Sep 252012

Yesterday my COPD was severe, and I got little sleep last night.  I had hoped to put up another article or two, but I need to try to sleep this morning, before I leave, so I’m not wiped out at my CoDA meeting with prisoners.  I’m still not current with replies.  Tomorrow I’ll probably be wiped out, but I hope I can catch up on replies then.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:56 (average 4:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the news about our Fantasy Football League, Lefty Blog Friends.


TomCat Teabag Trashers

hugos renegades



Playing without a helmet




Progressive Underdogs

Texans Will Rise Again





Team Name







1 (1)

hugos renegades







2 (2)

TomCat Teabag Trashers







3 (3)

Playing without a helmet







4 (4)








5 (5)

Texans Will Rise Again







6 (6)

Progressive Underdogs







What can I say?  Tony Romo had 5 fantasy points. 🙁

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: How Would You Feel If This Was Your Husband And Mitt Romney Called Him A ‘Freeloader?’


Lord Willard called him a freeloader, because that is what he and most of the rest of the 1% think of all people, who are not rich.

From NY Times: Thirty years ago, when Forbes published its first Forbes 400, a net worth of $75 million would get you on the list. Today it takes $1.1 billion. In the last year alone, the cumulative net worth of the wealthiest 400 people, by Forbes’s calculation, rose by $200 billion. That compares with a 4 percent drop in median household income last year, according to the Census Bureau. One would be hard pressed to find a clearer example of how powerfully income inequality has taken root…

…The fundamental reason the Romneys pay so little in taxes is that the bulk of their income comes from investments and thus is taxed at the capital gains rate of 15 percent. Although Romney himself isn’t close to being rich enough to join the Forbes 400, his reliance on capital gains is a trait he shares with most of the ultrawealthy. It is the thread that ties together the Forbes 400.

Perhaps, if the Republican Party had not rigged the system to favor them, the super-rich might make money by creating jobs!

From Global Post: At a Beverly Hills fundraiser on Saturday, Romney commented on his wife Ann’s recent scare in the air. Her plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Colorado on Friday after the airplane’s cabin filled with smoke on its way to Los Angeles. About the in-flight mishap Romney said:

“I appreciate the fact that she is on the ground, safe and sound. And I don’t think she knows just how worried some of us were. When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem. [emphasis added]

Lord Willard is rich enough to build his own jet that has windows that open.  He’d find out how Seamus felt in short order.  I’ve got dibs on the video!! 😉




  16 Responses to “Open Thread–9/25/2012”

  1. 4:19  Looks like a daisy, called a scrubwood, but today it is just a weed.

  2. I'd say someone making over one million dollars per MONTH (!) and paying less than 15% tax on it is the real freeloader.

  3. Puzzle — 3:44  He loves me; he loves me not; he loves me; he loves me not; … he loves me!  Must be my cat Primo since he is sitting here beside me!
    MoveOn — So true, so true!  And if this man had no family, how would he survive in Willard's world?  This man made many contributions to his country, his community and his family.  Now a disease has cut some of that contribution short in a very cruel way.  But he still contributes by giving and receiving love.  He is not a victim!  He is not a mooch!  He is a man! (unlike Willard!)
    New York Times — I heard on the news Sunday that someone at Bain Capital said had Rmoney not taken on the 2002 Olympics and not become a governor, but rather remained at Bain Capital, he would now be worth in excess of a billion dollars, closer to $2 billion!  That might have put him on the Forbes 400 which would have validated for him, his wealth is his power quest.  He is such a dunderhead!
    Global Post — And how high was her plane flying?  Over 10,000 feet?  What a dolt!  Over 10,000 feet, open a window to clear the smoke from a fire that threatens to down the plane and you'll likely go down, or at least kill a few people from a lack of oxygen.  Jeepers, even when he is trying to show compassion and concern, he prooves himself an idiot.
    Cartoon — I can't remember who said it, but comparing driving a vehicle to voting in the 2012 presidential election is so appropriate — voting Republican is like putting the car in REVERSE, while voting Democratic is like putting the car in DRIVE (forward)!
    Get out the vote!!!!!
    Vote Democratic 2012!!!!!     Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

  4. MoveOn ~ I have watched several supporter- submitted videos on their web site and found them to be in very good taste and they really get the point across. We are NOT free-loaders. The uber-wealthy are the leeches on our society. They take constantly and never give anything back.
    I wonder if Rmoney thinks that those on the Forbes 400 look down their snobby little noses at POOR Mittens and his family for being beneath them.
    I agree with Lynn that he should have his own plane built with windows that open. They could fly with the wind in their faces all the time and not worry about fires.
    Move Forward ~ Vote Democrat in November 2012!
    Four more years! Obama/Biden in 2012!

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