Watch Boy Wonder Duck

 Posted by at 8:23 am  Politics
Oct 092012

As Willard Romney, aka the Lord of of Lies, is used to etching his sketch to fool voters, his side-kick, the boy wonder, Paul Lyin’ Ryan only knows how to show one face, the face of Ayn Rand based extremism.  He has never had to pretend to be anything else, until now.  As a result, pretending to be humane does not come easy to him, so when he’s caught off guard, he gets nasty.

9RyanRepublican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ended an interview with a reporter from Flint’s ABC News affiliate after the correspondent attempted to "stuff words" in his mouth.

Ryan, answering a series of questions about violence, guns and gun control laws, said the best thing to do is "help teach people good discipline and good character."

Local anchor Terry Camp asked Ryan if he could do all of that "by cutting taxes" which led to Ryan’s decision to end the interview…

Inserted from <Real Clear Politics>

Photo credit: The Obamacrat

Here’s the video:

His campaign later said that the time limit for the interview was up.  Where have we heard the ‘didn’t have time’ lie before.  That was such a big duck that the quacking was audible for miles around.  Given the boy wonder’s seeming inability to handle pressure, I look forward to his debate with Joe Biden.  I think we’re likely to see Lyin’ Ryan’s true colors then too.


  11 Responses to “Watch Boy Wonder Duck”

  1. Local anchor Terry Camp asked Ryan if he could do all of that "by cutting taxes" which led to Ryan’s decision to end the interview…

    Paul Ryan had never worked a day in his life, I have no respect for him at all….

  2. He is a nasty little man—-I do look forward to the debate—-
    He cannot stand up to simple questions , much less real Challenge–

  3. REP. PAUL RYAN: "This country has a crime problem."  — The biggest crime problem I see is the GOP, their voter fraud shenanigans, the election fraud, voter suppression and outright lying to the American people.
    RYAN: "…But the best thing to help prevent violent crime in the inner cities is to bring opportunity to the inner cities, is to help people get out of poverty in the inner cities, is to help teach people good discipline, good character. …"
    CAMP: "And you can do all that by cutting taxes? With a big tax cut?"
    I can't disagree with Ryan when he says "…help prevent violent crime in the inner cities is to bring opportunity to the inner cities, is to help people get out of poverty in the inner cities…" — that is PART of the formula.  But when Camp asks about cutting taxes, which in my opinion is a very fair question, Ryan ends the interview.  Is this part of his tactic to not lie — don't speak?  And while Ryan's handler said that Ryan had run out of time for the interview, I say bear scat!  Ryan was certainly in no hurry to exit the room.
    Further I take offence to Ryan casting people in the inner city in the light of poor character and no discipline.  Poverty is not analogous to poor character.  If we want to talk about poor character, we should be talking about Romney, Ryan and the Republican/Teabagger politicians.

    • That was exactly his point.  In truth, the only opportunity Willard and Boy Wonder will bring to the  inner cities is the RepubliCare  death benefit.

      That's racism.

  4. I hope Grandpa Joe mops the floor with little Eddie Haskell.

  5. So I guess he thinks cutting funding for education is the best way to "teach" people strong values.
    Hmmm… I never even thought of that solution to the crime in our cities.
    Is Little Whiny Eddie Munster a genius or what???

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