Oct 032012

Before I get the blog up today, I’ll probably have to leave for an appointment, so it will be later than usual.  I hope tonight’s debate proves interesting.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:05 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: HILARIOUS! Homer Simpson Has A Warning For All Of Us This Election Season


If Lord Willard has his way, most of us will be outsourced too.

From Daily Kos: Ryan Grim reports the vice presidential candidate made his remarks November 2011 at the annual The American Spectator’s 2011 Robert L. Bartley Gala Dinner, six months before Romney made his 47 percent remarks:

"Seventy percent of Americans want the American dream. They believe in the American idea. Only 30 percent want their welfare state," Ryan said. "Before too long, we could become a society where the net majority of Americans are takers, not makers." […]

"Today, 70 percent of Americans get more benefits from the federal government in dollar value than they pay back in taxes," Ryan said. "So you could argue that we’re already past that [moral] tipping point. The good news is survey after survey, poll after poll, still shows that we are a center-right 70-30 country. Seventy percent of Americans want the American dream. They believe in the American idea. Only 30 percent want their welfare state. What that tells us is at least half of those people who are currently in that category are there not of their wish or their will."

What Lord Willard said about 47% of Americans was not just an inarticulate gaffe. It’s an accurate reflection of Republican dogma.

From Alternet: There must be something liberating about being able to conjure up your own reality whenever the objective facts don’t suit you. But it’s not healthy for our democracy. 

Perhaps one shouldn’t be surprised by a poll released today that finds more than 7 in 10 GOP voters believing that the polls are being intentionally "skewed" to favor Obama — after all, a third of conservative Republicans believe that the president’s a Muslim.

We never know what facts Republicans will argue, because they make up their own as needed.




  17 Responses to “Open Thread–10/3/2012”

  1. 2:48 As easy as water under a bridge.

  2. The Simpson bit on the election is great! They have high-lighted it on many news programs lately.
    I sincerely hope Jim Lehrer asks Willard about his stupid statement. That was no gaffe. That is his philosophy.
    Mitten's habit of conjuring a new reality every time he turns around is a sign of mental illness. Funny that his wife expressed some concern about his mental well-being.
    My RepublicanT neighbor firmly believes he's a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. She's a very nice person other than that.
    22 years ago was a very good day in Germany.

    • After watching last night's debate, I'm disappointed in Lehrer. He did not have control of anything last night. Poor choice for a moderator. I think the President might have been experiencing some altitude sickness. He should have gone to the Mile High City a day earlier, at least.

    • Agreed!


      He'll buy some.

      See today's #2.


  3. Well, which is it, Mittens and Eddie Haskell?  Is it 47% or 30%?  Get the lie on straight, guys.

  4. Puzzle — 3:47!   The two girls have whooped you both!  😈
    MoveOn —   I'm not a Simpsons fan, never have been.  But this could turn the tide for me!  Outsourced indeed!  Even after voting for the slug!  I vote for outsourcing Republican/Teabaggers!
    Daily Kos — Rachel Maddow also covered this in one of her segments.  What a pair of doufuses!!!  I agree with Patty, I hope that Lehrer hits hard on this point, and I hope that Ryan gets hit on his remark at the VPdebate. 
    Alternet — I saw this on Care2 posted by the usual trolls. 🙄  The only skewing being done is by Rmoney, and it isn't skewing, it's screwing!
    I also saw another old chestnut that 55% of doctors oppose Obamacare.  That one was debugged a while ago but they keep bringing it up.
    Cartoon — The wall that  was built by fear and mistrust, the wall that should never have been built, finally came down.  #0 years and yet in some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday.

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