Mar 212013

The good news is that Spring has sproinged.  The bad news is that I haven’t and am still down.  I’ll keep you posted.  Happy Lady Day to our Wiccan friends.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:48 (average 6:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Guardian: At the conservative gathering CPAC last week the enormity of this media world was remarkable. The hall was packed with talk radio shows, conservative publishers and authors signing their latest books, many of which were bestsellers. This is a world where it is seriously believed that the United Nations is trying to take over the US, and Obama is a Kenyan socialist, an Islamist, a Marxist or the biological son of communist-sympathiser Frank Marshall Davis. This is a world where Obama wants to take away all guns, where he has dictatorial powers worthy of an emperor and where the US media is a liberal conspiracy pushing abortions and being gay. This is the world where Glenn Beck, former Fox TV host turned popular publisher of The Blaze website, is hugely powerful and shock jock Rush Limbaugh is king.

Nothing of its kind exists to the same degree on the left, despite the recent best propagandistic efforts of MSNBC. Limbaugh is a man who can bring GOP politicians down if he wants. If they stray from orthodoxy, he can bring them back into line with some vitriol on his show. The words of MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, or even New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, do not carry anything near the same weight with Democrats.

On the left, we have our extreme wing-nuts too, but we marginalize and ignore them. On the right, Republicans celebrate and elect them.

From Salon: CNN congressional corespondent [sic] Dana Bash tried to ask Bachmann Tuesday about her the inconsistencies in her speech. It didn’t go too well, as she explained to Anderson Cooper last night. Bash, who has gotten pretty good at chasing Bachmann in heels, tried to speak with the Tea Party Caucus chairwoman in the basement of the Capitol, but the congresswoman took off running. Bash kept pace, valiantly trying to keep up her questions as they careered through the narrow corridors, but Bachmann refused to play ball.


If you thought that Batshit B would keep her trap shut, you thought wrong. She gave us another splendid example of projection.

From National Memo: A new poll from Gallup has some unsurprising results — Democrats and Independents support new government spending to create jobs — and one surprising result — so do Republicans.

Lyin’ Ryan claimed that his newest old budget will stimulate the economy, and he’s right.  It will stimulate the economy of the Cayman Islands.  It will stimulate the economy of Switzerland.  It will stimulate the economy of Red China.  But in the US, only the economy particular to the 1% will be stimulated.




  8 Responses to “Open Thread–3/20/2013”

  1. 4:25 Bow Wow.

  2. The Guardian ~ This is a world that not even the greatest Sci-Fi writer could imagine. A world filled with and ruled by total insanity.

    Salon ~ Even Ed Rollins who managed her for Presidency for a while said she has trouble with her facts. The RepublicanTs like McConJob who have chastised her have hurt themselves with the Tea-Baggers. I couldn't watch the video here but saw it on the CNN link.

    National Memo ~ Sadly the RepublicanTs and Tea-Baggers obviously don't listen to voters and polls. unless they are drasticly skewed in their favor.

    Cartoon ~ Celebrate the Vernal Equinox. Be green!


  3. Puzzle — 4:08  Am I still a sweet little dog, or am I like my oldest cat, big foot?

    The Guardian — I was talking with a friend recently about politics, yeh, that taboo of all topics.  I mentioned CPAC to which I got "But that is American politics!  Why are you looking at that?"  Well, I'll give him credit, he knew CPAC was American.  I replied simply "Know the enemy."  At that point I enumerated a number of Harper's dance steps and pointed out how close they are to the Republican/Teabagger dance of insaniTEA.

    CPAC, the cesspool of fanatical conservatism, and as Patty points out, insaniTEA!

    Salon — I couldn't get the video above so I watched it on  From CNN:

    During her CPAC speech, Rep. Michele Bachmann accused President Obama of abusing the White House budget. Bachman talked about the lavish $1.4 billion budget which she claims includes a dog walker, five chefs on Air Force One and projection operators.

    Keeping Them Honest, Dana Bash tracked her down and asked where she got her information. She raced away and below is the video

    And from Salon:


    Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler… “There really aren’t enough Pinocchios for such misleading use of statistics in a major speech,” he lamented, …

    I loved that last remark.  Someone should shove several pairs of filthy gym socks in her mouth to keep her quiet!  I suppose though, with her mouth open and flapping, she makes the Republican/Teabaggers look like the idiots they are.


    Guano Girl, la sûr crème of the Republican/Teabaggers! (sour cream)


    National Memo — 


    The explicit mention of government spending reduced support for the programs by three to five percentage points. This suggests Americans' support for job creation outweighs concerns they may have about government spending.


    Of course!  When people have jobs they are paying taxes.  Taxes are government revenues and will. help offset spending.  Common sense logic 101 should tell people that.  Mind you. I don't know a Republican/Teabagger I would call a person, not even their corporations!


    Call me a cynic, but on the question of "A law that would lower tax rates for businesses and manufacturers that create jobs in the United States.", the Republican/Teabaggers propbably stopped reading/listening after 'manufacturers' or 'jobs' and didn't catch the caveat 'in the United States'.


    A dime has more sense than Lyin' Ryan.  Speaking of which, a nickel and a dime came to a cliff, a fiscal cliff if you like.  The nickel jumped off.  Why didn't the dime?

    ​He had more cents!


    Cartoon — Ah, wait until about 21 June and the summer equinox!  Where I used to live, that means the sun rises at about 3 am and it is light enough to play soft ball at 11 pm-midnight.  The sky never truly gets "black", more like dark gray.  The winter solstice is exactly the oppposite.

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