asa Hutchinson, after an outspoken N.R.A. member complained that the organization should be using its funds to buy current congressmen only.

Shortly after Mr. Hutchinson appeared at a press conference in Washington to present the N.R.A.’s plan to arm teachers and other school personnel, N.R.A. dissident Tracy Klugian blasted the purchase of the former Arkansas representative.

“Members of the N.R.A. fork over millions of dollars to this organization,” he said. “That money should be used to buy people who are actually in Congress now, not some has-been like Hutchinson who doesn’t even have a vote anymore.”…

Now, Let's compare the satire with the truth.

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Isn't it quite Republican that the fiction against them is not as bad as the truth? These Republican massacre mongers just make up their own facts… as usual.

From Huffington Post: North Carolina state Rep. Carl Ford backs a religion bill that would allow the state to declare an official state faith.











Is it any wonder that Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians do not believe that elections have consequences, when they refuse to acknowledge that the Constitution and the Civil War have consequences?

From MSNBC: Rachel shared the latest fronts in the ongoing Republican War on Women.

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They are no longer Mississippi style trap laws. They are just Republican trap laws, designed to return women to chattel status.



…demonstrating, along with the assassinations of JFK and RFK, that opposing the military-industrial complex can be fatal.


  10 Responses to “Open Thread–4/4/2013”

  1. 3:54 My buttercup just let me down.

  2. Puzzle — 3:21 I'm a late bloomer too!

    The New Yorker — What is the saying . . . Fact is stranger than fiction?  The NRA has to be stripped of its political strength!  It says that it represents over 4 million members.  Well that's nice, but what happened to the other 325 million Americans?  Last time I heard, 325 million is greater than 4 million.Making up talking points; twisting facts; misstating information . . .  sounds like Faux Noise!   The NRA needs to be called out on every transgression and held accountable.  With polling numbers showing such high agreement with assault weapon bans and background checks, the legislators should be doing more with their constituents in mind, instead of catering to the NRA.

    Huffington Post — If North Carolina thinks it can supercede federal law, including the constitution, perhaps the feds should respond by denying them representation and cutting off all federal funds.  I wonder how they would handle that situation?  And what happens to anyone not involved in the state religion?  Do they still have the freedom of their own religion?  How these asshats ever made it into the 21st century is beyond me!

    MSNBC — These over zealous fanatical evangelical right-wingnut Republican/Teabaggers are showing just how satan oriented they are with their war on woman.  They best be prepared for some backlash because it is coming!  I am woman and hear me ROAR!!!!!

    Cartoon — Here is a short video that I saw recently and was reminded of when I saw today's cartoon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KyvlMJefR4&feature=youtu.be

    As I watched, I found myself wanting to savour each person, to meditate on what might have been had hate not changed the course of history. 

    When a child is born, it is a clean slate, nothing written there. But as we grow and interact with family, then friends, then the outside world, our slate gets crowded with all sorts of thinks including hate. Without strong support systems, it can literally eat us alive. 

    When I was a child, I had a vision of the planet with a band-aid across it and people of all races and countries surrounding the earth holding hands. 

    About 17 years ago, I was helping a woman at the bank. It turned out that she a was Muslim from Bosnia. She asked me why I was treating her with such courtesy and showing an interest in her. I answered her with a question: when you cut your finger, what colour is your blood and does it hurt? I think she thought I was a bit wacko at first but she answered 'red and yes'. I simply replied 'me too.' 

    We have to work at not allowing hate to take over all the time. It is too easy to fall into our tribal ways, whatever the tribe is. We are not perfect, but we must persevere. 

    I like the last line on the video: "Stand up to bigotry and change the world!" 

    Imagine . . .

    • I got my bloomers off fastest!

      Not only that, but the majority of its four million members are on our side.

      But thed Republican was is for the rest of us to pay for their increases in cost that result from their stupidity.

      I'm visualizing Big Foot Nines in butts!

      I'm familiar with that wonderful vid.  Thanks!


      • "I got my bloomers off fastest!" — Oh my!  Can we handle this?

        "I'm visualizing Big Foot Nines in butts!" — They should count themselves lucky that I don't have a passport!  Maybe I should get one now to be ready!

  3. I'm hoping the North Carolina idiots will vote to establish Wicca as their state relgion.

    Now that would be a REAL hoot!

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