Personal Update–3/16/2013

 Posted by at 12:40 am  Personal
Mar 172013

I spoke too soon.  It wasn’t COPD after all, as I’ve come down with some kind of flu bug.  I hope another day will do it


  4 Responses to “Personal Update–3/16/2013”

  1. Be well!

  2. When I was at mother's yesterday, I found out out that there is another "bug" making the rounds that is landing people in hospital in some cases and making others miserable.  Be careful my friend and don't mess with this if it is the same.  You already have a compromised immune system.

    Stay warm, hydrated and rest!

    • What Lynn said!!!  TC –my brother needs to go to hospital and they won't put him in because so much flu yet–and he is compromised also.  Be careful!!

  3. Given your risk factors, you might be a candidate for anti-virals (Tamifllu or Relenza) … BUT they both have be to be started within 48 hours of onset of symptoms for them to have any effect.

    Either way – get well soon (and take a raincheck on celebrating St. Paddy's Day).

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