Budget BS

 Posted by at 10:06 am  Politics
Dec 062012

When it comes to the current budget fiasco, Republicans have their talking points lined up in a row, all evasions and obfuscations.  So they employ projection to accuse Democrats of doing it instead.  But what happens when a Democrat can rattle off specifics profusely, and a Republican can’t or won’t?  It reveals either Republican ignorance, or more likely, something worse.


Earlier this week, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released a vague counter offer to President Obama’s plan to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, offering $800 billion in revenue by closing unspecified loopholes and deductions and $1.4 trillion in spending cuts. Republicans have refused to provide details and have pressed Democrats to detail which cuts they would accept.

On Wednesday, during an appearance on CNN’s Situation Room, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) became speechless when asked to list the spending reductions Congress should adopt, as host Wolf Blitzer pressed the Chairman of the House Republican Conference for just one example. Fellow guest Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) just threw his hands up in frustration and detailed the $1 trillion plus in cuts Democrats have already supported… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Here’s the video:

When McMorris said "Smoke and mirrors," she committed one of the most obvious examples of projection I have seen. I have no doubt that McMorris was not at all incapable of listing the spending cuts Republicans hope to achieve. Instead, she was unwilling, because Republicans’ only chance to achieve their goals is to hide them from public view.


  18 Responses to “Budget BS”

  1. It really seems the GOP through their spokespeople, really believe in the stupidity of  the people—Lets have some specifics–too much to ask ? Certainly seems to much to expect answers-

  2. Republicans have refused to provide details and have pressed Democrats to detail which cuts they would accept.

    It's just like everything else the Republican party does, no details and no plan of their own just like the Health Care Reform… 🙂

  3. Earlier this week, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) released a vague counter offer to President Obama’s plan to avert the so-called fiscal cliff, offering $800 billion in revenue by closing unspecified loopholes and deductions and $1.4 trillion in spending cuts.

    I seem to remember that Boehner made a comment about Mr Obama's plan saying that any increase in revenues had to have similar increases in spending cuts.  I took that to mean that if Mr Obama wanted $1.4 trillion in new revenues, then he was going to have to ante up with $1.4 trillion in spending cuts.  But ir seems that Boehner doesn't like his own plan, offering up only $800 billion in revenues for $1.4 trillion in spending cuts.  Math was never his strong suit I guess. 
    McMorris was such a doufus!  Becerra was on the mark with specifics while McMorris could only utter "smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors".  Either the Republicans don't have a plan and are relying on the "trust me" factor, or the plan is so lopsided that to articulate it would invite a revolution.  I favour the latter.
    Republican/Teabaggers demand detailed articulations from the Democrats, but are completely unwilling to do the same.  I hope that the Republican/Teabaggers choke on their own ideology.

  4. PS — Just love the picture.  The woman must be a Democrat having to pick up all the Republican shit!

  5. Does anyone else find it telling that Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA) is able to state actual cuts enacted and proposed by the Democrats while Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) is just repeating the RepublicanT meme?

  6. RepubliCONs hate weakness of any kind (except the mental kind, that they depend on) and pounce on any compromise. Of course they want Democrats to make the lists for them, so they can say "Hey, they mentioned REFORM of Medicare – that means we can gut it!!!" It's always the same – Compromise means death & destruction of Democratic Ideals!

  7. Great gif – and so true!  

  8. I don't care that Care2 censors do not like your picture.  I LOVE IT.  Dotti L.

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