Nov 072012

Instead of live blogging the election last night, I spent several hours with the tech support department of our HSP.  There are still problems, but I’m working around them.  I’m exhausted.  I’m as current with replies as I can reasonably get right now.  I think I may take a day off tomorrow.  I’ve earned it.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:52 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: In Virginia and Texas some voters waited in line for four hours. In Pennsylvania, there were inappropriate demands for official photo IDs. Recorded calls went out to residents of Florida saying misleadingly that they had until 7 p.m. “tomorrow” to vote. And in Ohio, there seemed to be an unusually high number of provisional ballots, causing concern that they might not all get counted.

Major kudos to all the voters, who suffered from Republican attempts to deprive them of their votes, and voted anyway!

From Boston Globe: Elizabeth Ann Warren, a fierce consumer advocate who galvanized liberals across the nation, won a decisive victory over Senator Scott Brown Tuesday, avenging the Democratic Party’s bitter loss ­at the hands of Brown in 2010, an upset that jolted the national political landscape.

Warren/Grayson 2016!

From Addicting Info: Trump Calls For ‘March On Washington’ For ‘Revolution’

Sadly, those afflicted with InsaniTEA still insist on committing Teabuggery!




  22 Responses to “Open Thread–11/7/2012”

  1. Anyone seen a pool on guessing the date that Ann Romney gets an invite to join "Dancing With The Stars"?

    • Mittens is out of work, maybe he will get the invitation to DWTS. He does know how to "dance" around the truth!!! AWWWWWWWW we are not being nice, are we???  
        Does anyone else think that Trump needs a long rest at the funny farm, the man is truly off his rocker!  I hear that down at OL MISS, they are raising hell, the south just cannot handle a man of color as our President., 

      • The Donald needs a good rest at a sanatorium with rubber rooms and a coat that ties in the back. The men in the white coats are coming for you Donald.

    • I think her dancing horse will get an invite before her.

    • OMG!!!  What Patty said!!! FOMCROTFPIMPLMAO!

  2. 3:24  OK, a minute and a half better than the average.  Has my light been relit, or am I still standing in the dark?

  3. NY Times ~ Many kudos to those who stood in line for hours on end to exercise their right to vote!
    The RepublicanTs tried every dirty trick up their collective sleeves and still couldn't win.
    Boston Globe ~ Congratulations to Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren. Let's not forget Alan Grayson , the newly elected Congressman from Florida, and all the others who prevailed in the face of obstructionism in the form of billions of dollars from the Right wing nuts.
    Addicting Info ~ It seems that Trump's tweets disappeared. Did someone hack into his twitter feed possibly?

  4. Does Michelle Bachmann have to have a run off election on friday? I'm confused.

  5. Puzzle — 3:24  Lookie thar!  Da light is still lit!
    NY Times — Kudos to NJ who extended voting for first responders and displaced persons as a result of Hurricane Sandy.  Not only that, they opened up the voting channels.  And those who waited in line — I heard a report of waiting almost 7 hours but I can't remember where.  Florida?  Then there were problems with voting machines in Pennsylvania — one in particular that changed an Obama vote to a Romney vote.
    There most definitely needs to be a re-evaluation of federal voting procedures, with backup procedures in place if needed.  I wonder how the UN observers felt things went?
    Boston Globe — Amen to Elizabeth Warren, Alan Grayson, Tammy Duckworth, Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Browne!  Thank God that the election bronco threw off Allan West, Akin, Mourdock, Joe the "deadbeat dad", and others.
    Addicting Info — You have to just love the seditious nature of some of the tweets.  WHAT an IDIOT!!!
    "So, Don, … You lost because your message was divisive.  The Republican Party is rapidly turning into a fossil fuel source.  You now have a choice, evolve or die out. …"
    One more reason against fracking!!!  Leave the Republican Party 6 feet or more in the ground where they belong!
    Cartoon — I sure hope kitty has the galloping trots!!!!!

  6. I have a question — So, the electoral college has 535 votes and a candidate needs 270 to win the college.  What would happen if neither candidate got 270 — 267 and 268?  Or, let's say that there was a third or fourth option and no one got 270?  What would happen?  To me, with the growth of the Green Party and the Justice party, this is a possible scenario and means in my mind that there would have to be a revision to the whole mechanics of elections.

  7. There are 538 electoral votes, which leaves the possibility of a 269-269 tie, assuming no third party gets electoral votes.  In that case the House chooses the President with each state delegation getting one vote (a terribly antiquated system that gives Wyoming the same value as New York).  The Senate elects the VP.  Had this election been tied in electoral votes, we would likely have has Willard as President and Biden as VP.

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