Nov 102012

One might think that, given their disastrous fate on Tuesday, Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians would back off their continuous stream of hatred toward and encouragement of violence against LGBT people.  Sadly, if one did think that, one would be wrong.


The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) plans to expand its campaign to stoke homophobia abroad to undermine pro-equality American companies, according to audio of a conference call obtained by The American Independent. When asked during the call about Starbucks, which had spoken out against anti-gay ballot referenda, NOM President Brian Brown suggested his organization planned to intensify its campaign against Starbucks and other similar companies in countries where homophobia is pervasive:

Their international outreach is where we can have the most effect…So for example, in Qatar, in the Middle East, we’ve begun working to make sure that there’s some price to be paid for this. These are not countries that look kindly on same-sex marriage. And this is where Starbucks wants to expand, as well as India. So we have done some of this; we’ve got to do a lot more.

This strategy is incredibly irresponsible: by associating Starbucks with gay rights in homophobic countries, NOM is singling out Starbucks employees for anti-gay abuse and more generally stoking anger towards LGBT people. The broader Middle East is home to three out of the five countries in the world where homosexuality is punishable by death. Though Qatar specifically isn’t one of them, its government defends other countries’ right to execute LGBT persons and, according to the State Department, “there was an underlying pattern of discrimination towards LGBT persons based on conservative cultural and religious values prevalent in the society.”… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Please do not blame all Christians for this despicable behavior.  These bigots’ and their dogma have absolutely nothing in common with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ or authentic Christianity.


  26 Responses to “Pseudo-Christian Hate Lives On”

  1. No you can not blame all christians because i believe that hateful people just use god as away to continue hate and have the reason.  It is just sick

  2. Please do not blame all Christians for this despicable behavior.  These bigots’ and their dogma have absolutely nothing in common with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ or authentic Christianity.
    There is little that can be added– except to enlarge on your conclusion ; Their ugliness is  so un Christian as to be laughable , except for the damage they do—They are to be despised  by any one who thinks at all–
    So hateful , I want to apologize ; but all I can really say , is that the message of  the Bible is love and forgiveness not Hate-.

    • Well said Phyllis and Yvonne!  I also want to know why these Leviticus obsessed people aren't also living with slaves and putting to death people who offended against the Stone Age/Bronze Age rules laid down then.  I bet these SupplySide 'Christians' eat pork and shellfish too – an abomination according to the Old Testament!!  (Oh dear – here's a thought – perhaps the desperate desire of the Far Right to destroy equal pay, and destroy Medicare and pay people as little as humanly possible – perhaps they are trying to make us all slaves after all!).

    • Thanks Phyllis.  That's exactly right.

  3. The "Christian" Right is neither…:(   How is this NOT a Terrorist Conspiracy??? Inciting riots & (however Indirectly) causing Death & destruction in other countries While Based in the United States is the CIA's Department! I hope these jerks are "escorted" to a "closed facility" for Debriefing!!!!!

  4. It's very difficult not to associate all myth-believers with bigotry and racism, radicalism and war! I have a tendency to stay clear of most people who believe in something! That said I know that the three major myths are filled with people who aren't fanatics, and/or intrinsically evil!

  5. When I think how far the LGBT Community has come just in my lifetime, it at least provides hope against the hate-mongering of these Neanderthals.
    It makes NO sense for NOM to stand four-square against extending the benefits of marriage to gays.  After all, it's an institution that promotes compassion, stability and faithfulness.  And that is something that benefits the entire community, not just the couple involved.

  6. In the New Testament, one of the apostles asked Jesus which was the greatest commandment. His reply was a simple one. I paraphrase:
    Love the Lord thy God with your whole being and love your neighbor as yourself.
    True Christians follow His teachings. Supply-side Christians follow nothing but hatred of anyone who is different.

    • Patty, if you continue one more verse, Jesus said, "On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."  Effectively this means that the believer need not be concerned with any requirements beyond them.

  7. The broader Middle East is home to three out of the five countries in the world where homosexuality is punishable by death.

    America used to be the leader of the free world, seems we are regressing towards middle eastern values….?

  8. These people are not really Christians, they are spiteful hate mongers.

  9. I want to preface my comment with two things:1)  I am a practicing Christian, NOT a Republican supply-side pseudo Christian; and 2) I am not under any circumstances trying to convert anyone to Christianity (I do not believe in that).  For me, this an intellectual exercise.
    Etymology of the word "Christian" taken from Wikipedia — The Greek word Χριστιανός (Christianos)—meaning "follower of Christ" —comes from Χριστός (Christos)—meaning "anointed one"]—with an adjectival ending borrowed from Latin to denote adhering to, or even belonging to, as in slave ownership.  In the Greek Septuagint,  christos was used to translate the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Mašíaḥ, messiah), meaning "[one who is] anointed."
    As noted above, the term "Christian" literally means follower of Christ.  So I would expect that one who professes to be a Christian would actually follow the teachings of Christ.  And like most people, Christians don't always read the directions or they unintentionally misunderstand directions and screw up.  But they keep trying to follow Christ and his teachings.  But when one reads the directions and puts their own spin on it, intentionally twisting details and meanings, those people are supply-side pseudo Christians, not real Christians.
    Here is how Matthew (22 : 35-40) records a question put to Jesus the Christ about the greatest commandment and how he answered:

    "Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

    I find it interesting in a rather odd way, that these Republican supply-side pseudo Christians even bother to call themselves "Christians" because they certainly are not!  In the passage above, Jesus says to love God with all your heart, soul and mind.  Yet how can these pseudo Christians do that when their hearts are so filled with HATE for other ethnicities, other religious beliefs, other emotional orientations (LGBT) etc.  Is there any room left for God?  I doubt it!  And the second part, Jesus says to love your neighbour as yourself.  Based on the continued hatred of LGBT peoples around the globe, and on the targeting them for deliberate violence, these pseudo Christians must really HATE themselves.
    These people feed on and espouse HATRED, not the LOVE taught by Jesus.  As such, they should not call themselves Christians.  To be openly inciting violence against others, in this case the LGBT community, these pseudo Christians should be declared a hate group, but lots of luck getting that designation when there is so much misunderstanding about the use of the word "Christian".
    The Republican supply-side pseudo Christians are the ones that give you Michele Bachmann and her despicable outbursts against the LGBT community and Muslims; the Akins and Mourdocks and their views of women, rape, and abortion; Beck; NOM; Operation Rescue; and the many, many others that line up behind them cheering.

    • Lynn, I fully agree with everything you said.  See my reply to Patty about v40.

      • “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
        Mahatma Gandhi

        • I am a 'fan' of Mahatma Gandhi and have this and other quotes on my Care2 page.  Gandhi is the most Christ-like person I know of.

      • Totally agree.  People are often quoting the 10 Commandments back at me when I get into discussions with them.  I have said for years that if you follow Jesus 2 commandments from Matthew, there is no need for the 'other 10' because they are all contained in the 2 greatest.  And it extends beyond the '10'.  If you follow the '2', you can only see love and justice as a life option.

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