Sep 202012

Yesterday the heat wave ended unexpectedly.  I did not mind.  Today I have some errands to run, but I should be able to het my blogging done first.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow appears routine.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:19 (average 4:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: If You Wondered Why The GOP Hates Barack Obama So Much, Here’s Your Answer


Poor Lindsey-poo. At his angriest, he’s still just a pitiful little racist.

From NY Times: The drastic melting of Arctic sea ice has finally ended for the year, scientists announced Wednesday, but not before demolishing the previous record — and setting off new warnings about the rapid pace of change in the region.

The apparent low point for 2012 was reached Sunday, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, which said that sea ice that day covered about 1.32 million square miles, or 24 percent, of the surface of the Arctic Ocean. The previous low, set in 2007, was 29 percent.

It doesn’t get much more disturbing than this.

From Gossip On This: Did Mitt Romney Put on Fake Tanner to Make Himself Browner to Appeal to Latino Voters?

Given how fast he got that dark, I see no other way.  How pathetic!  What’s next for Willard. shoe polish at the NAACP?




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–9/20/2012”

  1. I am so sick of these racist bastards.  If we can dream, maybe one day they can be sent to an island of their own so we won't have to look or listen  to their crap. Any more, Republican stands for Racist.

  2. 3:21  I must have a couple of extra flowers in by wheel barrow.

  3. Puzzle — 3:38 The sand in my shoes really slowed me down!
    MoveOn — So that's why the GOP are so anti abortion.  They are trying to up the count on "angry white guys"!  What a bunch of racist claptrap!  I sure hope they don't stay in business much longer.  The country lives in the modern world and can't accommodate their intolerance any longer — intolerance of
    – women — there are so many ways it would take too long to list;
    – the poor — dismantling food stamps, medicaid/medicare
    – anyone of other than the white race — big fences, voter suppression, mismanaged education
    – any religion other than fanatical evangelical Christianity which is anything but authentic Christianity — they'd form a theocracy
    – science, especially when it goes against what they want to promote
    Need I go on?  This cannot be allowed to happen!
    New York Times —

    James E Hansen a prominent NASA climate scientist, said the Arctic melting should serve as a warning to the public of the risks that society is running by failing to limit emissions.
    “The scientific community realizes that we have a planetary emergency,” Dr. Hansen said. “It’s hard for the public to recognize this because they stick their head out the window and don’t see that much going on.”

    Well it is past time to sit up and take notice.  A 'call to arms' so to speak is needed.
    Gossip On This — Don't know if this is true or not as pictures can be touched up, but I did get a kick out of the end of the piece.
    "Latino is a culture, not a race, so he’s not winning any brownie points for looking like a cooked gringo."
    Cartoon — Yup!  As long as they are capable of being cannon fodder, "Support the troops".  After that, who cares?  Certainly not Republican/Teabagger politicians!


    • Not bad.

      You'd think that would make them pro abortions, because minority women get more, proportionally, because of poverty.

      Amen to that!



  4. I would not be surprised if he resorted to a fake tan to appeal to Latino voters.  This guy will do anything to get elected.

  5. Lindsey Graham is another one who should have his jaw wired shut.
    Can "Failin' Palin" see the ice melt from her front porch?
    Willard "The Rat" Rmoney got that tan picking lettuce in the fields of California alongside his Mexican "brothers".
    It really irks me that they care so little about our country and its' Vets that they voted yet another jobs bill down. I've been saying since this recession started we need to re-start the CCC and WPA to get back on track. But the Greedy Old Pharts voted another measure that would have been beneficial to the economy down JUST to see if they could make Obama fail as President. Sickening!!!

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