Oct 312012

Yesterday, computerizing my friend’s bookkeeping went as well as could be expected under the circumstances.  I voted for Democrats.  I’m sorry to announce that the HSP’s server, on which Politics Plus runs, went down, forcing the blog offline from around 11:30 PM (PDT) until 4:30 AM, and again from around 7:30 AM until just a few minutes ago.  In addition,m several sites where I do research were down too.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:02 (average 4:52).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: A Chilling Clip That Illustrates What Happens When Latinos Don’t Vote


This is so true and not just for Latinos. Republicans are working overtime to dehumanize ALL the people they are trying to disenfranchise.

From Huffington Post: Mitt Romney refused to answer reporters’ questions about how he would handle the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), after a Tuesday "storm relief" event in Ohio for Hurricane Sandy.

Gee!  I wonder why!  Cof folks actually be glad to have FEMA at the moment!

From The New Yorker: Hitting the campaign trail one day after the arrival of Superstorm Sandy, Republican nominee Mitt Romney tweaked his position on abortion today, saying he now supports it in cases where it makes people vote for him.

“I would make an exception for abortion in cases where the life of my campaign is at stake,” he told a crowd in Kettering, Ohio.

Sandy, which slammed into the East Coast last night, was such a powerful weather system that it prevented Mr. Romney from changing his position on abortion for twenty-four hours.

Poor Little Lord Willard!  That must have been sooooooo painful!  For him, being unable to lie must have been like eating a triple-portion of twelve alarm chili and having a corked butt!




  18 Responses to “Open Thread–10/31/2012”

  1. 3:48  Will I fly off with a win?

  2. Romney would have to look up a "soup" kitchen in the dictionary—–Ryan stumbled into one—
    I took twenty minutes and three seconds on the puzzle———–no I didn't -I didn't do the puzzle—–been around too many lying pubs–lol  Thanks TC———you know Winter is coming—-get the vitamins out and get strong——-okay?

  3. So that is why I kept getting weird messages this morning while trying to log in.  Here I thought it was me!
    Puzzle — 3:25  Just call me Madame Butterfly!
    MoveOn — Fight for your right to vote!  Don't take 'No'!  Stand tall when you vote!  If you didn't/don't vote, why not?  Republican/Teabaggers are just hoping you'll go away and not vote.  For Pete's sake VOTE!!!!!
    Huffington Post —  I saw a Rachel Maddow segment that was covering Romney in Ohio at his disaster photo op and a reporter asked him 11 times about FEMA but got the same thing each time — no acknowledgement that the question was even asked, let alone another lie for an answer.  As Rachel said at the end of the segment, it would be nice to have a concrete response before going to the polls.  Enough of his "Trust me" crap.  Trust is earned and he has done nothing to earn anyone's trust!
    The New Yorker — Well if you're sorry for Romney because he didn't get to lie today, don't be.  As I understand, his campaign went out to WalMart and spent about $5,000 on goods for display at the non-political political event just in case no donations came in.  Then I saw a further report that Romney strong armed the Red Cross to accept the donations even though they weren't equipped to handle them.  That may not exactly be lying, but it sure is deceptive and contemptible.  He's all flash and NO substance.
    The Globe and Mail — I found this story today in the Globe which is a well respected newspaper here in the Great White North.  TC, you said I should vote.  Perhaps you should allow all Canadians to vote.  With 66% voting for Mr Obama, 71% of women, that would be good!   http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/us-election/two-thirds-of-canadians-would-re-elect-president-obama/article4723889/
    The Globe and Mail — Again while cruising through the Globe, came upon this article which asks a valid question about the right to vote.  There have been articles in Huff Post and others stating that this disaster should be a boon to Obama's campaign.  Personally, I find that offensive, however that is politics I guess.  But what do you think is most likely to happen come 06/11/12 as things are not likely to be back to normal.  Here's the link: ttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/us-election/explainer-could-sandy-postpone-the-us-election/article4767083/
    Cartoon — Mr Photo-Op!  What a crock of bull shit!

    • I believe it.  I knew it was the site right away, because Outlook could not connect with my email from this domain.




      See today's lead article.

      Globe and Mail is a source I have trusted for years.  What I would like into see happen is holding the polls open in areas most effected as long as needed, even if it delays the final tally.  On the plus side, Obama is a prohinitive favorite in NJ, NY and CN.

      The bull is soooo insulted!


  4. Actual Rmoney Quote in Cartoon:

    Hey, I opened one of these tin things … and there's actually FOOD inside.
    When did they start doing that?!?

  5. I don't expect the willies of the world to know what it's like to be on a fixed income that stretches the budget on 31 day months, only to have to prepare for survival during a storm that hits at the end – the senior centers and food kitchens are mostly closed – it's peanut butter sandwiches for a few more days!!
    Why wasn't poverty mentioned in the debates? Why wasn't global warming mentioned in the debates?
    If Obama had even mentioned climate change in one little sentence he'd be wiping Mitt of the map!!!! Where was he? Or was he too afraid of offending his own corporate buddies?

  6. MoveOn ~ All of the 99%, if they think, are a threat to the RepublicanT party.
    Huffington Post ~ If Rmoney is elected (I shudder at the thought) he will pick and choose which questions to answer at a press conference. That's if he even allows the Press anywhere near him.
    New Yorker ~ Rmoney  will continue to change his position as long as it gives him a chance to win over more voters. People's attention span seems to drift very quickly. They focus about as long as he does on any given issue.
    From the Detroit Free Press ~ 
    Romney moves to reframe debate on abortion, autos
    Read on http://www.freep.com/article/20121031/NEWS15/121031016/Romney-moves-reframe-debate-abortion-autos
    Cartoon  ~ Lovely shot of Mittens' fake, forced smile. Does he smell something bad? Maybe it's himself.

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