Fantasy Football Finals

 Posted by at 3:35 am  Plus, Politics
Jan 012013

Here are the final results for our fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.  I also made graphic awards for the winners.





I thought I’d catch up, but I knew my goose was cooked when the Broncos took out Peyton Manning for the fourth quarter.

I have pre-activated the league for next year, so current player can enter as soon as the site opens for the 2013 – 2014 season.  We also have room for two or four more players, so if you’d like to join the league, please let me know.


  6 Responses to “Fantasy Football Finals”

  1. Congratulations on your second place showing.  I know that you're all lefty blog people, but I can't help it, with a name like Mitt's Magic Jock, I'm very glad that he wasn't above you.  Personally, he should have been kicked to the curb!

  2. Congratulations on your second place finish, Tom! Well done.


    I respectfully disagree withyou, Lynn, about Mitt's Magic Jock. I don't know who it is and the person is a Lefty, but the name should go down the toilet.

    • 'Kicked to the curb' (as in go out with the garbage) or 'go down the toilet' is the same sentiment to me, so really we agree.

  3. Thank you both. 🙂

  4. Well I personally am *quite* upset with the results, thank you very much.  I can't blame anyone but myself, either — putting the wrong people on the bench too many times is what did me in this year. 

    • Rob, on any given day, one never knows what will happen.  When Denvertook Manning out at the end of the third quarter, that may well have cost me the championship.  It also hurt that Cincinnati  rested my tight end with no notice they were doing so.

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