Oct 182012

The list of techniques employed by the Republican Party to suppress Democratic voters is long, disturbing, unethical, and often criminal.  However, never content to rest on their laurels, the Republican Party has added another technique to that list, voter intimidation by employers.  This is being done at the request of Willard Romney, himself.

18memo-to-employeesOver the past few weeks we’ve seen a lot of employers telling their employees they need to vote for Mitt Romney if they expect to keep their jobs. The most recent stories come via Koch Industries, ASG Software, and Westgate Resorts.

It turns out they may have been listeners on this conversation, which took place on June 7, 2012. The NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business) held a conference call with Mitt Romney and members. At the end of the call, Mitt concluded his remarks with this:

I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections. And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope β€” I hope you pass those along to your employees. Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I think that will figure into their election decision, their voting decision and of course doing that with your family and your kids as well.

He just squeaked through with that tossed off reference to agreeing with him or President Obama, but the implication was pretty clear, wasn’t it?… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Photo credit: Leftwing Nutjob (Hi Dusty!)

NFIB a front group that donates to Republican candidates, so Willard knew there would be few if any Obama supporters in his audience.   And Romney is not the only Republican Politician doing it.


Rep. Joe Walsh last weekend told business owners that if there were ever a year where they needed to "energize" their employees for the election, it’s this year.

And he told them to let their staff members know they could be out of a job if they don’t cast a vote for the Grand Old Party.

"Spread the word," Walsh boomed. "If you run — if you run, own or manage a company, tell your employees. What was the CEO this week that said, ‘If Obama is re-elected, I may have to let all of you go next year? If Obama’s reelected, if the Democrats take Congress, I may not be able to cover your health insurance next year?‘"

Walsh, who is in a intense battle for Illinois’ newly-redrawn 8th Congressional District against Democrat Tammy Duckworth, was referring to David Siegel, the founder and CEO of timeshare company Westgate Resorts. Siegel last week sent a note out to his employees telling them that four more years of an Obama Administration threatens the growth of his company and, therefore, their jobs… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NBC Chicago>

Photo credit: Addicting Info

Chris Matthews covered this story in two segments. In the first he discusses CEOs that threaten employees with Jon Nichols and Chrystia Freeland.

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Income inequality is now greater than it has been at any time in history. Jon is right. Plutocons want a climate where there are no rules for the 1%, and that’s exactly what Willard is selling! In the second, Matthews asks if voter intimidation and other Republican tactics is really even democracy.

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What else can I say. If Republicans are allowed to take power using these vile tactics, you can be sure they will expand their use in the next election, and the idea of US democratic institutions will be no more, replaced with a totalitarian corporate plutocracy of Republican one-party rule.


  19 Responses to “Vote for Romney or You’re Fired!”

  1. I have never seen such a bunch of ethics challenged asshats–  We still have  a secret ballot!!!  If they are 'allowed' to get away with this we will have only ourselves to blame– If I hear one more fool say they are not going to vote — for any friggin' reason , This ole lady may just hand  them a piece of my mind !  Don't have much left to hand out—But damm!!! 
    Sick of people who are too lazy , too uninformed, to stupid , too complacent to reaiize – or care what is at stake in this election, !
    Get off  your ass and VOTE–  But dammit-  you lose the right to bitch if you cannot motivate yourself to do more than whine—
    What else can I say. If Republicans are allowed to take power using these vile tactics, you can be sure they will expand their use in the next election, and the idea of US democratic institutions will be no more, replaced with a totalitarian corporate plutocracy of Republican one-party rule; per TC

  2. Coercion – pure and simple!
    I thought this type of behavior was illegal and was surprised to hear about it on the news. How are they getting away with it?

  3. "I owe my soul to the company store." 
    last line of "16 Tons"
    All the BS going on in this election a few bother me more than the others.
    Voting laws aimed at a nonexistent voter fraud problem. Those laws taking away the vote of 100's of thousand of legal voters. 
    Birthers and those who have an irrational stand, that Obama is not American, or worse, that a black American is an illegitimate president.
    The enormous amount of factual lies being told by Republicans spreading misleading information to Americans trying to make  serious decisions.
    As far as Romney intimidating employers to intimidate their employees to vote for him, it is offensive, and one reason I have always been uncomfortable with Democrats having that same intimidation factor over union employees.

    • Steve, when a Union advocates Obama, the Republican threat to unions is well documented.  When a boss tells employees that Obama could cost them their jobs, it's a lie.  Obama has been good for business.

  4. In the first he discusses CEOs that threaten employees with Jon Nichols and Chrystia Freeland.

    No doubt coercion, just another facilitation of voter theft..

  5. "Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business because I think that will figure into their election decision, their voting decision …”
    In Mittnocchio Land …
    Coercion is legal
    Self-deportation is an immigration policy
    Cutting taxes boosts our revenue
    Closing the EPA solves pollution and global warming
    Cutting education funding improves our children’s education
    Closing Planned Parenthood aids women's health
    Defunding Big Bird is funny.
    … Don’t know about you, but I’m NOT laughing.

    • Neither am I .  I am sick at heart at h ow many have swallowed this nonsense.

    • Nameless, you have such a gift with words!  Thank you for sharing your gift with us.  And I too am not laughing!

    • I'm not laughing either.

    • The Earth is 6,000 years old, global warming is a hoax by a global conspiracy of scientists, rape is a form of birth control, and slavery was a blessing in disguise.  It's gone beyond bubble-think into LSD territory.
      As for the "Vote Romney or you're fired" scheme, I think most workers will be more angered than intimidated — and ballots are still secret.

    • Only a fool would laugh.

  6. Thanks, Tom, for keeping us informed.  If this type of coercion succeeds this year, we will be well on our way to "tugging our forelocks" at the master as he kicks us for disobeying him.

  7. If this kind of coercion is not stopped, next there will be mandatory political education classes as were found in China and the Soviet Union.  In fact, as I understand, it is still being done in China.
    People need to remember that their vote is their right;  their vote is their decision and private; they owe nothing to 'the company store'.  Part of the problem of course is Citizens United which has emboldened CEOs to speak up for their companies, but also, the low-effort thinking people who don't think but allow themselves to be cowed.
    Such coercion tactics should be made illegal, no matter what party the employer supports.

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