Sep 302012

It’s a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, and I will be meditating. ;-)  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:06 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: What If Everyone Saw This Facebook Status?


What if we put the party responsible for all out of business?

From Washington Post: Voters in three critical swing states broadly oppose the far-reaching changes to Medicare ­associated with the Republican presidential ticket and, by big margins, prefer President Obama to handle the issue, according to new state polls by The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

For seniors in Florida, Ohio and Virginia, Medicare rivals the economy as a top voting issue. And by majorities topping 70 percent, seniors say they prefer to keep Medicare as a program with guaranteed benefits, rather than moving to a system in which the government gives recipients fixed payments to buy coverage from private insurers or traditional Medicare, as Romney advocates.

As always the interests of the Republican Party and the interests of the vast majority of Americans are polar opposites.

From Florida Times-Union: In audio picked up by an answering machine, a volunteer for the Republican Party of Clay County can be heard calling President Barack Obama “a Muslim” and saying he wants to “get rid of your Medicare” while reaching out to voters in support of Mitt Romney’s campaign.

The call was made as part of a statewide phone bank for Romney’s campaign being conducted by the Clay County GOP. The volunteer, who was not identified, did not hang up before moving onto her next call.

Her pitch to the next person was picked up on the first person’s answering machine.

Too much! Here’s a link to the audio. Note how the woman recommended the Republican Ministry of Propaganda for confirmation of her lies.



I may be peeing into the wind, but I’m still calling for trials for war criminals Bush and Cheney.


  18 Responses to “Open Thread–9/30/2012”

  1. Hey TC, do you remember that video about the Canada Party you had on one of your threads quite some time back?  Well there is a book out called 'America, But Better" by Chris Cannon and Brian Calvert available at which I picked at Costco.  Thought you might be interested in this little departure from serious politicking!  One thing I noticed, Chris Cannon is a retired US Marine Sergeant who is living in Vancouver and currently teaching at the University of BC.  Calvert is a Canadian and now living in Vancouver.
    The original video:
    The candidates:
    The promises (resembles the book):
    Endorsement by HM Queen Elizabeth II (Hmmm…):
    Yes, there are 4 links, but well worth the time to watch.  Enjoy everybody!

  2. What if we put the party responsible for all out of business?

    Banker Bonus's and not one Wall Street in jail….?

  3. Puzzle — 4:07 Nippin' at your tail TC!
    MoveOn — I am so glad they don't remember either.   I was beginning to think I had 'craft', an early dementia (can't remember an f**king thing!).
    Washington Post — It doesn't surprise me that seniors are voting for Obamacare.  It isn't perfect, but the Romney alternative will bankrupt seniors at a time when they don't have the capacity to recoup.  Further, at a time when medical needs are generally higher, Romney's voucher system would ensure that many seniors don't get the care they need, and it would put added stress on them.
    Florida Times-Union — What a sorry excuse for GOP worker!  What a sorry excuse for an American!  I am assuming that the answering machine message was captured by a Democrat, or at least someone that does not appreciate lies since he turned it over to a progressive leaning radio station.  And for the Clay County GOP to try to say that airing the comment was illegal because the worker was not aware of the recording, I have two things to say: 1) as the station noted, that is what answering machines are for, recording messages; 2) it was the fault of the worker for not operating her telephone properly.  One MORE nail in Rmoney's coffin!
    Cartoon — I'm with you TC — Bush and Cheney to stand trial in The Hague for war crimes.
    Hell no!!!!!  Romney/Ryan MUST go!!!!!
    Get out the vote!!!!!     Four more years!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!


  5. I would like nothing better than to put the RepublicanTs out of business for sending us on the road to ruin. If we can get the rest of the country to agree with us, we're in business.
    We old folks don't like people messing with our Social Security and Medicare. They are NOT entitlements! We paid into them all our working lives and continue to pay for Medicare. It's not cheap either.
    Oh yeah! I always go to FAUX NOISE to check whether a story is true or FAUX.
    GW, Cheney, Rummy, et al should be prosecuted at the Hague for crimes against humanity.

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